Time and fixation has crystalized your mind to the extent that you have become incapable of recognizing the blatant inconsistency within the story. The god set limits to what Satan could do to Job, yet did allow Satan to kill Job's servants. You need to think
about that instead of thinking
around it.
According to the story, the god bragged about Job, and then promptly had its buttons pushed by Satan, and the god allowed Satan to torment Job and kill his servants as a result. This puts the god in a bad light. You need to stop and examine yourself to determine at what point in your life you came to see a holy being where there is clearly only an out-of-control egomaniac bent of glorifying itself and demanding that you do so, too.
You would have to read the Bible with a clear and open mind to understand what it means that Satan has been having his way every day; specifically what it means about the god. Then you would realize that Satan's domination has no expiration date because the god is obviously incapable of stopping the corruption that resulted from its very own creation, and from its very own hand. Either that, or the god you love and worship surely loves corruption. Those are your only two choices, unless you want to continue hanging on to your belief that one day the god will show its face.
The god's promise to restore those who've been tortured by Satan is shown to be an empty promise. The torture has occurred and has had its effect. You believe that torture can be undone. But when it happened--and happens--it is done. What have you come to believe about that?