Punky, your post above is further proof that you have comprehension issues.
No idea why you would need to ask gay friends, as opposed to any other random friends about your "joke"
This thread isn't about homosexuality.....it isn't even about sexuality. It's about wanting to sleep in attire that makes a person feel comfortable. That's not sex. That's sleep. You take something in, it goes through some kind of various punky filters, and comes out the other end with this entirely different meaning. And you do that all.....the....time.
This thread is no different than if I started one called a question for men, and I asked if it would be a deal breaker if I said I like to sleep with pillows propped up in front and behind me, plus one between my legs and another wedged a particular way under my neck. I imagine for some they wouldn't want to sleep in the same bed with me, because I take up a lot of room, or can't put an arm around me. Like I said to the OP, sleep (not sex) is personal, and you should do it in whatever way makes you comfortable.
I personally doubt anyone said your post was hilarious.
I don't engage in political threads.
I never said you were a lazy reader.
I post what I want, when I want, and that's nothing to you.
Just freaking get in the groove of actually comprehending what you read, so you stop making comments about what you imagine, not what is said.