If "character assassination" is your issue, you seem to have missed the past 200 years of our republic.
I don't see what relevance the last 200 years of our republic has to do with the issue of character assasination via the modern entertainment medium. Perhaps you could enlighten me.
Just tune in to Jay Leno most nights.
Has it been 200 years since Leno took over from Carson? Damn, time sure flies
cicerone imposter wrote:parados, How much you wanna bet nothing is gonna come from this revelation? The guys made out of teflon, and even if the shet sticks, nothing bad happens to him.
The really crooked always triumph.
cicerone imposter wrote:They have the $$$$$$$$.
The dollars are as crooked as their politics.
Foxfyre wrote:I don't see what relevance the last 200 years of our republic has to do with the issue of character assasination via the modern entertainment medium. Perhaps you could enlighten me.
Satire is a goodly part of democracy.
More information being reported. Posting it here to keep it all together as the story unfolds.
Quote, "Abramoff brought the Coushatta and Choctaw chiefs to Washington at the request of Grover Norquist. Norquist is founder and director of Americans for Tax Reform, the advocacy group committed to slashing taxes until the federal government is so small you "can drown it in the bathtub." "
They don't need Tax Reform to drown the federal government; their deficit spending has already mortgaged our children and grandchildren with a debt that will sink our economy - sooner or later.
We will recoup our losses from the oil revenue in Iraq. Oh Yeah.
au, Our losses in Iraq includes the human loss. That can never be made up from oil revenue.
BTW, Those who have lost parents, children or siblings will never feel any gain from oil revenue.
I was just commenting on the administrations contention that the war in Iraq would cost the US very little [in funds} since the oil revenue would pay for it. Another miscalculation.
As far as lost lives of course they can never be recovered or justified. I doubt however, if Bush, Chaney or Rumsfeld lose much sleep over them.
They don't lose any sleep. The only time they lost sleep is when they tried to save Shiavo from her comatose condition waiting to die but kept alive by artificial means.
As a matter of fact, this administration doesn't give a shet about all the children in this country withouth health insurance. They prefer to spend their effort to save one brain-dead woman.
Now that the issue has reduced to who pays for congressional junkets, watch this one fade into the wind.
Delay is a pugnacious little sh*t but he is the uber-product of our political system. If not him than someone else, and if you believe that someone else cannot be a Democrat than please let me urge you to invest in my perpetual motion machine.
He is a noxious dwarf, but he is effective. Why do you think they call them Whips?
Here's the humor of the issue: Politicians are allowed to engage in an aggressive, uncompromising position of churlish insult that would never be tolerated in the upper strata of US Business, and who are more than happy to follow this rude course? Liberals, who would forever argue against such brutal rhetoric.
Churls, fight on!
The television program Now gave us some more reasons to dump DeLay this past Friday.
DeLay's friends
by Molly Ivins
AUSTIN, Texas -- A jaw-dropping article in The Texas Observer (www.texasobserver.org) shows that two lobbying clients of Jack Abramoff paid $25,000 to Grover Norquist's group for a lunch date and meeting with President George W. Bush in May 2001. Abramoff brought the Indian chiefs to the White house at the request of Norquist, a leading "movement conservative" in Washington. In addition, Abramoff obtained $2.5 million in contributions from the Indians for a nonprofit foundation run by his wife and himself.
The White House guests were the chiefs of two of the six casino-rich Indian tribes represented by Abramoff and his partner Michael Scanlon, former top aide to House Majority Whip Tom DeLay. The $25,000 check from the Coushatta tribe of Louisiana is made out to Americans for Tax Reform, an anti-tax group founded and directed by Norquist.
Norquist, Abramoff and Karl Rove have worked together for 30 years, since they were national leaders of the College Republicans. Norquist, DeLay and Abramoff are all key players in the "the K Street Project" to turn the Washington lobby corps into an arm of the Republican Party.
(Obligatory disclosure: The Observer's story, "The Pimping of the President," is by Lou Dubose, a freelance writer with whom I have written two books and am working on a third. However, Dubose has never had anything to do with my newspaper column, nor am I involved with any of his journalism. Another reporter who deserves credit on this story is Shawn Martin of the Lake Charles (La.) American Press, who has followed it from the end of the local Indian tribe.)
The Observer's story comes after a year of denials from the tribe (or at least the majority on the tribal council and their lawyer, Kent Hance, a major player in Texas Republican circles and former state officeholder).
The Observer was too tasteful to crack any jokes about how forgettable a meeting with this Great White Father might be. Dubose reports: "According to a source close to the tribal majority, Chairman Poncho recently 'revisited that issue' of his visit to the White House. He had previously denied it because he thought he was responding to press inquiries that implied he had a one-on-one meeting with Bush. He now recalls that he did in fact go to the White House on May 9, 2001. ... That meeting lasted for about 15 minutes and was not a one-on-one meeting. ... Abramoff was at the meeting."
According to the new version, Bush made some general comments about Indian policy but did not discuss Indian gaming. Abramoff billed the Coushatta's $25,000 for the meeting. ...
"Norquist has not responded to inquiries about using the White House as a fund-raiser. It is, however, a regular ATR practice to invite state legislators and tribal leaders who have supported ATR anti-tax initiatives to the White House for a personal thank-you from the president. A source at ATR said no money is ever accepted from participants in these events. The $25,000 check from the Coushattas suggests that, at least in this instance, Norquist's organization made an exception. The $75,000 collected from the Mississippi Choctaws and two corporate sponsors mentioned in Abramoff's e-mail suggests there were other exceptions. Norquist recently wrote to the tribes who paid to attend White House meetings. His story regarding that event is also evolving."
Norquist now says the contributions were in no way related to any White House event. "That doesn't square with the paper trail Abramoff and Norquist left behind, which makes it evident they were selling access to the president," Dubose writes.
For an overview of the entire Abramoff scandal and its relation to Tom DeLay and the K Street Project -- and what all this means in terms of Washington sleaze -- see an article by Elizabeth Drew, "Selling Washington," in the June 23 issue of The New York Review of Books. Drew and other students of Washington corruption conclude what we have here is not so much a difference in kind as in degree of corruption -- but of a degree that's making a difference in everything.
Drew writes, "The effects of the new, higher level of corruption on the way the country is governed are profound. Not only is legislation increasingly skewed to benefit the richest interests, but Congress itself has been changed. The head of a public policy strategy group told me: 'It's not about governing anymore. The Congress is now a transactional institution. ...' The theory that ours is a system of one-person, one-vote, or even that it's a representative democracy, is challenged by the reality of power and who really wields it. (Massachusetts Rep.) Barney Frank argues that 'the political system was supposed to overcome the financial advantage of the capitalists, but as money becomes more and more influential, it doesn't work that way.'"
I doubt there is a more important story in this country today. All reporters who want to be the next Woodward and Bernstein should follow Dubose and Martin to the local ends of this story.