parados wrote:oralloy wrote:au1929 wrote:Forgetting all the launch problems. They still have to prove when launched the system can track and destroy an incoming missile.
Well, they've proven that once they get close enough, the infrared seeker can work.
They of course haven't proven that the X-band radar will get the interceptor close enough, because they haven't built the X-band radar (at least that I know of).
It's been proven that man could fly if only he could grow wings. Of course it hasn't been proven that he has wings yet.
A workable system requires all the parts to work. That is the problem we will always face with the system.
I think we will only face that problem until we get all the parts working.
The fact that we haven't built the entire system doesn't make it a failure. It just means we haven't built it yet.
parados wrote:How do you implement a system that doesn't work yet? You don't. It's a complete waste of money.
The fact that we haven't completed the development of the system doesn't make it a waste of money.