Fabian once took on the part of a psychopathic killer on the t.v. series BUS STOP. The network halted the airing of it midway through because Fabian was just too convincing.
John Lithgow, who can go from murderous villain to the wonderfully zany cast member of Third Rock From The Sun.
Glenn Close from Fatal Atraction to Jagged Edge
I thought Joaquin Phoenix, was a pretty dastardly dude, in "The gladiator"
Booman, I'd have to agree with you there
Barbara Hershey in The Natural. Boo and hiama, I agree. Glen Close and Joaquin Phoenix. Yikes, what a movie they could make together: Close encounters Joaquin in Arizona.
Hey Letty!
...Is Barbara Hershey, a bit under-appreciated? When people mention their favorites, I don't hear her name pop up a lot, but I've never seen her do anything mediocre.
Oh yeah, let me say a word about Jennifer Tilly. I've always kinda' liked her, and even more when she wasn't using that airhead voice....But a couple of nights ago, I saw a movie, "Valmont".... Wow!!!...I have never seen her in such a restrained, yet passionate role. I look at her in a whole new light now. As a matter of fact, by coincidence, "Dangerous Liasons" immediatly followed, on another channel, and as far as I'm concerned, Michelle Pfieffer,, didn't touch her, in the same role.
er,Boo. Wasn't that Meg Tillie? Whatever, you are on target as far as I'm concerned. And about Fabian. He did a guest appearance on some TV western where he did a multiple personalitied role which came through on the witness stand. Can't remember the show, but he was EXCELLENT. Out of character for this early rock singer turned psychopath.
Thanks Letty,
...I checked it out. Of course this means an even greater injustice. I didn't realize baby(?) sister had chops like that. Offhand I can remember only one movie I've seen her in, and it was decent. Now you've got me on a new project.- Check out this chick's* body of work.
...(*Note to PC police: Yeah, I said chick, but so what! It wasn't sexist, it was a term of endearment. So There.

"check out her body"....Ooooh Letty!

Look at that innocent look on my face. How could you accuse me of such lechery?

BTW, I went to IMDB, and the movie I knew was her, was "Leaving Normal". I saw at least two more, that I thought she was Jennifer.
Bobby Darin was a pretty good actor. I saw him on a tv show playing a guy who thought he was Billy the Kid and that the local lawman, Glenn Ford, was Pat Garret. One early scene has Darin on horeseback using a bazooka to blast a truck off the road. True to its fatalism, the show ends with Ford having to shoot Darin.
Remember the Kris Kristoferson version? that movie was rife with great supporting actors, and singers. Slim Pickens, Jack Elam, James Coburn, (I hink that was the one he played garrett) Kris, Bob Dylan, and Rita Coolidge. and oh what a song! "Lord take this badge offa' me..."
I recall that one well. All great performers in my estimation.
And it was an intrigiung take too. No real heroes, or villains.
In The Greatest Show on Earth, Jimmy Stewart, the clown, was the killer ducking the law.
I always thought Meg Tilly was the older of the two, not sure. I think Meg got her career going a few years before Jennifer. In the 80s, Meg was in The Big Chill and I think she was in a pretty fair thriller called The Lady In White (I think). I don't think Jennifer hit it big until the horse racing movie with Richard Dreyfuss and Bullets Over Broadway.
<Jennifer is a year and a half older - the horse racing movie was Let It Ride - Meg's scary movie was Girl in the Swing, not Lady in White.>
Noah Beery, Jr. was always one of my favorites - not always great, but always personable. In fact, I like the entire Beery family of actors.
One of my all time favorites was Jane Darwell. She played among other things Tom Joad's mother in The Grapes of Wrath and the loose old woman in The Ox-Bow Incident.