Chumly wrote-
Quote:I agree that "pleasure sensations" can get "stamped in behavior patterns". The question I raise is can we be sure that the pleasure derived from the orgasm ensures a Pavlovian style response in terms of the "harmful" fantasy? I don't see why it must be so. Socialization stops it, or other forces? Don't know.
First-I'm not sure anybody can be "sure".But to question it is to question Pavlov and his derivatives.
It is widely accepted that "reward" stamps in behaviour patterns associated with it.The "carrot" side.Love displays,candies,presents,prizes,money,general approval and such things are commonly used to reward what is thought "good" behaviour.
The "stick" is less certain but it also is widely used despite voices raised against it to stamp out bad behavoir.Form of "treatment" are gaining ground for various reasons.
But on the main point I think you may not be taking into account the possibility,some would say near certaintity,that the "fantasy",harmful or not,has a direction.Put a little fancifully one might say that yesterday's limit is tomorrow's start position.The fantasy may get out of control.
But kept indoors that has no social effect unless it has an effect on the fantasiser which is anti-social generally but not criminal.Economically negative moods say.
What holds it in check from actings out in the wider world when it does pass into anti-social behaviour is a shame due to socialisation and also fear of various forms of retribution.And these don't apply to everyone.There are people with little shame or fear of retribution.There are also people who seek to be found out in order to get attention.
I'll leave that one there for now but it does raise other issues of no little importance for anyone seeking an understanding of their society.
Quote:As far as my example, I do not drool when I get in my car, I have to get hungry first from lack of food. I did not mean to chose car terms with a certain symbolism in mind, but it would be fun to think that.
I was a bit giggly last night but what I was thinking was that if "hunger" was the sex hunger things like cars or clothes or music can,and do if the advertising industry knows what its doing,speed up the drive.That you can get "horny" ahead of where nature would have you by arranging things around you to do that.And paying for them.WOW!That's a big subject eh Chum?It could be great fun.
Would that be intellectual masturbation for real?
Quote:The lady's "disagreement could be welcomed as potential wisdom from another world, and a facet of her charm". It would be a lot healthier to do so.
To keep this short and sweet suppose one could detect in an artist,a writer say,whether or not he was down that road and detect in other writers that they might be down the other one.If it is a lot healthier,and like you I think it is,then oughtn't one to angle one's reading in the direction of those writers on the road one approves of.Irony can be deceptive here.
Any thoughts?