Jason Proudmoore
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2006 06:28 pm
I don't know how accurate this information is, but I read a book called "Women in Islam." I read it and it fascinated me. The author conveys in sheer details how lots of women of Islam are treated, how they feel, psychologically and physically. But there was something that caught my eye, something that I couldn't believe: the author includes the account of Muhammad the prophet, how he had a glimpse of Hell (he kinda went to hell and back), and saw only women there...women. Can you believe this...? Women. Hell is filled with them according to Muhammad. If Hell is filled with women, Heaven is filled with men. If this information is true, there is no question about it...I want to go to Hell. It's gonna be quite a party!!!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2006 06:34 pm
holy_rosary Wrote:

Hey All, I have a CONTRIDICTION for you to look t for me:
Will jesus burn in hell? Jesus is raised to Allah, [sura 4:158] near stationed with him [sura 3:45] worshiped by billions of christians yet Sura 21:98 says, that all who worshiped by men other then allah will burn in the eternal flame with all who worship them. CONTRIDICTION- jesus cant be in heaven and hell forever at the same time!

Is this in the Bible anywhere? Or is this just in the Quran?
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Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 01:04 am
Jesus is NOT God; he is a prophet of God. Jesus himself says in the Quran (Muslim1 has the correct translation) do not call me the son of God nor should you worship me; and tells his followers to worship no one but God.

"And behold Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary Did you say to men, Worship me and my mother as gods besides Allah He will say-"Glory to you I could never say what I had no right (to say')" (Soorah Al-Maa'idah- 5:116)

And if you need proof that Allah exists:

"We will show them Our signs in all the regions of the earth and in their own souls, until they clearly see that this is the truth" (Surah Fussilat, 41:53)

Have you seen the damage caused by the Tsunami of Dec, 2004? Everything is destoryed, yet the Mosque is still standing unharmed: http://evelynrodriguez.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/mosque_tsunami_1.jpg
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hungry hippo
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 01:41 am
Raul-7 wrote:
Have you seen the damage caused by the Tsunami of Dec, 2004? Everything is destoryed, yet the Mosque is still standing unharmed: http://evelynrodriguez.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/mosque_tsunami_1.jpg

And I quote myself from earlier in this thread:
"I also viewed a link to "Allahs wrath" (posted in this thread), where it was stated that Allah had punished the non believers and destroyed all the buildings expect from the mosks. But I seriously hope that most muslims do not share this view. Thousands of innocent little babies have been killed by these natural disasters. To state that this is Allahs will would mean that Allah is willing to kill babies of random non-muslims. I belive i have heard a muslim call the assumption that Allahs will is involved in killing little innocent babies would be considered the worst kind of blasphemy. "

Mulslims as well as Christians and atheists died because of this tragedy. It is estimated that 118,000 people died because of the tsunamis that day. To say that this is Gods will is macabre and sick. You are so horribly wrong.
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Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 03:18 am
God always does something for a reason; how do you know most of them won't go to heaven for being believers? Maybe he spared them all this pathetic life for a better afterlife? How can you question what God does when he knows more than you?

Any child that dies under the age of 7 does go to heaven; so do not worry about the children.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 03:31 am
holy_rosary wrote:
Hey All, I have a CONTRIDICTION for you to look t for me:
Will jesus burn in hell? Jesus is raised to Allah, [sura 4:158] near stationed with him [sura 3:45] worshiped by billions of christians yet Sura 21:98 says, that all who worshiped by men other then allah will burn in the eternal flame with all who worship them. CONTRIDICTION- jesus cant be in heaven and hell forever at the same time!

Thank you for your question holy_rosary.

Your Copy/Paste alleged contradiction can be found in the following link and the misconception is completely removed there:

Will Jesus burn in hell?

I welcome any other question.

Thank you again.

And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 03:49 am
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
I don't know how accurate this information is, but I read a book called "Women in Islam." I read it and it fascinated me. The author conveys in sheer details how lots of women of Islam are treated, how they feel, psychologically and physically. But there was something that caught my eye, something that I couldn't believe: the author includes the account of Muhammad the prophet, how he had a glimpse of Hell (he kinda went to hell and back), and saw only women there...women. Can you believe this...? Women. Hell is filled with them according to Muhammad. If Hell is filled with women, Heaven is filled with men. If this information is true, there is no question about it...I want to go to Hell. It's gonna be quite a party!!!

Thank you Jason for you post.

The answer is: definitely not. In Heaven, there will be women as well as men; tens of verses from the Holy Qur'an prove it and hundreds of authentic Hadiths (Sayings of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him) demonstrate it.
Similarly, in Hell there will be women as well as men.

Sexual difference is not the criterion that determines a person's fate, righteousness is.
"Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you." [Glorious Qur'an 49:13]

And Allah knows best.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 10:23 am
Raul-7 wrote:
Have you seen the damage caused by the Tsunami of Dec, 2004? Everything is destoryed, yet the Mosque is still standing unharmed: http://evelynrodriguez.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/mosque_tsunami_1.jpg

Are you seriously trying to make a point here? Are you in some way suggesting that the mosque was favored by God?

What about all the people swept away to their deaths? Who cares about a pile of bricks in comparison?

The mosque was not washed away Raul 7, because God prefered masonry to people, the mosque was the only building in the area built out of bricks and stone with proper foundations capable of withstanding the flood waters, unlike the flimsy wooden shacks surrounding it where all the people lived.

Are you SERIOUSLY telling me that you believe this is a sign of Allah's mercy? That he preserves a place of worship to himself in preference to the men women and children who go there to worship him?

What sickness is this? If the mosque is threatened, should we sacrifice the children for it? Will it prevent the wrath of Allah? yes you are right I am annoyed by this stupid notion, and the weak minded reasoning that leads you to that conclusion.

Oh but I forgot, it doesnt matter a bout dead children does it? The all go to heaven. Well lest they get tempted from the straight and narrow in the rest of their lives why not kill them aged 6? Is that what you approve of Raul?

Kill the children now so they go to heaven. Because if you don't not all will become good Muslims, and so some will go to hell. better to send them to heaven now. What a sea- a tsunami of utter complete and dangerous ignorance you live in Raul 7.
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Jason Proudmoore
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 02:27 pm
muslim1 wrote:

Sexual difference is not the criterion that determines a person's fate, righteousness is.

And Allah knows best.

Well, well, is that a fact?

" take refuge in God from the evil caused by women, and beware (even) of the most pious of them!" [53,158]

What about men? Shouldn't we be aware of them too?

What is this nonsense? " A rank over them" ?:

The koran also says that " ...they (women) have the same right as is exercised over them, though the men have a rank above them." (2:228)

This is a barrage of horse crap:

" The men are overseers over the women by reason of what Allah hath bestowed in bounty upon one more than another, and of the property which they have contributed. upright women are therefore submissive, guarding what is hidden in return for Allah's guarding (them); those on whose part ye fear refractoriness admonising, avoid in bed, and beat if they then obey you, seek no (further) way against them" (4:34/38)

Muhammed not was just a prophet, but a liar, a commun man who demeaned women.

Muhammed is reported to have said:

" I stood at the gates of Paradise, most of those who entered there were poor, I stood at the gate of Hell, most of those who went in there were women" [82,V,209F.]

I want to go to Hell; it's gonna be a Hell of a party!!! (pun intended).

Can you, Muslim1, find a mote of rightiousness in any of the verses above that does not demean women in general? And be rational about it.
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Doktor S
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2006 04:45 pm
I notice you didn't respond to my post on page 56. I'll just take that as a sign you have no answers for me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jan, 2006 06:47 pm
Doctor S wrote:
I applaud your effort to present me with what you find to be convincing proof that god exist and is in in fact your god, Allah.

Allah is indeed my God, and also your God and the God of the Heavens and the Earth.

Doctor S wrote:
Here you are trying to draw a parallel between a man made and operated vehicle and the cosmos.
The main problem here is that your premise assumes your conclusion, thus making it circulus en demonstrato.
The assumed premise is that the earth is a created thing, created for a purpose, and operates according to that purpose. There has been no evidence presented to suggest these things.

So according to you, the earth is not a created thing? Nor it is made for a purpose? Nor you are created?

Doctor, how did you come into being? From pure nothingness? That is impossible. Or did you create yourself? We know very well, that man cannot create another man. If he could do that, the moment he died he would have created himself back. If his relatives would have died, he would have got them back to life. Human beings cannot even create living creature as such as fly, leave aside human being.
Next question: What are the other possibilities that remain? That you came into existence "by chance" or "by nature". However, the scientific person that you are, you're far more intelligent than chance or nature (which have no intelligence at all) and it's not logical that you could be designed by chance or nature.
No other possibility remains except that you have a Creator.

"Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?
Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they have no firm belief."

[Glorious Qur'an 52:35-36]

And Allah knows best.
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Jason Proudmoore
Reply Sat 28 Jan, 2006 08:50 pm
Human beings have always thought that everything in this universe has to have a beginning and an end. We cannot accept that everything here has always existed…the molecules that made us, the planets, the sun, and all the galaxies we can see and the ones we can't, have always existed (or at least the molecules that gave them existence).
How did the iron in your blood get there? The molecules that formed the iron in your blood have always existed. And the philosophical question arises…"how did you come into being? From pure nothingness?" well, I believe that every person is made when their parents have sex. And that's not all…afterwards the sperm of the male has to be fertilized with the egg of the female (this process takes place inside of the womb of the female). After approximately nine months, a child is born…and that's how we came to be, through this fantastic process I explained [briefly].
Well, there is also another question that applies to the existence of God. If we humans require that everything has to have a beginning and an end, why can't we also relate it to the existence of God? Who the heck created God? (Lots of atheists think we humans did). Well, anybody can say that God always existed (from the religious view point, of course). If God always existed, why can't the components that created everything we survey always existed? Why disregard this possibility? It is more logical (since we live in a logical world of reason and proofs) to consider the existence of human beings through random events of the cosmos than considering the possibility of us being created by the contradicting all-powerful, all-loving, all-just, all-knowing God. Since science and the probability application are pretty much involved in all this (believe it or not), I will (once again) provide Darwin's theory and a little bit of probability. Here goes nothing.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution suggests that life originated here on Earth thanks to the chemical compounds that were very abundant: Carbon dioxide, water, ammonia, and Methane. These elements fused with other elements and formed new compounds. This process, according to Darwin, took a very long time to happen (millions of years). Since the chemical elements motioned above were very common, very distinct forms of amino acids were formed, and therefore, Hemoglobin, the building block for simple cell organisms came into existence.

But many religious people argue that the process of life on Earth is very unlikely, that it must have been made by a more intelligent, wiser, artistic mind: God. They also believe that the chances for life to be abundant here on Earth must have not taken place all by random events of the cosmos, but the work of God was involved. It is said that the probability for life to thrive on this planet is one in a trillion. If Earth was a little bit closer to the sun, life here could've not taken place. If Earth were a little farther from the sun, life could've never existed. This planet is just in the right place for life to exist. Since probability is pretty much involved in all this, a hypothetical scenario of probability must be taken in consideration:

The probability scenario is this: a person is placed in a room (lets assume that this person has been granted immortality. He can't die for all we know). The room is filled with one hundred billion dollars in pennies (that would amount to a trillion pennies). The name of this person is written on the back of one penny coin. The penny (with the name of the person written on the back) is thrown with the rest of the pennies (The objective of this person is to find the penny that has his name written on it, using the probability application. Since the chance to find the coin is one in one trillion, that person must take one coin from the pile, one at the time, must take a look at it, and then put back in the bunch.). How long do you think will take that person to pick from the pile of coins the only coin with his name written on it? This process could take a pretty long, long time, perhaps millions of years, perhaps more, perhaps less. But the only thing is that he has all the time in the physical universe to find that coin. The same probability principle of this hypothetical example applies to the random event that created this planet in its actual shape and distance from the sun, the water that happened to form our seas, and the elements necessary for life to thrive.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:08 am
There is a question I posed (in page 56 of this thread) to the atheists on this forum:

muslim1 wrote:
First, I have a question to the atheists on this forum: "What is the definition of God?" For a person to say 'there is no God', he should know what is the meaning of God. If I hold a book and say that 'this is a pen', for the opposite person to say, 'it is not a pen', he should know what is the definition of a pen, even if he does not know nor is able to recognize or identify the object I am holding in my hand. For him to say this is not a pen, he should at least know what a pen means. Similarly for an atheist to say 'there is no God', he should at least know the concept of God.
So, for you, what is the definition of God?

Is there an answer?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 09:25 am
You're begging the question. It is not axiomatic that an atheist denies the existence of any deity. Personally, i know of no good reason to believe that there is a god, but i don't deny that there is.

You make the extraordinary claim, the burden of proof is yours. That's just an idiotic attempt to shift the burden of proof.


But while we're on Islam Q & A--why do you jokers revere an ignorant, illiterate old f*cker who raped a little girl?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 10:55 am
muslim1 wrote:
There is a question I posed (in page 56 of this thread) to the atheists on this forum:

muslim1 wrote:
First, I have a question to the atheists on this forum: "What is the definition of God?" For a person to say 'there is no God', he should know what is the meaning of God. If I hold a book and say that 'this is a pen', for the opposite person to say, 'it is not a pen', he should know what is the definition of a pen, even if he does not know nor is able to recognize or identify the object I am holding in my hand. For him to say this is not a pen, he should at least know what a pen means. Similarly for an atheist to say 'there is no God', he should at least know the concept of God.
So, for you, what is the definition of God?

Is there an answer?
Well there is from me if you look. And just because I did answer, am not automatically putting myself in your category of atheist.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 11:15 am
Setanta's answer would apply to me just as well. It is not the possibility of a God that I deny, it is the belief in superstitions born in antiquity that have no evidence to support them.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2006 11:29 am
Setanta wrote:
But while we're on Islam Q & A--why do you jokers revere an ignorant, illiterate old f*cker who raped a little girl?
This is a fair question.
0 Replies
hungry hippo
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 01:51 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Setanta wrote:
But while we're on Islam Q & A--why do you jokers revere an ignorant, illiterate old f*cker who raped a little girl?
This is a fair question.

I think it is an unsubstantial attack on Islam and highly needlessly provocative. These kinds of statements are just purely destructive. What do you wish to achieve by this?

A recent event in Norway was that a Christian newspaper had pictured caricatures of Mohammed that insulted muslims. It led to many Norwegian flags getting burned, and Norwegians are now in danger around Gaza. This has happened even tough the Norwegian government has said that the press have the freedom to write what they want, even tough the government find the drawings tasteless. And it is not Norways official view.

Remember that the views we have are not only shaped by location and culture but also strongly by time. How many people were literate at that time? Why does he have to be literate? How many had very young wives, that would be considered minors today? This was common all over Europe too.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2006 02:19 pm
Just shows the good nature of islam. We draw a cartoon. They bomb churches.

And Mohammed took an 8 year old girl as his wife when he was 47. Do you condone that?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Feb, 2006 12:01 am
Here is a chart showing you all the ages of Muhammad's (PBUH) wives:

Muhammad's (PBUH) Wives

Stop with your false claims.
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