Is masturbation evil?

Sat 28 Jan, 2006 06:29 pm
The only trouble is that they might have impetago,athlete's foot,red mite,corns,constipation,clap,hives,mange,erysipelatous or any of the other unfortunate conditions listed in Roget's Thesaurus under 651.

One can't be too careful was seared on my brainscape when I was in the military and they showed sweet innocent country boys like I was at the time those films of the risks involved in succumbing to the temptations of ladies in countries I was to be posted to.I always felt after that a leaning towards a twee,possibly reluctant, virginity surrendering to evolutionary forces and handy with the pots and pans in the kitchen.

Bill Haley did a song about it.A work of art.
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Sat 28 Jan, 2006 06:32 pm
So, spendius, did they tell you to avoid the locals and just wank off instead?
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Sat 28 Jan, 2006 07:14 pm
Chum wrote-

I do not necessarily agree that *if* a fantasy is needed, it *must* demean the partner. Why?

It doesn't if the partner is appraised of it.Otherwise I think it does.

a) Because if I slept with a girl and she needed to believe that I was a space alien in order for her to be satisfied, I would not feel demeaned, I would quite like it.

Suit yourself on that Chum.It takes all sorts.I understand.I'd pass that up.I'd expect to be in the **** before too much time had passed.

b) I'll bet there are lots of guys out there who would not feel demeaned if their partner needed to wear sexy high heels etc. and act out the part of a high class call girl in order to be satisfied.

That maybe be so.It has nothing to do with me what a lot of guys do.I'd expect the same result as in the previous answer.

Ask a detective about the next one.

I do not think that condemnation of masturbation reduces the temptation to bring overt harmful real world actions to life. Why? Because I do not see a direct cause and effect between increased masturbation and increased overt harmful real world actions.

The powers decide that.They might only be concerned with those where there is a connection and they know the rest will be okay assuming there are no non criminal negativities.

The healthily mind is able to differentiate / discern. Therefore any and all fantasies are fair game for a healthily mind.

Well-that goes against Pavlovianism again.And not all minds are healthy.See last point.

As an aside I don't agree that the possibilities of fantasy are limited to the images presented in a culture. I would argue that the possibilities of fantasy are limited only by the imagination, which may go well beyond images presented in a culture.

I'll agree but you are talking about mysticism and spirituality there.

There are many countries/cultures/societies that have extreme censorship of media. There does not appear to be any corresponding decrease in sex crimes.

I don't know about that.What about orders of monastics?One might need to define a "sex crime" to deal with that.

As to your priest counter-argument, I am not aware of any proof which suggests that wet dreams moderate sexual frustrations, and hence overt harmful real world actions.

Neither am I.I was just pointing out a natural process which some people might be too impatient to wait for.I gather one does meet a higher class of partner though in such dreams.

Where is the proof that a healthy mind needs moderation of sexual fantasies, through reducing masturbation?

There is none.It's a balance.You need to define a "healthy mind" and there's a temptation to be subjective doing that.The powers needs must be objective or they cease to be powers and become instead vested interests.

Hence a celibate priesthood.
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Sat 28 Jan, 2006 07:20 pm
cjhsa wrote-

So, spendius, did they tell you to avoid the locals and just wank off instead?

Not bluntly as you suggest.They didn't need to.It is what happened to those of us who felt that the red hot needle was too high a price.What I could never understand is why those who got the red hot needle were upset at us laughing.
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Sat 28 Jan, 2006 09:32 pm
masturbation evil?

if it's wrong, i don't want to be right
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Sat 28 Jan, 2006 10:59 pm
You are passing up on all the Space Aliens and Call Girl themes Twisted Evil
spendius wrote:
It doesn't if the partner is appraised of it.Otherwise I think it does.
How can it demean your partner in any real world sense if (as in this example) the partner is not apprised of it and if (as in this example) your fantasy does not manifest itself in any physical manner, but you still need it (at least sometimes) to reach sexual satisfaction?
spendius wrote:
Ask a detective about the next one.

Non comprende
spendius wrote:
The powers decide that.They might only be concerned with those where there is a connection and they know the rest will be okay assuming there are no non criminal negativities.
Non comprende
spendius wrote:
Well-that goes against Pavlovianism again.And not all minds are healthy.See last point.
Agreed if you argue that Pavlov rules and free will is dead. I also agree that not all minds are healthy, but where are the arguments that inhibitions to masturbation improve mental health?
spendius wrote:
I'll agree but you are talking about mysticism and spirituality there.
If I was to live in Africa, the images presented in traditional African culture would not likely include being a deep ocean submariner, yet I could devise a fantasy in which such images were presented so no mysticism or spirituality needed.
spendius wrote:
I don't know about that.What about orders of monastics?One might need to define a "sex crime" to deal with that.
Superlative point! I should have referred to the sexually repressed Eastern European and the Middle Eastern countries to make my point.
spendius wrote:
I gather one does meet a higher class of partner though in such dreams.
I hope that's the case as otherwise it would not be worth the wait time Smile
spendius wrote:
You need to define a "healthy mind" and there's a temptation to be subjective doing that.
I agree that a "healthy mind" is subjective at least in terms of what goes on inside, but as to how that mind manifests itself in the physical world there are some reasonable ground rules. The one that befits this conversation would be: do not do any overt real world harm as motivated by sexual fantasies.
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Sun 29 Jan, 2006 06:33 am

I think it is demeaning for a lady to be used as a pure physical object which she must become if the man having sexual connection with her has some other person in the forefront of his mind and in other circumstances than the one they are in.And,if she is averagely observant,she will know, if not the details of the fantasy, that one is occuring.One could hardly call that making love.

Detectives who investigate sex crimes I meant.They know about these things as do psychologists.

The powers decide that.They might only be concerned with those where there is a connection and they know the rest will be okay assuming there are no non criminal negativities.
Non comprende

It isn't an easy point to get across.There are plenty of people,the vast majority,who present no problem using recreational drugs.The laws about drug use are basically aimed at the others.It is the same with speed limits.
When a young person dies after taking Ecstasy,whether the drug causes the death or not,the story is front page news and brings forth an outcry condemning Ecstasy and calling for stiffer penalties to be applied to dealers.With,it is said,millions of young people taking Ecstasy every weekend without coming to any harm a situation arises of tension between sensationalising media and common sense.I don't recall one of these cases for sometime but if one happens next weekend it will get splash treatment.

Agreed if you argue that Pavlov rules and free will is dead. I also agree that not all minds are healthy, but where are the arguments that inhibitions to masturbation improve mental health?

I am inclined to doubt free will.
As I have said you need to define mental health without your own mental health being the benchmark.There is no definite answer to your question here.There are schools of thought.I do tend to agree with you but there are matters you don't take into account.There is an intellectual case to be made for askesis(asceticism) and also for orgies.In fact in the extreme these are often linked as with Lent and Easter celebrations.A period of self denial followed by a blow out.Both these extremes are so toned down in the average person that the difference between then is not really noticed in daily life.But that doesn't apply to some people.Some people go these extremes for what they claim are spiritual purposes.
You need to see that there are,as Lenin said,the ones who do and the ones to whom it is done.You and I are in the latter group I presume and it is often incomprehensible what the other lot do from that position.

It is a complex subject as I keep reminding you.You won't find any easy answers and my advice is to beware of anybody who offers any.

If I was to live in Africa, the images presented in traditional African culture would not likely include being a deep ocean submariner, yet I could devise a fantasy in which such images were presented so no mysticism or spirituality needed.

Well Chum-I never heard of deep ocean submariner symbols in masturbation fantasies before.I think you ought to consider the top shelf magazines first.I am generally speaking in terms which have the healthy female of our species as the main content of the fantasy.That is difficult enough given the "good" and the "terrible" types without going underwater.Are you moving towards equipment fetishism.Motor car fanatics say.

The one that befits this conversation would be: do not do any overt real world harm as motivated by sexual fantasies.

Can't you see how subjective that is.What is real harm.Marines in Iraq.And what type of person becomes a Marine or a fighter pilot.
If you are right and inhibiting masturbation is harmful then why not have demonstrations of techniques on prime time TV and discussions of this nature in schools.What's your view on Freud's claim of infant sexuality and Huxley's scene in Brave New World.

I think we should take our society roughly as we find it and work with the established and agreed patterns as best we can.I think the balance of inhibition/release is probably about right and if it isn't the "ones who do" are cocking up and they are the only ones with the expertise to organise such a very complex matter.
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Sun 29 Jan, 2006 03:08 pm
All good stuff. It will take me a day or two to reply in kind, as I have a bunch of work to do, but you can be assured I will Smile
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Sun 29 Jan, 2006 03:53 pm
What if you're from Alabama and just practicing with your sister and brother?
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detano inipo
Sun 29 Jan, 2006 06:32 pm
That reminds me of the boy who did it with his sister and she said: "wow, you're better than dad.

He answered: "yeah, that's what mom told me."
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 01:36 pm
what i have heard is that masturbatuon is a sin
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 01:40 pm
Then call me a sinner.
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 01:45 pm
i love JESUS CHRIST wrote:
what i have heard is that masturbatuon is a sin

It is if you are having a mutual session with your priest.
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 01:49 pm
spendius wrote:

I think it is demeaning for a lady to be used as a pure physical object which she must become if the man having sexual connection with her has some other person in the forefront of his mind and in other circumstances than the one they are in.And,if she is averagely observant,she will know, if not the details of the fantasy, that one is occuring.One could hardly call that making love.

Detectives who investigate sex crimes I meant.They know about these things as do psychologists.

The powers decide that.They might only be concerned with those where there is a connection and they know the rest will be okay assuming there are no non criminal negativities.
Non comprende

It isn't an easy point to get across.There are plenty of people,the vast majority,who present no problem using recreational drugs.The laws about drug use are basically aimed at the others.It is the same with speed limits.
When a young person dies after taking Ecstasy,whether the drug causes the death or not,the story is front page news and brings forth an outcry condemning Ecstasy and calling for stiffer penalties to be applied to dealers.With,it is said,millions of young people taking Ecstasy every weekend without coming to any harm a situation arises of tension between sensationalising media and common sense.I don't recall one of these cases for sometime but if one happens next weekend it will get splash treatment.

Agreed if you argue that Pavlov rules and free will is dead. I also agree that not all minds are healthy, but where are the arguments that inhibitions to masturbation improve mental health?

I am inclined to doubt free will.
As I have said you need to define mental health without your own mental health being the benchmark.There is no definite answer to your question here.There are schools of thought.I do tend to agree with you but there are matters you don't take into account.There is an intellectual case to be made for askesis(asceticism) and also for orgies.In fact in the extreme these are often linked as with Lent and Easter celebrations.A period of self denial followed by a blow out.Both these extremes are so toned down in the average person that the difference between then is not really noticed in daily life.But that doesn't apply to some people.Some people go these extremes for what they claim are spiritual purposes.
You need to see that there are,as Lenin said,the ones who do and the ones to whom it is done.You and I are in the latter group I presume and it is often incomprehensible what the other lot do from that position.

It is a complex subject as I keep reminding you.You won't find any easy answers and my advice is to beware of anybody who offers any.

If I was to live in Africa, the images presented in traditional African culture would not likely include being a deep ocean submariner, yet I could devise a fantasy in which such images were presented so no mysticism or spirituality needed.

Well Chum-I never heard of deep ocean submariner symbols in masturbation fantasies before.I think you ought to consider the top shelf magazines first.I am generally speaking in terms which have the healthy female of our species as the main content of the fantasy.That is difficult enough given the "good" and the "terrible" types without going underwater.Are you moving towards equipment fetishism.Motor car fanatics say.

The one that befits this conversation would be: do not do any overt real world harm as motivated by sexual fantasies.

Can't you see how subjective that is.What is real harm.Marines in Iraq.And what type of person becomes a Marine or a fighter pilot.
If you are right and inhibiting masturbation is harmful then why not have demonstrations of techniques on prime time TV and discussions of this nature in schools.What's your view on Freud's claim of infant sexuality and Huxley's scene in Brave New World.

I think we should take our society roughly as we find it and work with the established and agreed patterns as best we can.I think the balance of inhibition/release is probably about right and if it isn't the "ones who do" are cocking up and they are the only ones with the expertise to organise such a very complex matter.

I have given your latest post further reading and I find it has merit; some part are congruent with my thoughts, while some I challenge to various degrees, as you know.

I am not sure there is much more I can add at this time outside of my prior postings. Worth revisiting in the future Smile
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 01:59 pm
i love JESUS CHRIST wrote:
what i have heard is that masturbatuon is a sin

Sin no more, my son. Find a nice jewish girl.
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 02:04 pm
i love JESUS CHRIST wrote:
what i have heard is that masturbatuon is a sin

I'd like to hear more. Where did you hear this, and from whom?

It doesn't say that in the bible...since you are a follower of jesus

The sin on Onan you say?

he wasn't masturbating, he just wasn't ejaculating into his brothers wife.

Sinful thoughts while masturbating?

Not necessarily.

Come back and explain your comment please, but bring something other than "I heard" or "they said"

"they" say a lot of things.
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 02:47 pm
i have heard from a paster
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 03:26 pm
You mean a pastor?

What was the reason, did he/she tell you?

Where did they get their information from?

Why would you believe this person? Did you check up on the information he/she gave you, or just take the pastor at his word?

I'm not trying to be mean, it just floors me whenever someone heard something, but doesn't check it out for themselves.

What do You think personally?

and Why?

I don't think I've chimed in on this yet, and the thread started getting a little deep in something a while back.

but my opinion?

those who think masturbation is evil is because they don't like to picture their children doing it and having a good time.

I think they should just not picture their sons and daughters masturbating. It's private thank you.

Then of course the cycle continues, and it become evil.

masturbation never hurt anyone.

this reminds me of the other thread about ignorance and brainwashing.

If you don't think for yourself you'll pick up these harebrained ideas about what is no ones business but your own.

If you don't want to masturbate, don't.
But there is not a damn thing wrong with it.

What's your personal thought on this?
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 04:08 pm
If God didn't want us to masturbate he would have given us shorter arms. Let's face it, everyone masturbates and I'm sure Jesus did too.
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Mon 30 Jan, 2006 05:09 pm
no JESUS IS SINLESS JESUS never sined and never will sin
0 Replies

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