Four ways Trump is trying to be king.

Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 08:55 pm
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:
From how I read the article, the constitutional lawsuit is about (access).

I don't see how denying a reporter access to White House briefings in any way violates Freedom of the Press.
Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:09 pm
Based on the constitutional lawsuit in the article, Fox News, CNN, CBS, AP, Gannett, New York Times, USA Today, Politico, Bloomberg, Washington Post and others would (disagree) with you.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:24 pm
@Real Music,
That's OK. It's not the first time that someone has disagreed with me.
Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:36 pm
Me too.

That's probably true for all of us.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jul, 2019 01:16 am
You started with the name calling. You called me a Liberal.
Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2019 08:50 pm
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:

...4. Will you continue to blatantly ignore the clear indisputable evidence that Trump has interfere with the freedom of the press?...

Identify for me one person on Earth who president Trump prevented from writing whatever he or she wanted to write.

I await your utterly non-responsive answer.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2019 08:52 pm
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:

The following are your exact words Brandon9000.
The following is the question you asked farmerman.
I clearly have answered your specific question Brandon9000
If you Brandon9000, continue to ignore that this specific question has been answered, I will continue to remind you.

Brandon9000 wrote to: farmerman

Well, I've asked you twice now and you didn't answer. You claimed that president Trump is a fascist. When I asked for an example of his fascism, you claimed that he has interfered with freedom of the (press). For the third time, back up that assertion.

Real Music writing to: Brandon9000

Here is an example of Trump interfering with the freedom of the (press).


Freedom of the press doesn't mean that someone has to give you an interview. It means that they cannot prevent you from writing whatever you feel like writing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2019 08:54 pm
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:
Based on the constitutional lawsuit in the article, Fox News, CNN, CBS, AP, Gannett, New York Times, USA Today, Politico, Bloomberg, Washington Post and others would (disagree) with you.

The substance of your argument is that if you refuse to let someone interview you, you're suppressing his freedom of the press and that's false.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2019 08:56 pm
izzythepush wrote:
You started with the name calling. You called me a Liberal.

Wrong again. I may have honestly misidentified you, but I was not attempting to call you names as a substitute for an argument. You like to play with words and don't care if your argument is actually correct.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2019 01:09 am
You called me a liberal, that's an insult.

How dare you tell me I'm wrong, I know when I've been insulted and you can't get more insulting that that.

And don't pretend you don't know either, try being honest for a change.
Real Music
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2019 10:45 am
John Oliver discusses the growing number of authoritarian leaders around the world, their common
characteristics, and whether or not one of them is currently our president.

Published November 18, 2018
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2019 10:56 am
Trump's First Cabinet Meeting Turns Into An
'Amazing' Butt-Kissing Session.

President Donald Trump held his first cabinet meeting and
butt-kissing on display was amazing.

Published June 13, 2017
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Jul, 2019 07:21 pm
izzythepush wrote:

You called me a liberal, that's an insult.

How dare you tell me I'm wrong, I know when I've been insulted and you can't get more insulting that that.

And don't pretend you don't know either, try being honest for a change.

Clearly, you understand it wasn't intended as an insult and simply don't care. You apparently think that if you lay down some harassment, you win, regardless of whether you are actually right. That's dishonorable.

Since you are trying to win a debate by pretending to misunderstand and using semantic tricks, which is pretty much what you've done since the start of this argument, I am done with you. In fact, you are about one step away from being one of the three or four people I have ever blocked on this site.
Reply Tue 30 Jul, 2019 01:11 am
Either it was intended as an insult or you're too lazy to appraise yourself of the facts.

The liberals went into coalition with the conservatives, you can't trust them. I have never voted liberal and never will.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Thu 22 Aug, 2019 10:07 am
Trump tweets quote calling him the "second coming of God"
to Jews in Israel.

Published August 21, 2019

Less than a day after President Donald Trump outraged many members of the Jewish community for his comments about their loyalty, he tweeted out the claim that Israeli Jews view him as the "second coming of God."

In a series of tweets Wednesday morning, Mr. Trump quoted conservative radio host and known conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root, who practically declared the president the Messiah during his show Tuesday night.

Quoting Root's tweet, Mr. Trump shared the message that he is "the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world," that "the Jewish people in Israel love him like he's the King of Israel" and even that "They love him like he is the second coming of God."

Mr. Trump said "Wow!" and thanked Root for the "very nice words."

Root is a self-described "Jew turned evangelical Christian" and the author of a 2015 book titled "Angry White Male: How the Donald Trump Phenomenon Is Changing America," which had a forward by now-indicted Trump associate Roger Stone.

Root is also known for promoting bogus right-wing conspiracy theories. He attended Columbia University while Barack Obama was also studying there, then later falsely claimed that Mr. Obama did not actually attend the school. More recently, he falsely said on Twitter that the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, which killed 58 people, was an act of Muslim terrorism. The gunman was not Muslim and investigators were unable to determine a motive.

The latest tweets come a day after President Trump criticized "any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat," saying it "shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty." Leaders in the Jewish community raised concerns that the president was promoting anti-Semitic stereotypes by casting Jews as disloyal. Such accusations have a long and disturbing history of being used against Jews, said Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League.

Polling shows that a majority of Jewish Americans identify as Democrats and did not vote for Mr. Trump in 2016.

Reply Thu 22 Aug, 2019 10:21 am
At least he didn't hit you at the knees by calling you a republican.
Reply Thu 22 Aug, 2019 10:41 am
I used to be a republican, I believed we should get rid of the royal family. My opinion has changed slightly in that I can't see that giving one individual too much presidential power can be a good thing, so now I'm a reluctant Royalist. I don't support the Royal family, I just think that any replacement, (either a president with executive powers, or one as a figurehead,) would be worse.

I've never been a Liberal, the Liberals went into coalition with the Conservatives and ripped up all their election promises.

So yes, calling me a Liberal is a real insult, and Brandon knew that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Aug, 2019 11:29 am
@Real Music,
"the Jewish people in Israel love him like he's the King of Israel" 

Send him off to his new kingdom, then... :-)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Aug, 2019 12:05 pm
@Real Music,
This is what I find the most chilling. Not so much for me and RP, as we're fairly young and I don't think I've ever seen a MAGA hat around here. I'm more concerned for physically compromised folks like my elderly parents, and Jewish friends who live in red states, where they are nearly always a tiny minority to begin with.

What's to stop someone from deciding they're "disloyal" when they go to synagogue or a polling place?

This sort of rhetoric shoves us further into the realm of otherness. Where we aren't just the misunderstood neighbor who doesn't partake of the pork loin when invited over or isn't there to socialize at church or doesn't put up Christmas lights. It's where we're seen as disloyal, with a Prime Minister on the other side of the globe (per a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition in April of this year). From there, it's just a short hop over to being enemies of the people.

Given that incidences of antisemitism had already been on the rise before this week, and the shooting up of a synagogue, I don't think I'm overstating this.

But if me and mine are attacked, good luck going after my cousin Dan -- who wears a yarmulke every day and is also packing because he's ex-Secret Service and now works for the Treasury Department. Good luck telling him to go back where he came from, which is Brooklyn, for the record.
Reply Thu 22 Aug, 2019 12:36 pm
The problem is 30% of the u s population equate being famous as the same as being intelligent. Which is why the stupid ass is constantly shooting his mouth off. The media eats it up. Makes them tons of money even as it funks the public.
0 Replies

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