HOME, and boy does this place need some work. Weve had some folks living here and taking care of the stock . They've not been too kind on the grounds. We have a landscape guy come in and cut the grass each week but we seemed to have lost two biig trees around the back field and theyre just sitting there. I coulda used the firewood.
Lesse, our trip home involved a 15 hour drive . We stopped at Bangor to gas up and get on the Turnpike . Its about a 6 hour drive to the end of MAine and then we stopped at Willington Conn. Ate breakfast at a neat diner, more gas and we headed out along the MAss Tpike to the Northway and on to High Point NJ, Matamoros Pa , through the Del Water Gap and home.
When we left last time the cornfields were all green and 7 ft tall, and the tobacco was growing tall. Now, the corns in, the last alfalfa is in, the tobacco is drying in barns and the only thing left is soybeans.
One of my Amish neighbors stopped and said that our other Amish neighbor tracked and shot a 12 point buck in our woods . He used a bow gun. I did not know that bow guns were even legal. Now theres a lethal weapon, and silent as a snake.
Need to think about some work schedules so I can make some money.