Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 11:32 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Raul-7 wrote:
- a Muslim must never kill another Muslim intentionally no matter what.
and today is just another day in Baghdad
The bomber exploded his device near a convoy of police vehicles on a main road in the mainly-Shia Sadr City area. Two police officers were injured but all other casualties were civilians, according to police officials.

That's what I'm referring to. But I wanted to mention that so you can judge for yourself.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 12:23 pm
Raul-7 wrote:
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Raul-7 wrote:
...but jihad is only defending against invaders. The guierlla fighters in Iraq are jihadees
Do you support killing British troops in Afghanistan then?

Well do you support invading a country, killing numerous civilians and creating choas and civil war? I'm sure if some country attacked the UK, and your country was helpless in terms of defending itself - you would resort to guirella attacks. Just look at the Vietnamese, Cubans, Rowanda, Congo, etc. - it happens and it works! No one likes seeing someone invade their motherland and they will resort to dirty tactics to try and halt the invaders. It's a fact of warfare and there's nothing wrong with it.
I'll take that as a yes.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 03:02 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Raul-7 wrote:
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Raul-7 wrote:
...but jihad is only defending against invaders. The guierlla fighters in Iraq are jihadees
Do you support killing British troops in Afghanistan then?

Well do you support invading a country, killing numerous civilians and creating choas and civil war? I'm sure if some country attacked the UK, and your country was helpless in terms of defending itself - you would resort to guirella attacks. Just look at the Vietnamese, Cubans, Rowanda, Congo, etc. - it happens and it works! No one likes seeing someone invade their motherland and they will resort to dirty tactics to try and halt the invaders. It's a fact of warfare and there's nothing wrong with it.
I'll take that as a yes.

What do you expect them to do, walk in straight-neat lines and get killed? Or instead jump out of their caves, and wave their arms in hopes that a passing F16 will manage to see them?
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 07:07 am
Raul-7 wrote:
What do you expect them to do...
British troops are in Afghanistan under UN mandate and with the agreement of the Afghan government in Kabul. I expect these vicious tribal groups to lay down their arms, stop fighting each other over drug money and help with the reconstruction of their country. Sorry not reconstruct it was never a country in the first place. Just a dung heap which attracted insects like bin Laden and his jihadists.
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Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 08:28 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Sorry not reconstruct it was never a country in the first place. Just a dung heap which attracted insects like bin Laden and his jihadists.

khandahar comes form the name Gandhar, mentioned in the Mahabharat.

Alexander was given a very hard time in afghanistan, something thats proven in the records of the historian who accompanied him.

so thats how many years before 3rd century ad when Pomland was formed??

others attracted to the dungheap include...er, locusts from pomland who came to scavenge what they could from there too. arthur conan doyle was one such attracted locust.
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Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 10:06 pm
These articles are by Anwar Shaikh, a muslim himself, a scholar in Islamic subjects and Arabic, Persian and Urdu languages. He was one of the activists that took active part in partition of India to establish Pakistan as a country under Islamic law. Finally, I have found a rational discussion on Islam by this author. I would welcome you to read his review of Islam.

Know Islam

This is my favourite:
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 03:17 am
and what is the lay observer supposed to conclude from this?

Here is the decisive proof to show that the so-called family laws were designed for the convenience of Mohammed. Allah, who is supposed to be God of entire mankind, could not have ignored the needs of them just to please Mohammed. Just look at the following: "And any woman believer, if she gave herself to the Prophet and if the Prophet desires to take her in marriage, for thee exclusively, apart from the believers." (The Confederates: 45)

For understanding this verse, the reader ought to know that it is addressed by Allah to the Prophet Mohammed. Allah makes it abundantly clear that this particular law exclusively applies to Mohammed, and other Muslims are not allowed its benefits. And the law as stated in this verse is, that any believing woman can offer herself to Mohammed in marriage, and if he desires, he can have her as a wife irrespective of the number of wives he already has!

This type of law-making which is exclusive to one person is not known in the civilized world. Of course, despots have been above the laws but despotism is an antithesis of legality. Law is not law unless it applies to all and sundry with equal force.

3. Here is another instance which shows the personal nature of the Islamic Law:

According to the rota system that the Prophet had fixed as a rule fog spending certain nights with his spouses, he should have been with his wife called Hafza (the daughter of Umar), who to her utter amazement found him in bed with Marya his beautiful Coptic concubine, who became the mother of his son Ibrahim. Hafza was a hot-tempered woman. Seeing what was happening, she shouted: "In my room, on my day and in my bed!"

This Incident seemed less than honorable to Hafza. The Prophet realizing the delicacy of tile matter wanted her to keep quiet about the matter. In an attempt to appease her he promised her never to visit Marya again. This amounted to an oath which should have been kept by the Prophet. But what happened is stunning. Allah sent down the following verse to absolve the Prophet from his oath:

"O Prophet why forbiddest thou what God has made lawful to thee seeking the good pleasure of thy wives...... God has Ordained for you the absolution of your oath, God is your protector..." (The Forbidding: 1 )

Here is another case which is personal to Mohammed but ranks as the family law to the entire Muslim world.

After defeating Banu Mustalique, as Mohammed resumed the return journey, Aisha, his youngest wife lost the way while searching for her necklace. A young soldier, Safwan b. Mu'Attal Sulami Zakwani recognized her and gave her a lift back home. Though it was an innocent journey, the Prophet's enemies created a nasty scandal out of it, subjecting him and Aisha to a great deal of distress.

Though Aisha was faultless, Allah found it necessary to devise an impossible law of evidence to protect the Prophet and punish the accusers. See for yourself: "And these who cast it up on women in wedlock and then bring not four witnesses, scourge them with eighty stripes and do not accept any testimony of theirs ever.." (Light: 1-4)

This law pertains to fornication and rape. To prove that such an act has taken place. the calumniator must produce four eye- witnesses to this effect. If he does not, he is liable to receive eighty lashes. In the case of Aisha, both Mistah (a relative of Abu Bakr) and Hamma (Zainab's sister) suffered this punishment.

As a result of this law, a raped woman has to produce tour eye- witnesses to the act. which is more or less an impossibility. Its devastating effect can be clearly seen in Pakistan where several thousand good, honest women are imprisoned for suffering rape. When they report their cases to the police, they are required to produce four eye-witnesses. As they cannot do so, they are held as false accusers, and put behind the bars.

extract from Islam review.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 03:39 am
I thought you were a muslim lmf

That website you referenced is the most damning indictment of Islam I have read.
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Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 04:34 am
Steve, I am as much Muslim as you are. According to Allah, we are all Muslims by birth. I am Hindu by my parentage though.

Every religion will have some strong points and some not so strong or bad. Reading comments of Rauland muslim1 were getting a little too much where it completely lacked insight. The only insight was.. it is right because Allah said so.

Then I found this website by Anwar Shaikh, who is a scholar in Islamic studies and who has the capability to think as a human with free mind. You have to bear in mind the author of this website once participated in creating an Islamic nation. I wish I found the same insight in muslim1's or Raul's comment. Being critical of a religion does not make it bad. Being critical only opens avenues for improvement. So I do not agree with your "damning indictment" statement about this website. These reviews only point out what other Islam followers turn blind eye to.

and what is the lay observer supposed to conclude from this?

No religion is perfect. Hence it always leaves a place for improvement.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 04:54 am
LoveMyFamily wrote:

and what is the lay observer supposed to conclude from this?

No religion is perfect. Hence it always leaves a place for improvement.
Unfortunately perfection is exactly what Islam claims and that is my central disagreement with it.
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Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 01:18 pm
muhammed's messages from allah
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 07:31 pm
NewSoul wrote:
A good Question:

First, The fact that for 1500 years, the Quran did not have a single word added to it or moved around or deleted. The historians, not even Muslims and everybody testify that.
A Quran you go find in a village in China will be so identical to the one I have and even a translation in English or whatever is called nothing but a translation of the Quran. It is one of the challenges that the Quran challenges any book in the existence.

Second, the Quran is memorized by heart by more than a million people in the world. When they recite it they recite it so Identically and beautifully and a good proof to that is that wherever you go for the prayer in the US, you will pray in rows with people from all over the planet, white Americans, black Americans, Europeans, Asians, Arabs, Persians and when the one who recites the Verses make a small mistake, usually when he forgets and need to be remembered, some of the Muslims say the first one or two words and then he picks up from there.

Third, the Quran has a lot of Miracles that we are discovering through all our lives since it was delivered 1500 years ago. Please refer to the link "Scientific facts in the Qur'an that you'll find on Muslim1's previous message and you will understand why the Quran is not a human work.

Fourth, Scientists with all the high-tech equipments and Modeling tools understand and research everything that concerns our existence in this world and make new discoveries every once in a while. However many scientists have discovered that the Quran's description of their findings they were so happy with is better described in the Quran and some even quoted from the Quran to describe their findings, and surely it is the holy book with thousands and thousands of heavy data that Muhammad (PBUH) is never capable to write even if you give him 1,000,000 years and a 1,000,000 Einsteins. More, nobody have ever found a single mistake in the Quran .The Enemies of Islam, there are many, we all know that. They would be very happy to find a single mistake. Isn't it possible that a man forgets a small tiny mistake in a book as heavy as the Quran that didn't leave a single field in Science, Education, Life..Etc that didn't throw in a lot of Wisdom? I have never seen a scientific book that was not re-edited hundred times and all scientists including me know that the better the book is the more likely you will find a second, third editionÂ…Etc. It is a fact that this Holy book was never revised during the entire 1500 years. If there was a mistake in it, if people think it is not from God, I challenge them, I challenge the scientists, NASA, Einstein, whoever to prove me wrong. The Quran is not just about what is allowed and what is not but it is a lesson of science that is way advanced than anything because it is God's, the Creator of all the universes who is capable of anything we could or could not imagine, he gave us a summary of what and how he did create everything and how everything he designed work and with time the Quran will show Miracles again and again. Muhammad SAAWS got the best Miracle. He had so many amazing Miracles but I don't have the time to go over them because the greatest Miracle of the entire existence is the Quran.

If anybody refute what I said know that it is obvious that you knows that I am right or that there is a big chance that the Quran is the last true intact book from God you have a problem to accept the truth because Islam does come with solid proves and challenges and there is not any single lie in it.

watchmakers guidedog Wrote :

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:05 pm Post subject:


Satan (Iblis) once successfully deceived Mohammed into placing false words into the Qu'ran. How can we be certain that any other passage came from Allah and were not likewise a trick?

The greatest lie of the Koran is that it is the word of God/Allah it has only the human ways of dealing with things,no divine will that no man can say this is the will of god/allah as the creator of the Universe does not need a prophet to speak for him/her.

A fine book of in literacy terms but the words of god/allah what a pridefull boast and claim and reducing god to a book writer who needs a prophet and especially and angle to say his words.

The mistake of the Koran is that it is the words of God/Allah reducing Allah to a weak god who need mere humans and the author of a book that claim it has ultimate knowledge and is better than any other book.

What a lie, as all other books can be burned and the koran can right all the wrongs that some Muslim have done, Allah will not do such deeds only Muslim who believe they have the words of Allah.

Allah the book writer why not use the internet to publish all his words, no human muslim explanation but a divine miracle.

Muslim always speaks for Allah but allah remains silent and dumb by their claims and assertsions because Allah they worship is an idol his name is Muhaman like hundreds of prophets who claim to have written his words and dogma.

The Koran challenges any books in existense what a claim, book vs book where Allah in this debate,of course muslin do his will, as he cannot do it himself/herself.

Reduce God/allah to a book publisher like no other and cannot invent a better way to show his true will and religion and not what the world knows as Islam and it prophet muhaman who is so bold as to claim he is the last and only true prophet a claim that many have made.

If anyone truely believe Allah/God wrote books as a way to communicate his will they are sadly mistaken and the outcome is a lot of problems and thing that Allah and God would claim is human will not his will.

What a foolish god/Allah trusting some puny prophet or who can,t even read or write to publicize his book, what a miracle any of that is his words or a perverted interpretation and boastfull claim.

Allah/God will always have the first the last and the only word to say on that and no human can refute that comming in power to put his words straight from him/herself without any dispute or wars or bold claims.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 02:46 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

(I dont know why you felt it necessary to talk about the nazi extermination of the Jews, but to suggest that we were in some way responsible is disgraceful.

do they teach you dampoms at schools to eat your own words in front of an international audience in a worldwide internet forum??

from http://www.epinions.com/content_113380855428

Full Review

The book title Exodus is the actual name of a ship that was full of Holocaust survivors when it arrived in the port city of Haifa in 1946. When the arrivals refused British demands that the ship be turned back, the British stormed the ship and took nearly all the 4,000 refugees prisoner. To add to their indignity many of the refugees ended up in former concentration camps in Germany itself. The British actions, especially the refugees' deportation to the former Nazi Germany, aroused widespread opposition to the UK's blockage policy. After the state of Israel was established, most of the refugees moved there by legal means.

(actually everyone should read the whole review, available at the webpage listed)

steve's original post is to be found here
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 05:36 pm
steve's original post is to be found here

thanks steve excellent post
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 11:43 pm
equally excellent were the replies you got for spewing that spineless colonial canard you did. like i said before, even germany bent over backwards to make it up to israel and jews, but then, poms arnt germans. they are scum. and so it is that they think they did a favour to every country they looted hollow, and that their crown jewels still remain the ones they stole from india. including the kohinoor diamond, surely more precious than all of tampomdom.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 03:25 am
Hey Sweeper, I have no idea what you are talking about, and care less.
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Doktor S
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 12:16 pm
Hey brahmin. A little off topic, but given your raw hatred for muslims and christians, how do you feel about your own indian brand of monotheism, which is even more brutal than islam?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 10:28 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
steve's original post is to be found here

thanks steve excellent post

Ooops, I thought this thread was about discussing Islam. For the "Steve's original post" may be we could start a separate thread.

Steve, I am in a lot of disagreement with your "original post". I don't know if you had much chance of reading the Indian history thoroughly. I am assuming from your post, you did not.

British did some very good things to India. But there is nothing to prove, that if left on it's own, India would not have been able to do it all by itself. India was one of the richest cultures and civilizations until the muslim invaders and british came through. The different states of India came under one umbrella, not because of british but because of the Mauryas and Guptas. You could read some of Pre-Historic and Historic India for validations of these points.

British rule on India has done more harm than good to India, except ofcourse the English language. British not only robbed India of it's natural resources ( did you read about the neel plantation episodes? and many more) but also was instrumental in breaking the mental backbone of Indian citizens.

I could have gone on and on but this is not the place. I would rather have a separate thread dedicated for this discussion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 10:56 am
Doktor S wrote:
Hey brahmin. A little off topic, but given your raw hatred for muslims and christians, how do you feel about your own indian brand of monotheism, which is even more brutal than islam?

i have no raw hatred of christians.

i hate muslims for what they did to india and to the world, where ever they went.

i also hate colonials for what they did to india and their other colonies.

finally christians are no god samaritans either - they wiped out the natiuves of australia, NZ, north america and half of south america. you should read the way christianity was spread in latin america and phillipines and the social genocide they commit. i hate christians for carrying out the most brutal of all inquisitions in goa, india. and cos of the the open proselytisation they carry out with the express aim of making a phillipines of india.

finally india/hinduism isnt monotheistic.

the only thing i am ashamed of and have no defence for is the caste system.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 10:57 am
LoveMyFamily wrote:

I could have gone on and on but this is not the place. I would rather have a separate thread dedicated for this discussion.

well let me know where you started that thread. i have some spice to add as well.
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