Is masturbation evil?
spendius wrote:I can't answer for the ladies as I haven't the faintest idea about their minds but a man who engages in the practice which is the subject of this thread renders himself less eager to carry out the necessary flummery to release his tensions which he would otherwise find obligatory assuming he hadn't the patience to await a fanciful dreamscene which may take some time,especially in the over 25s,but where one does tend to meet an etheral being of the utmost divinity.
Such a man is a dead loss to ladies as his motivations to behave in an orderly fashion are drastically undermined in inverse proportion to the length of time since he masturbated.
So are you saying you don't stroke your microbe when the right lady is not around? Or do you not wait for the right one and select whatever is on the menu?
I love to flirt and become turned on, and figuratively tickle the fancy of others. BUT, that isn't the same as actually *doing it* with someone, physically. In reality, I am quite decisively celibate, until at which time I meet and mesh with that one man who is to be my soul mate. Not to say, of course, that this is in the meantime driving me up the wall... which explains why I'm like I am, right now.
Massaging myself to satisfaction relieves me, at least for a few minutes, from the continual burning of desire that I'm feeling at this very moment, once again...