I don't know honestly.
I have been told that he is 85 and apparently "very successful" and "pretty happy".
As if you can measure happiness by worldly success. I only have about $1800 to my name, and I'm often unemployed. By the standards of the world, I am a loser. But I have a family that loves me, and a God that I love (who may or may not love me back, given the somewhat tsundere relationship that I have with the religious world). I cannot boast of my success, only of how God has taken care of someone almost penniless like me.
When I do ask Frank about his background, he dodges the question. Embarrassment? Not that any of us needs to be embarrassed. The secular world ties their worth in their success, yet they are ashamed when it comes to God. But all of that is just stuff. Everything from credentials (my grandma was a math teacher, but she got old and senile and couldn't even do simple math), to the money you work for (inflation devalues it all), to the stuff you buy (it breaks), and even your own body is perishable.
Why then should you be proud of the work you have done, and embarrassed of the Gospel? Love, friendship, and faith. These are things that money can't buy. Frank could throw all the money he had at me, but he couldn't make me like him. Actually being more personable? That doesn't cost a thing.
Returning to topic. "If Jesus died to forgive is, why is there a hell?" When we are arrogant of the things in our lives and do not value people, we are in Hell. Hell is not about the Afterlife, it is about the state of our lives. When we reject other people and build walls, our lives become pitiful. All the stuff in the world cannot make us less miserable. When we learn how to reach out to others, religion or not, we are bound for Heaven. Frank is focusing on the idea of religion as some spiritual mumbo-jumbo, and not getting the key part.
Religion. Some people hear the "bind together" word origin, and misunderstand it to be about control. No, bind together, as in re-connecting. Ligament has the same word root. It is what joins bones together.
There are several demons that possess the human spirit. These are sometimes synonymous with delusion or mental disorder. But a more accurate way of looking at this is that these are ways that we dis-connect. For example, a person too addicted to control is used to ordering people around, so they seldom get meaningful relationships. Or someone affected by fear is afraid to go out and meet people. Or someone affected by anger is mean to the people who might otherwise help them. This fear that has infected everyone, it is a great delusion. It pushes people outside who would otherwise be welcome in shops, in churches, in schools. The price of all of this is borne by those who see rejection wherever they go. Being affected by demons is a literal disorder of the mind.

(All credit goes to Meg Syv, this is for explanation purposes only. Note how demons consume the person, making them into the thing they hate the most about themselves)
At the most demon-possessed, a person can hear someone tell them that everyone basically wants the same things and that we should learn to live together, and hears that person as being hateful and bigoted. This is your brain on sin. Rachel Leigh Cook wants to know if you have any questions.