Mon 11 Apr, 2005 07:31 pm
...quit the frigging smokes!
I'm really happy that I quit it this monday!
And if somebody catches me looking down on a smoker without helping him losing the nicotine-beast, you may smack me.
Ok, I know, I quit today, and I used to smoke 30+ cigs a day, and y'all gonna say, he won't make it... Like that would help me!
I'm ahead of y'all though! I know I won't smoke again! CUZ I SAID SO! I don't want to smoke anymore, so f*ck it!
It's not because I can't afford it, I'm not sick or terminally ill, I just don't want to smoke anymore, that's it!
And BTFW, if I tell y'all, and my wife catches me smoking, that'd be a frigging desaster for my .... ego?!!!
I told her this Sunday! And I quit it like 4 hrs before I planned!
And I'm glad I did!
i say you can do it
did you toss all the lil buggers away? finish the last pack?
how did you mark the end?
I didn't finish the pack, I read the book "Easyway" by Allen Carr, and then I just threw them away. After I crushed them.
Oh, and I take Zyban, too. For the 2nd time....
Crushing and tossing's good.
It's important, I think, to note the end of smoking with some kind of ceremony.
For me, it was giving the balance of a carton away, and then finishing the end of the pack I'd been working on. The handing over of the carton, the pulling out of the last ciggie, and the extinguishing of the last ciggie made it all somehow official.
That's true, the ceremony is somehow IS important, I didn't give it much thought though, I was so focused on this certain point in time when I was gonna quit, I just realized that I wanted to give it up just then!!! Before I wanted, so to speak.
You've got the crush and toss ceremony to remember now.
This is my friend BigD. He used to smoke, til he crushed and tossed. <nods>
Just changed my sig-line! Had to, you know... Damn, I'm glad I quit!
I really am, ask the other guys and gals who quit already!
Hey, good for you! Tell those cig manufactureers to take their product and shove it.
Your body will thank you for it down the road! :wink:
Yay - woohoo - yippee - hiphiphooray!!!!
Brush your teeth should you get the urge to smoke a
cigarette, and eat tons of chewing gum. That will help too.
Go, BD!!!
I'm betting on ya, bigdice!
(Didja notice the poll is 100% YES! votes?...We have a lot of faith in you.)
Dude...congratulations. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, it's gonna be really f*cking hard sometimes. I just quit a couple months ago, and I still have my tortured moments...maybe we can help each other. Just PM me when/if you start to lose your ****.
Will do that, kicky...
When did you kick it? It took me two weeks to get to yesterday, and now I think it was good that I took my time to get angry with myself for being an addict. And yesterday I was really mad at myself for being a junkie. Now I'm not mad anymore!
Way to go Travis...I'm envious