Setanta wrote:You've never silenced me anywhere. And yes, i have sympathy for people who are unjustifiably the butts of other people's racists humor, and such references as rag-heads.
You delude and flatter yourself if you think you are the object of revenge. I go from one day to the next with never a thought of you. If you will post idiotic remarks about people of whom you know nothing, you can expect comment. If i happen to read such remarks, you can expect comment from me.
well you did stop answering for good in that thread and completely factored out of the convo and only the elders talked after that.
redneck isnt a racist comment. i am reporting this ok?
that is extremely mutual. you just don't exist for me. and i wish there was a way, i could come to this nice forum/board, without having the utter displeasure of getting relplied at, by people i never enjoyed discussing with, right from day 1. and that too, when i never directed my comments at them, but to a completely different third person (ie. its that moron i called a redneck and not you. Just how and why you jumped into this i'll never know... or maybe i know, thanks to those two lines i quoted from you)
and yes i confess i knew little about rednecks except that they are supposed to be boorish right down to their last cell. but now thanks to you, i know quite a bit about rednecks. and the idiotic comments came from you when you first tried to give the adjective (which is how i used it) "redneck" a religious twist and now a racial twist.