Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 08:29 am

I guess you are the one who is right and the one who know better than everybody. You are self-sufficient. You are the one with no knowledge, no proofs and the all knowing ( a pure contradiction). How could you say something like that and we all know that you were born crying, not knowing anything about this world and it is this world that gave you data to function your mind and if there was none you would not be even able to say a word . How ungrateful to GOD if he created this world that is still giving you food to survive and still is giving you oxygen to breath. How ungrateful to GOD who created you and all what is around you for you, me and others!!!! Does not GOD deserve respect from you? Does not he show you signs that tell you about Him, everyday!!!! What if he stops sending water???? What if he sends a Tsunami your way??? Could you survive without his mercy???

What an ungrateful person you are!!!!!

As you could tell if you were smarter than this, GOD created everything for a reason. He won't just create us to sin and die after couple years. He has created everything in Justice and anyone who is unjust to others and to Him will be punished. Do you think it will be difficult for GOD to punish you? I will stop here, I only warn you of the Day of Justice, a day of 50,000 years to review all sins of everybody and face the severest punishment. That Day is to revenge from oppression and injustice. Don't you think that too many criminals are getting away with their crimes? What is a death penalty gonna resolve if a Criminal has killed many for no reason and since we all gonna die? We belong to GOD and to him we will return and he has the right to Judge us. He has the ultimate right to reward the righteous souls and has the ultimate right to severely punish the worse souls.

If you don't loose your selfishness and arrogance and submit to your Creator, I swear on my life that we will have another talk in the Day of Judgment when it is too late to ask for forgiveness.

May Allah ( God in Arabic) forgive you and all of us and May Allah show you the right path.


0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 08:45 am
Etruscia wrote:

To gungasnake, Islam is only as false as everyother religion on this planet.

That's massively wrong. You have two major kinds of false religions abroad in the world today, i.e. Islam and evolutionism/secular humanism.

The difference (between those two and normal religions) is obvious enough in the logical consequences and fallout of them. The logical consequences of evolutionism were communism, naziism, and the eugenics movements of the last 100 years. Newt Gingrich phrased it best in noting that the question of whether a man views his neighbor as a fellow child of God or as a meat byproduct of stochastic processes, simply has to affect human relationships. That's aside from ordinary crime of course:

If a person doesn't think that there is a God to be accountable to, then
what's the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable
ranges? That's how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution
as truth, that we all came from slime. When we died, you know , that was it,
there is nothing...

Jeffrey Dahmer, noted Evolutionist

In the case of Islam, all you need to do is read the newspapers. I mean, there is no law of physics forbidding the possibility of a Christian or Budhist being an a$$hole, but a Christian or Budhist has to be in substantial violation of the basic tenets of his religion to be an a$$hole. A muslim has to be in substantial violation of the basic tenets of HIS religion to be a decent person. THAT is the difference.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 09:29 am
Mike, if you can find a quote where i say that i know everything, that would be a lovely way to back up your point.

Saving you some time, there is none. All i stated was that your random articles do nothing to help your Islamic evangelism. Thats great that you think that the Qu'ran is the only way to heaven. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

To Gungasnake, youve been repping the "boo evolution" thing for a while now. Although i am not a PHD in any field of science, i have seen those who are continually back up their arguments much better than you have. Although i do not "believe" in evolution, i accept it, as it is BY FAR the best theory we have to decribe why things are the way they are right now. From what ive read of your comments, it seems that you are quite uneducated in Islam. Just because what they believe conflicts with what you beleive, does not in any way make you right, or them wrong. Or Christianity truth, and Islam false.
0 Replies
Ibn kumuna
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2005 11:39 am
Salaam Alaikum

Gunsmoke wrote:

"That's massively wrong. You have two major kinds of false religions abroad in the world today, i.e. Islam and evolutionism/secular humanism."

There seems to be a syllogism that's in vogue lately: If Islam is false all the other religions are true; Islam is false, therefore all the other religions are true. A rough, crude syllogism but nonetheless a prevalent one; and yes, some Muslims adopt this argument in reference to Christianity. Anyhow...

I'm rather confused on what actually constititues a *normal* religion; and by what do you mean normal? Further, you try to connected a slippery slope to evolutionism. Sorry, communism and naziism have two separate origins, and both are incidental to evolutionism; evolution is not a word I hear when reading communist writ. Their history is documented--'writ large'--in the newspapers, magazines, and books; pace the irrelevant rumblings of Newt Gingrich.

Personally, I don't know how far a Christian or Buddhist would need to go to be a substantial a**hole; and being a non-specialist in the latter, I don't know what would substantiate a good person, either. But your comment on Islam is unfair, and renders something no short of self-induced ambiguity: or as we would say, the pot calling to kettle black. Like normal, since I don't know what the good *is*, I'm all the more confused on what one would need to achieve the *good*. That, unlike the *strange* religions, shouldn't require the the acceptance of the population.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2005 03:15 pm
Ibn_kumuna wrote:

I'm rather confused on what actually constititues a *normal* religion...

The normal religions are the ones which don't cause people to fly airplanes into buildings.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2005 07:30 pm
Are those normal religions the same ones that preformed the spanish inquisitions, or preformed pogroms?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 01:27 am
The normal religions are the ones which don't cause people to fly airplanes into buildings.

How can u assess a Religion with a small of people in it……..
If u specifies like tat no religion in the Earth is good………
All the religion has such a group who is doing all anti socialists things… only Muslims but Hindus, Christians all r there in the group do u want me to point out the events…
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 04:44 am
Etruscia wrote:
Are those normal religions the same ones that preformed the spanish inquisitions, or preformed pogroms?

In the case of Christianity you have to look in history books for that sort of thing (as opposed to simply reading your daily newspaper in the case of Islam) and, when you do (open the history books), you generally find out that a lot of what you thought you knew is hype:


Italian paper slammed for promoting Inquisition "black legend"
Catholic World News ^ | 06/10/05

Posted on 06/12/2005 8:28:20 AM PDT by murphE

Rome, Jun. 10 (CNA/ - Italian journalist Vittorio Messori responded this week to an article in the Communist daily Il Manifesto that portrays as truthful the "black legend" about the Inquisition that hundreds of thousands or even millions were killed by the Church.

In a column translated from Italian by the Spanish daily La Razon , Messori maintains that "the imprudence-- or shamelessness-- of these ideologies never ceases to amaze me. A publicist named Adriano Petta published an article called 'The Skeletons of the Holy Inquisition.' Deja vu, of course. We're talking about two and half centuries ago."

According to Messori, the article "would not be worth reading were it not for the fact that it was published in Il Manifesto , one of the two or three newspapers in the entire Western world that still carries the title 'Communist daily' on the front page."

Messori noted that many other historical publications have been more precise in their accounts. "Just one year of the French Revolution, the reign of terror of 1793, left more victims than all of the centuries of all the inquisitions combined (the Protestants, in fact, did not fool around: the Geneva of Calvin was lit up by the bonfires, Lutheran Germany engaged in witch hunts as if they were a national sport; the last massacre encouraged by the Puritan pastors of Salem, Massachusetts, came at the threshold of 1800.)"

Messori noted as well that the number of victims of the Communist regimes of the last century reached the hundreds of millions, all in the name of stamping out "deviations" from political "orthodoxy." "It's difficult, therefore, to take seriously the preaching that issues forth from certain pulpits," Messori said.

The noted Italian journalist pointed out that an analysis of the modern historical data on the Inquisition, including information from the Vatican archives opened under then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, would be of very much benefit to the Church. "Many pillars of the Black Legend would fall," revealing a process characterized by an accuracy and a fairness "unheard of in the civil courts of that time."

"Death sentences and torture were the exception," Messori explains, noting that the typical images people have of the Inquisition were based on Protestant propaganda aimed at undermining Spain's dominance in the Atlantic.

At the same time he emphasized that an authentic study of the Inquisition must acknowledge its "horrors" and that the authentic historian must avoid "the moral sin of anachronism." The past must be understood in the context of the era, rather than analyzed through the lens of 21st century society, Messori maintained.

"Just as today's leaders consider it their duty to provide health care for their people, so the Catholic Church was convinced that it had to answer to God for the eternal salvation of her children: Salvation that was jeopardized by the most toxic of venoms: heresy," Messori wrote.

Messori is an Italian journalist who has long covered the Vatican and is perhaps most famous for the book-length interview with Pope John Paul II (bio - news) that was published under the name "Crossing the Threshold of Hope" in 1994 and the book-length interview with then-Cardinal Ratzinger published as "The Ratzinger Report" in 1987.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 07:39 am
I cant even believe you just said that . . . because what christians did is in the past, its not as bad as Islamic terrorists, because what they is happening in the present?

Thats absolutely ridiculous and you know it.

Despite the fact the inquisition may be "hyped" somewhat, thousands of people were tortured, and killed. Ironically, many of those were muslims in Spain.

The Pogroms are undeniable, and before the first crusade started, the "peoples army" made up of lay people making their way to turkey slaughtered thousands of Jews in Europe along the countryside because they would not convert to christianity.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 10:21 am
Etruscia wrote:

Despite the fact the inquisition may be "hyped" somewhat, thousands of people were tortured, and killed. Ironically, many of those were muslims in Spain.

It isn't hyped "somewhat"; it's hyped about 90% as the article notes. Something like about ten percent of what you read might be real. Crusades are the same story; they were basically a legitimate defensive reaction against muslim aggression.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 11:13 am

hyped 90% ???
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 11:48 am

Something like 90% of what you read is hype and BS.

Try this:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 12:15 pm
i was talking about the brutal inquisition in goa, not desecration of the koran.

you trying to tell me it never happened?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 12:56 pm
your one source claiming 90% of what we have heard or read is false, is lame, Really lame. The crusades were anything but legitimate. We have books about the crusades which are diaries of people who gfought in them, supported other texts produced at the time.

Also, the fact that the Holy Roman Empire responded to help the byzantines doesnt bother me (that much) it is the slaughter of teh Jews on the way to turkey, and then the mass slaughter of Jews and Muslims (mostly JEws) in Jerusalem. Trapping then burning them in temples. Awful, Awful stuff.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 02:12 pm


0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 02:41 pm
Nothing in that article is a refutation to what i said. I never said i support Islam, but i did say that the Crusades were an awful thing, where Christians slaughtered thousands of innocent Jews. ALso, many innocent muslims who were not soldiers, but regular citizens.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 05:21 pm


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0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 10:47 am
Read below and tell me that , again, this happened because Islam is not the truth. You must be so blind and deaf to not aknowledge that Islam is in fact the truth from GOD that could be difficult to apply in your life because it ask the Muslim to avoid sins in the most wise way, the way of the most wise, the Almighty GOD.

Rome's Envoy to Saudi Arabia Converts to Islam

by Luke Baker, CNN,

November 26 2001 CE

ROME (Reuters) -- Italy's ambassador to Saudi Arabia has converted to
Islam, the second time in seven years that an envoy of Rome to the
land of Mecca has adopted its religion.

Torquato Cardilli, a career diplomat from overwhelmingly Roman
Catholic Italy, revealed his decision to Saudi newspapers Saturday,
his 59th birthday. Italian diplomatic sources confirmed the
announcement Monday.

His official conversion was made on the eve of the Islamic holy
fasting month of Ramadan, which began on Nov. 16 in Saudi Arabia.
Cardilli himself could not be reached for comment but an employee at
his embassy in Riyadh confirmed the reports.

The Saudi embassy in Rome said it planned a statement later. An
embassy spokeswoman said there was no record of any Saudi ambassador
to Italy ever converting to Catholicism.

Italy's Foreign Ministry had no comment.

The conversion of Cardilli -- who is married with two children --
follows the move to Islam made by Mario Scialoja, Italian ambassador
to the Arab kingdom in 1994-95, who has since left the foreign service
and is head of Italy's Muslim League.

Scialoja's decision came as a shock, made while he was Rome's
permanent representative to the United Nations in New York and long
before he was posted to Riyadh.

Cardilli's change of faith follows years of study of Islam. A graduate
in oriental culture and languages from the University of Naples,
Cardilli has spent much of his 33-year diplomatic career in the Muslim

Following postings in Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Libya, he took over the
embassy in Riyadh in October last year. Cardilli has also served as
ambassador to Albania and Tanzania.

His personal move comes at a sensitive time, with Italy a member of
the U.S.-led coalition fighting the hard-line Islamic Taliban movement
in Afghanistan and barely two months after Prime Minister Silvio
Berlusconi offended the Muslim world by saying Western Christian
civilization was superior to Islam.

Corriere della Sera newspaper said Cardilli had been recalled to Rome
"for consultations."

Some 3,000 to 5,000 Italians have converted to Islam from Catholicism
in recent years, according to figures from the Union of Islamic
Organizations and Communities.

A spokesman for the Italy-based group said it welcomed Cardilli's
entry into the Muslim community, saying of his conversion: "The ways
of the Lord are infinite."

0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 03:55 pm
To say that people are blind for not seeing Islam is the truth is just plain ignorant . . .

Just because some Italians convert to islam it means it is the truth?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 04:04 pm
was mohammed a pedaeophile?
0 Replies

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