You hide behind your false moral lines. They do not exist, they are merely a hollow justification so that you can continue to support people who kill innocents without feeling bad about it.
The basis for all moral arguments against killing (not practical arguments, but moral ones) stems from 'thou shalt not kill.' It doesn't qualify that at all. Killing during wartime is a sin, it doesn't matter what your intentions are, it doesn't matter if it is habitual or once that you kill civilians, the person is dead all the same. You cannot change this fact; it is the one certainty in this whole argument.
Quote:So, what do you believe? That if we left the terrorists alone they would suddenly stop killing people? The only way to stop them is to kill them, kill their suppliers and defuse the reasons they have for being terrorists. Make being a terrorist the worse thing possible. Show the children that being a terrorist is a one way street to death and eternal damnation.
Here's a dialogue for you, from an elder Islaamist speaking to a recruit who is arguing that they should stop attacking America:
"So, what do you believe? That if we left the Americans alone they would suddenly stop killing people? The only way to stop them is to kill them, kill their suppliers and defuse the reasons they have for being Agressors. Make being an infidel the worse thing possible. Show the children that being an infidel American is a one way street to death and eternal damnation."
You are just like the people we are fighting against, and you don't even realize it!! It's precious!