Cycloptichorn wrote:If Sanders is found to have misused his funds and is guilty of a crime, he should be held accountable in the same fashion as DeLay.
This isn't a difficult concept.
We didn't respond to your post positively b/c you are effectively stating that all crimes, all ethical breaches, and all transgressions should be handled in the exact same manner. This is a strange idea.
If DeLay had been caught doing ONE thing, he wouldn't be in so much trouble. TWO things. THREE things, FOUR, FIVE, for God's sake. He's got something like ten allegations of misconduct and ethical violations, and that's just this year; last year he was 'admonished' three times.
This is a difficult guy for you people to be defending...
I'm NOT defending DeLay.
I am simply pointing out that since you want him out because of things he MIGHT have done(none of which are illegal,BTW),that its only fair that we hold EVERY member of Congress to the same standard.
We KNOW that Ted Kennedy killed a woman,so he should be gone,we KNOW that Barak Obama used cocaine,so he is out we KNOW that an aide to Nancy Pelosi took an overseas trip,paid for by a group that wanted her help.
We KNOW that Hillary was involved with questionable billing records(Rose law firm),we KNOW that she was involved with a campaign manager in CA that lied about how much was donated to her campaign,and who it was from.
We KNOW that Robert Byrd was a leader of the KKK,an organization that was a terror group,that conducted lynchings,home burnings,and other acts of terror against blacks.
Since he was a leader in the KKK,that means he either planned or approved of these tactics.
Since you seem to want to crucify DeLay for doing something that while stupid was not illegal,I suggest you start by cleaning your own house first.