McGentrix wrote:
timberlandko wrote:The point never was to find WMD, whether by the "Inspectors" or otherwise; the point always was that Sadaam was obliged, on pain of military intervention, to account for known stocks of WMD, known WMD production and plannin' capability, and to demonstrate, voluntarily and conclusively that all such had been disposed of or terminated in satisfactory manner. That he never did. He bought what he got. Only one person had the power to prevent the invasion of Iraq. That person now sits in a jail cell and awaits trial in Iraq.
I hope Timber doesn't mind me lifting his statement, but there is no sense trying to rewrite perfection...
What tommyrot . . . that is as distorted a statement as i can imagine parading itself under the guise of plausibility. I've read the relevant Security Council resolutions, from 681 to 1440, and none, absolutely none of them authorize military action against Iraq for failure to comply with an inspections mandate. Given that inspections were resumed when Hussein was threatened, this crap is even less accurate. The contention that Hussein could have prevented the idiot cowboy in the White House from going off on this wild ride is pure bull, as well. Attacking Iraq and establishing a military presence in southwest Asia has been a part of the neo-con agenda since long before the Shrub was elected. The evidence for that can be found at the PNAC web site. Nothing that Hussein did or could have done would have prevented these idiots from waging war.
What is truly criminal in all of this is the incompetence of Rummy and company. They have tried to wage war on the cheap, and continue to do so. In the process, they risk the lives of our servicemen and -women, who haven't sufficient body armor or amored vehicles to protect them from an insurgency which any adolescent willing to read history could have predicted. In the best of all possible worlds, Rummy, Wolfowitz and all of their cronies would be prosecuted for crimes against our military.