Four ways Trump is trying to be king.

Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 11:06 am
It's a real problem. If rich people were affected by malaria it would have been cured decades ago.

Market forces in medicine means only the diseases that affect rich people are researched.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 11:23 am
Have you noticed the deafening silence issuing from Baldy? He does this all the time, shoots off his mouth based on his own prejudices instead of finding out the facts first.

He just assumed that the NHS doesn't do medical research because that's what he's been told to believe, and because he's not got an inquiring mind he's not interested in the facts.

He once accused me of altering his posts either by influencing the mofs or by hacking in myself. The story keeps changing, but it should give you some idea of his paranoid delusions.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:00 pm
What was the last great medical advance made in the US?

We actually lead the world in medical advancement... by leaps and bounds.
No one spends the money that we do, and it shows.

We make breakthroughs all the time, like penicillin.

It's almost been 100 years since this discovery...

The problem with discussing anything with you is that you just don't understand what's going on. Your Fox News tells you what to think and dutifully you obey.

I understand perfectly what's going on, I don't live in a socialist bubble wanting everything for free.

Having the private sector dictate medical research means you get a health service that caters for just the very rich.

Prove it. What medical advancements have been created that are only offered to the rich? You won't provide anything because you can't. You'll insult me some more and then tell me I don't know anything.

Take antibiotics, there is a crisis in resistant bacteria right now but there's no financial imperative because any new antibiotic would have to be kept in reserve only to be used in an emergency.

Once again prove that no one is working on "super bugs". You talk so much trash with no proof of your claims. Go ahead, insult me some more.

Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:08 pm
He once accused me of altering his posts either by influencing the mofs or by hacking in myself. The story keeps changing, but it should give you some idea of his paranoid delusions.

More lies told by Izzy. I accused you of deleting your own posts, I also accused you of being a mod on this board.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:20 pm
Like I said, the story keeps changing.

Your version still makes you look quite paranoid.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:28 pm
I notice you didn't respond to the link about 5 recent British advancements and still shout your mouth off from a position of ignorance.

The World Health Organisation says antibiotic research is underfunded.

A report, Antibacterial agents in clinical development – an analysis of the antibacterial clinical development pipeline, including tuberculosis, launched today by WHO shows a serious lack of new antibiotics under development to combat the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance.

Most of the drugs currently in the clinical pipeline are modifications of existing classes of antibiotics and are only short-term solutions. The report found very few potential treatment options for those antibiotic-resistant infections identified by WHO as posing the greatest threat to health, including drug-resistant tuberculosis which kills around 250 000 people each year.


I know you won't pay much attention to the WHO because they don't work for Fox News but there you go.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:39 pm
Like I said, the story keeps changing.

Your version still makes you look quite paranoid.

My story has been the same, it's yours that keeps changing.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:52 pm
Don't talk rot, you've decided on the least paranoid version, which still makes you look pretty paranoid.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:52 pm
I notice you didn't respond to the link about 5 recent British advancements and still shout your mouth off from a position of ignorance.

Some of those 5 sound interesting but they are mostly theories and not real medical advancements. Imagine how many more advancements the UK could make if they had private investment in medical research.

The World Health Organisation says antibiotic research is underfunded.

Your article is from 2017, here is a much more updated article talking about how many antibiotic's are currently under development.
As of December 2018, approximately 42 new antibiotics with the potential to treat serious bacterial infections are in clinical development. The success rate for clinical drug development is low; historical data show that, generally, only 1 in 5 infectious disease products that enter human testing (phase 1 clinical trials) will be approved for patients.* Below is a snapshot of the current antibiotic pipeline, based on publicly available information and informed by external experts.

I know you won't pay much attention to the WHO because they don't work for Fox News but there you go.

Sorry Izzy, I cut the cable cord a year ago, I don't have Fox News. It is good to see the same lame excess's continually used though, it's almost like clock-work.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:56 pm
We do have private investment in medical research.

Again, you don't know the facts so you just make assumptions.

This is a major problem in any discussion with you, you don't know what's happening so most of the time I have to educate you and then you get pissed off.

It's not exactly fulfilling.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:56 pm
Sorry Izzy, it's your story that has changed over the years, your old age is effecting your memory.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 05:09 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Like most fascists you don't know the difference between a Liberal and a Socialist.

I have never voted for the Liberals and never will.

You've been repeatedly asked to find an example of the president censoring someone's speech and cannot. As for your silly name calling, go ahead and call me whatever you like.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 05:36 pm
You keep ignoring the examples.
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 06:06 pm
Pointing out that a claimed example is nothing of the sort is hardly ignoring it.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 06:35 pm
Freedom of speech doesn't mean that people have to speak to you, it means that you have the right to speak. Give me one example of any time that the president tried to stop Acosta from speaking.

1. Do you know the difference between freedom of the press and freedom of speech?

2. Do you know that these two constitutional rights are not the same?

3. Do you know that these two constitutional rights are different?

4. Will you continue to blatantly ignore the clear indisputable evidence that Trump has interfere with the freedom of the press?

5. Or will you continue to bring up freedom of speech, which has absolutely nothing to do with my most recent post?
Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 06:52 pm
Freedom of speech doesn't mean that people have to speak to you, it means that you have the right to speak. Give me one example of any time that the president tried to stop Acosta from speaking.

Since my most recent post never made that specific claim, it would make absolutely no sense for me to answer that claim.

On the other hand if you are asking me for evidence of Trump interfering with the freedom of the press, you already got that evidence.

Any more questions?

Or will you continue to ignore the evidence that Trump has interfered with the Freedom of the (press)?

If you still cannot comprehend, try reading the article regarding the lawsuit again.

After you have re=read the article regarding the lawsuit and still don't know the difference between freedom of the press and freedom of speech, then you are intentionally trying to distract and change the subject to something I wasn't even asserting.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 07:14 pm
The following are your exact words Brandon9000.
The following is the question you asked farmerman.
I clearly have answered your specific question Brandon9000
If you Brandon9000, continue to ignore that this specific question has been answered, I will continue to remind you.

Brandon9000 wrote to: farmerman

Well, I've asked you twice now and you didn't answer. You claimed that president Trump is a fascist. When I asked for an example of his fascism, you claimed that he has interfered with freedom of the (press). For the third time, back up that assertion.

Real Music writing to: Brandon9000

Here is an example of Trump interfering with the freedom of the (press).

Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 07:26 pm
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:
1. Do you know the difference between freedom of the press and freedom of speech?

What do you contend is a significant difference?
Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 07:42 pm
What do you contend is a significant difference?

Here is just a portion of the article.
I highlighted and underlined what the constitutional lawsuit was all about.
This is not about free speech.
From how I read the article, the constitutional lawsuit is about (access).
Hopefully the bold highlighted parts of the article puts a clarification of what the constitutional lawsuit was about.

(UPDATED with CBS statement) Fox News has come out in support of CNN in CNN’s lawsuit against the White House’s decision to pull the press credentials of Jim Acosta, joining a dozen other media outlets announcing intent to file friend-of-the-court briefs to support CNN and its White House correspondent.

“Fox News supports CNN in its legal effort to regain its White House reporter’s press credential,” Fox News President Jay Wallace said in a statement.

Not long afterwards, CBS also chimed in with support for the Jeff Zucker run cable newser. “CBS News supports the White House Correspondents Association and CNN’s legal effort to restore access for its White House correspondent,” said the crew at Black Rock. “We do not believe that revoking White House press credentials is an appropriate remedy for a disagreement the White House may have with a particular reporter. We intend to file a friend of the court brief in support of CNN’s lawsuit to defend its constitutional rights.

On Tuesday, CNN sued the White House for pulling Jim Acosta’s press credentials the day after President Donald Trump’s thumping in the midterm elections.

The cable news network filed a lawsuit in DC District Court against Trump and top aides, including White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Deputy Chief of Staff/ Former Fox News co-president Bill Shine, as well as the Secret Service which took away Acosta’s hard pass that afternoon.

CNN demanded the return of its chief White House correspondent’s press pass.

Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2019 08:37 pm
Is President Trump Fascist? | NYT Opinion

While calling President Trump a fascist may seem like an exaggeration, it might not be that far from the
truth. Should we be worried? Jason Stanley has spent the past decade studying fascism, from Mussolini
to Duterte. In this video op-ed, he argues that yes, we should be worried: If Americans are not vigilant,
fascism could become a new reality in the United States.

Published October 15, 2018
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