parados wrote:ROFLMBO.. your example proved he could kill 1 million with an atomic bomb? Go look at the numbers. I don't see even close to 1 million dead in your figures from Hiroshima.
Didn't his example have several A-bombs striking areas with a higher population density than Hiroshima had?
parados wrote:The supposed attempt to purchase yellow cake was shown to be based on forged documents.
That is unlikely, as the forged documents only showed up long after the fuss over Nigeria had begun.
The claims that he was trying to buy uranium were initially based on claims made by Italian intelligence. Later, they were based on claims made by UK intelligence.
parados wrote:The aluminum tubes for centrifuges were disputed by scientists as being not of the right type.
Any scientist who thought that the tubes couldn't be used in a centrifuge, doesn't know what he is talking about.
parados wrote:Saddam didn't have the capability to deliver several nukes
True. But they feared that he would eventually have the capability.
parados wrote:and any he could build would have been crude and not transportable by terrorists. Go look at the weight of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It was NOT a suitcase size bomb.
Once they got the fissile material, how heavy such a bomb would be would depend on what kind of yield they were willing to settle for.
If they were willing to forgo a Hiroshima-sized yield, they could build a suitcase nuke that would be powerful enough to instantly collapse the Sears Tower or Empire State Building.
However, a bomb with a Hiroshima-sized yield could be delivered as a truck bomb.