Tue 12 Apr, 2005 01:08 am
I often question myself if masturbation is a normal healthy activity or a sin. Im not a religious person but I feel negative about masturbation. A few of my friends are Mormon and their religion totally shuns masturbation as an evil sin.
What are your guy's views on masturbation?
It happens.
Welcome to A2K, NumbFaint.
Thanks for the welcome

I've been browsing the forums for a month or so but never really got around to making an account.
I really enjoy hearing other people's opinions on matters such as these. I think it's fun to argue and debate.
Well, then I'll give you my actual opinion rather than some stupid 2 word post, and I'll speak quite frankly here.
As a teenager, I was hesitant about masturbation, for religious and other various reasons. But the wet dreams got to be way too much for me. I figured masturbation would be a better and definitely much cleaner way of relieving a lot of that pressure. And of course, once I started, I didn't really want to stop, and haven't since.
Now, this could be seen as being a slave to my desires, if you'd like to look at it from a religious perspective. The case can be made, though, that masturbating would still be better than premarital sex. For that reason, I would hope that religious people wouldn't say masturbation is a terrible thing. Yes, it can be seen as a sin of thought and desire and finally action, but there are worse things you could be doing. And really, it seems unrealistic for most people, save the incredibly devout, to try to go through life till marriage without any sort of sexual relief.
I'd actually say that masturbation is both a normal healthy action and a sin, depending on your ideals. For the religious, in the ways I mentioned, it can definitely be viewed as a sin. It is one, though, which I hope could be forgiven, and especially forgiven more than forms of physical sex.
And for most of the non-religious among us, it is quite the normal act. Most of these men would not be able to focus or concentrate at all between sexual relationships or encounters without masturbation. Now, I'm a fairly religious person, but I also fit into this second category as well.
Basically, I think that the choice the masturbate is a personal one, and if you have religious ideals working against it in your mind, maybe you shouldn't do it. I decided that the physical and mental benefits of masturbation were far too great to pass up.
Im not religious but used to think it was bad.
What on earth do you think is gona happen if you do it?Your not gona go to hell, the sky isnt gona fall in on you.
I dont do it as much as I should!
If you look at it in a religious perspective, yes, many believe it's a sin. However, I personally believe that God would feel less "angry" with this act then say, the act of adultry. So like smogs said, it's all perspective. If you feel badly doing it, than don't do it. There is nothing wrong with not masturbating just as there is nothing wrong with masturbating. It depends on who you are and what you believe.
If masterbation was bad, God wouldnt have made us so our arms were long enough to reach.
Why is it that the words evil, sin, bad have to be related to sex?????!!!
Nothing wrong with it. Perfectly natural. However:
- poor substitute for sex
- can be self-indulgent if someone is in a committed relationship
It was defined when I was much younger as "amusing yourself by abusing yourself" which shows that it's nothing to worry about.
Always clean up after yourself.
I'm fairly religious - but I'm confused - in what way could it be considered a sin? Sex is a normal, healthy outlet - and so is masturbation. I think God has bigger things to worry about. Your body - your choice, as far as I'm concerned.
Do it if you feel like it. Period.
Aidan-good attitude
Brandon9000-Id avoid it around that time of the month!
I am not a religious person, so the concept of "sin" has no meaning for me. To me, masturbation is an appropriate outlet for sexual tension in many instances:
When a person is too young to be sexually involved with another person.
When a person has no sexual partner, or the partner is not available. It is certainly preferable to casual sex with someone, and is lots, lots safer, in terms of avoidance of disease, and/or unwanted pregnancies.
When one partner in a committed couple has a higher sex drive than the other.
Just for the hell of it!
"A few of my friends are Mormon and their religion totally shuns masturbation as an evil sin." Isn't this because they believe in populating the earth with more Mormons, and thus "spilling one's seed on the ground" is evil? Guess that makes masturbation permissible for women, though.
When the reference to "spilling one's seed" was made in the OT - it was when the world was still relatively unpopulated - and populating it was the task at hand (little pun there). At this point - I think we'd be doing well if seed was spilt somewhere other than where it could do it's job of fertilization. So go ahead - feel free to spill, (if it won't mess with your head) - geez, this subject really lends itself to double entendres. Sorry.
Its only bad if somebody tells you its bad.
Think about how you feel about it if yuo hadnt been influenced by opinions of others.
Masterbation is definately evil...if you're doing it right.
Seriously, how could it be evil? Unless the world is seriously underpopulated...like it was BC.
These days you could be doing the world a favour.
Having said that, it doesn't stop you listening out really carefully, and feeling really guilty when you get sprung!
That's not because it's evil - and you don't really feel guilty - just really, really embarrassed. Did anyone see the "master of your own domain" Seinfeld when George's mother walked in on him masturbating? Now, that was funny...
There is one instance when masturbation is not healthy...........................if it becomes obsessive. If someone has a willing partner and prefers to masturbate, there IS a problem. If someone is so out of control that the person has no boundries as to when and where to masturbate, it is not only inappropriate, it may be a crime!
"You're lying in bed when images of the girl who sits in front of you in chemistry class pops into your head. Miles beneath the ground thousands of demons are clustered waiting anxiously for the sin, while angels above are saying to themselves 'no johnny, don't do it. Don't defile your soul.' however you succumb to temptation. An angel sighs and then walks over to a massive library filled with books of everyone's name and adds yet another stroke to the tally next to yours."
If the above image is not ridiculous to you, please. See proffessional help.