timberlandko wrote:
And just to clarify my reference to "mainstream liberal" press and media, I point to the likes of The NY Times, the Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times, and to the "Big 3" TV network news organizations in particular..... I don't recall any of them being gung-ho about anything concerning The Bush Administration ... least of all the ramp-up to the recent Iraq intervention.
Excuse me, but during that "ramp-up" to the Iraq invasion, presidential supporters were talking about Weapons of Mass Destruction, and painting scenarios about whole states being under clouds of poison gas.
One of the criticisms of the Hans Blix inspections system was that the Iraqis did not make known how they disposed of the poison gas from the 1991 war. This was brought up very often, and was used by hawks as a reason why the inspection process was suspect.
Yet, there were reports on the internet from 1991, by our own military, pointing out something significant: poison gas wears out. It has an expiration date. It hits a point where it is no longer harmful. And that date was early 1992.
Where was the press-the "mainstream press" as you conservatives put it? Why were they not trumpeting this fact all over the newstands and airwaves? The reports were right there. The Iraqis clearly did not have to give the details of the disposal of poison gas because the gas had been useless for a decade!!!
I didn't see any newspapers emphasizing this in the events leading up to the war. I didn't see Time or Newsweek or the NY Times doing lengthy articles on how the reasoning for the war is faulty, based on assessments of poison gas that has long since ceased to be poison.
No, the so-called "liberal mainstream media" lay back and let Bush put the country into a frenzy, let the president's supporters paint ridiculous scenarios of poison gas in America that simply could not ever happen.
I don't care what the editorial policy of the NY Times is. They dropped the ball when they did not emphasize the fallacy of much of the arguments of the president leading up to the war. they dropped the bal lwhen they did not emphasize that the poison gas left over from the first Gulf War was entirely useless.
"Mainstream liberal press". Ha! A conservative shibboleth, invented to justify the excesses of right wing talk radio maniacs. Nothing more.