blatham wrote:Prejudice in oneself can be quite invisible. I can make educated and empathetic surmises regarding what it might be like to be a woman or a native in this culture, but I'm likely to get this only in some small measure.
I do not need to surmise what it is like to be you to treat you as an individual and with the same respect I would afford any individual, though I understand your desire to do so. Perhaps it is a lofty, well-intentioned, but impossible ideal.
As to that tape of your youth... I wonder whether if you gave it another listen you might find that the men involved were more willing to assert themselves and the woman was more apt to acquiesce precisely because you were (are) male or female. We all have innate traits that are to varying degrees tied to our gender. I'm not trying to argue that men have a biological imperative to be impolite, but rather that it is necessary to consider that we are "wired differently". So, perhaps what you heard on that tape, wasn't the men talking over the woman, but rather then men's willingness to talk over each other and her, and her willingness to step back and let others have the floor.
And of course there is the other possibility that this had nothing to do with gender at all, but that you simply had 1 polite person letting 3 others run roughshod over the conversation.
Just throwing out some thoughts. (Hope the hashish was good!)