Four ways Trump is trying to be king.

Reply Thu 23 May, 2019 09:13 pm
BillRM wrote:
Given that a fool like Trump now have the football with the launch codes that not a happy thought or a sound sleep inducting one either.

I sleep just fine knowing that Trump will protect me.
Reply Thu 23 May, 2019 09:55 pm
oralloy wrote:

BillRM wrote:
Given that a fool like Trump now have the football with the launch codes that not a happy thought or a sound sleep inducting one either.

I sleep just fine knowing that Trump will protect me.

A low IQ conman and racist and religion bigot who loss over a billion dollars of his father money is your protector? Who business dealings destroy Atlantic city for that matter.

Should be amusing to see his finance statements and tax returns he been hiding.

Not that it matter as this nation is not worth saving as a nation with or without Trump an the blue states should break away from the backward and parasitism red states.

Hell the red states should be free to bring back slavery for both their black citizens and their women.
Reply Thu 23 May, 2019 09:57 pm
Should be amusing to see his finance statements and tax returns he been hiding.

Amusing the IRS never caught him. Especially Obama's IRS.
Reply Thu 23 May, 2019 11:10 pm
Since the IRS (according to Trump) audits him and his holdings non-stop, it becomes clear that something is not quite right. Only a matter of time before they find the string and give it a pull, unraveling the entire charade which he's been acting out all these decades. At which time, the Feds will be singing: "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!" And the giant baby will go down.
Reply Thu 23 May, 2019 11:46 pm
Only a matter of time before they find the string and give it a pull,

And that is what you do when you lose a legitimate election? You should be ashamed. It is un-Ameican and elitist. You are destroying the Republic and are a traitor. You'll figure it out.
Reply Thu 23 May, 2019 11:52 pm
you are destroying the Republic and are a traitor.

I'm merely indicating my thoughts and beliefs. This is in no way treasonous, nor does it make me a traitor. Just an American citizen exercising my right to free speech.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 03:40 am
guys like pinky and oral see "democracy" only in their terms. Oral wants Democrats killed and Pinky defines treason s anything that disagrees with his authoratarian political worldview.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 05:22 am
farmerman wrote:
Oral wants Democrats killed

That's news to me. What in the world are you talking about?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 05:24 am
BillRM wrote:
A low IQ conman and racist and religion bigot who loss over a billion dollars of his father money is your protector?

Your dislike for Trump does not change the fact that he controls nuclear missiles that are poised to destroy our enemies.

And he protects us in other ways too. He prevents the left from violating our Second Amendment rights.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 07:45 am
Sturgis wrote:

you are destroying the Republic and are a traitor.

I'm merely indicating my thoughts and beliefs. This is in no way treasonous, nor does it make me a traitor. Just an American citizen exercising my right to free speech.

You can not be too hard on the man as our so call president himself does not seem to had read the constitution he had swore to defend and therefore does not know the meanings and the conditions needed to charge someone with treason.

Throwing the charge around to the point the word no longer have must meaning.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 07:51 am
oralloy wrote:

BillRM wrote:
A low IQ conman and racist and religion bigot who loss over a billion dollars of his father money is your protector?

Your dislike for Trump does not change the fact that he controls nuclear missiles that are poised to destroy our enemies.

And he protects us in other ways too. He prevents the left from violating our Second Amendment rights.

LOL Trump also have the power to also bring nuclear ruin to our own nation as no one win a nuclear war and I am happy for you that the second amendment is protecting the rights of teenagers to have legal access to weapons that is resulting in one mass murder after another in our schools.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 08:02 am
How exactly is "allowing pistol grips on rifles" resulting in any murders at all?

As for nuclear war, better dead than red.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 08:23 am
oralloy wrote:

How exactly is "allowing pistol grips on rifles" resulting in any murders at all?

As for nuclear war, better dead than red.

Pistol grips? how about allowing teenagers to legally buy firearms when they can not buy a can of beer an of course allowing very large magazines that have no use for target shooting or hunting or self defense but is only ideal to do mass murders?

Better dead then red is something I had not hear since the 1950s so Trump is indeed bringing back the old days.

Love it that the right wing including the NRA is now for embracing Putin a former KGB agent.

Now did I miss the news of China troops ships approaching our shores as it can not be the Russians as they are now our friends and allies according to Trump at least.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 09:22 am
BillRM wrote:
Pistol grips?

That's all that the gun control movement cares about, and that is what the NRA is preventing them from banning.

BillRM wrote:
how about allowing teenagers to legally buy firearms when they can not buy a can of beer

Well, it's not really what the gun control fight is about, but we can address the issue if you want.

It seems fair to me to tie "the age when people can buy a gun" to "the age when they are allowed to vote" and "the age when they can join (or be drafted into) the military".

So if we raise "the voting age" and "the age of military eligibility" to the same as "the age when people can buy alcohol" then I would have no problem with also raising "the age when people can buy a gun" to the same level.

BillRM wrote:
an of course allowing very large magazines that have no use for target shooting or hunting or self defense but is only ideal to do mass murders?

This is another thing that the gun control fight is not about. If magazine capacity was the issue, they would be trying to pass stand-alone magazine limits without any nonsense about pistol grips. But I'm happy to discuss magazine limits if you like.

Your comment that large magazines have no use in self defense is flat out wrong. Running out of ammo is a very bad thing when you are fighting to save your life.

Your comment that they have no use in hunting is likewise wrong. Varmint hunters use them all the time.

Further, a lot of mass murders have not involved the use of large magazines. The Parkland shooter used ten round magazines. The Sandy Hook shooter kept discarding magazines after about ten rounds, so would actually have been more deadly if he had apportioned his ammo among ten round magazines.

That said, if a limit on magazine sizes was not so draconian that it made self defense impossible, the courts would probably allow it. I think that restricting detachable rifle magazines to five rounds and all other weapons to ten rounds would pass muster with the courts. Anything more severe than that will probably not be constitutional.

It is unlikely that voters in rural areas will allow it though. Rural shooters like their large magazines and will not willingly give them up. Instead of a hard ban, it would probably be a lot more politically feasible to add large capacity magazines to the 1934 National Firearms Act. That would make them less common overall and would allow urban areas to ban them, but would still allow people to have them in rural areas if they really want them.

BillRM wrote:
Better dead then red is something I had not hear since the 1950s so Trump is indeed bringing back the old days.

It was the Democrats who brought back the Cold War when they expanded NATO east of Germany and then brutally attacked Serbia. Although I admit that W was foolish enough to continue the Democrats' aggression against Russia.

The world would be much better off today if George H. W. Bush had been able to serve two terms and guide the world towards peace with Russia.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 03:15 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 03:48 pm
That's all that the gun control movement cares about, and that is what the NRA is preventing them from banning.
still trying to sound convincing eh? You know what they call folks who keep saying the same thing but always expecting different outcomes
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 03:56 pm
farmerman wrote:
still trying to sound convincing eh?

You cannot point out any occurrence of me ever having done this.

farmerman wrote:
You know what they call folks who keep saying the same thing but always expecting different outcomes

The only outcome that I expect to come from "me posting truth and facts" is "truth and facts appearing in the thread".
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 04:13 pm
your grandiloquent wet dream mantra about grips is mere proof that youre a bit "teched in the haid".
Most civilized states allow 5 rounds in a clip of a hunting rifle and a max of 7 in a "speed loader" 10 rounds is high capacity. The only reason that one of the shooters used a 10 round clip was he couldnt get a banana clip.
The Las Vegas "Bump stocker" wasnt so limited .
Your just a pecksniffern self abuser.

Our wacko president is your ideal , not mine, I think hes stupid and nutz at the same time. Youre easily impressed obviously, the many of us are NOT.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 04:31 pm
farmerman wrote:
your grandiloquent wet dream mantra about grips is mere proof that youre a bit "teched in the haid".

The American people are not going to let you violate our civil liberties. Go find some other way to have fun.

farmerman wrote:
The only reason that one of the shooters used a 10 round clip was he couldnt get a banana clip.

Wrong again. He could have used high-capacity magazines had he wanted to. He chose to use ten-round magazines.

But even if the reason why he used ten-round magazines had really been because he had no access to larger magazines, that would not change the point that he did not need larger magazines to perpetrate his massacre.

farmerman wrote:
Your just a pecksniffern self abuser.

Not being allowed to violate our civil liberties sure does frustrate you.

Try taking up a hobby that doesn't involve violating people's civil liberties for fun. You'll feel better.

farmerman wrote:
Our wacko president is your ideal, not mine,

I do like presidents that protect my civil liberties.

farmerman wrote:
Youre easily impressed obviously,

I just like people who protect my civil liberties.
Reply Fri 24 May, 2019 06:40 pm
Said the guy who has an orgasm every time he reads about a mass shooting.

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