In the current film, Catch Me if You Can, Christopher Walken is not a villain. His performance, as usual, is terrific. I recommend this film for all of Walken's fans.
I remember Brian Dennehy in a made-for-tv movie where he played this nasty, nasty man and, if I remember correctly, the whole town got together and killed him. He was also pretty low in "Unforgiven."
James Spader plays your yuppie villian with glee. In "Wolf" with Jack Nicholson, you just wanted to beat him with something.
...You may be thinking about the one where he played a serial Killer. IT was a true story. There were kids, he was a clown. I kinda' hated to see my guy Brian play that one too. But he's a pro
Oh yeah,
...Trying to keep one step ahead of the Sexist Police

Let's not forget the ladies. I just love the treachery of Mercedes McCambridge, and the sardonic wit, of Eve Arden.
...Are you confusing Denehey, and Gene Hackman, with "Silverado, and "Unforgiven" ? You know what I mean.
Booman: You beat me to the punch. I was just getting ready to ask if there was room here for the bad girls.
Margaret Hamilton - The Wizard of Oz
Louis Fletcher - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Agnes Moorehead - Jane Eyre
Bette Davis - The Little Foxes
Impressive Raggedyaggie,
...Think we could squeeze Kathy Bates in there, for "Misery"? (S-shiver)
Booman - in the TV movie/mini-series of the Stephen King book "It" - that was Tim Curry as the clown/monster...
Tim Curry! Oh he's amazing!
I agree, Bluxx. Although I doubt he'll ever top his performance in The Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Two Mercedes McCambridge gems:
"Johnny Guitar" A western that put the "k" in kinky.
"Touch of Evil" A brief, menacing appearance
No,no Macsm,
...That's not what I'm talking about. This was a true story, Brian played a guy who performed as a clown at childrens parties. that 's how he got his victims. It may have been John Wayne Gacy, I'm not sure. I would never confuse those two, I love them both.
...MM wasn't too shabby in "Giant" either.
yes, indeed, Raggedy. Fonda was a real meanie. I loved him in that movie.
I got's to get some sleep.
later all.
You're right Booman. I got Brian Dennehey and Gene Hackman's characters confused in "The Unforgiven" and "Silverado." But how about Al Lettieri? He played Solozzo in "The Godfather", an ugly enough character, but I remember him best in the original "The Getaway" with Steve McQueen and Ali MacGraw. He played McQueen's partner in the bank robbery. What a nasty man.
I believe I nabbed Night of the Hunter first, thanks. So there.
Dennehy was John Wayne Gacy in To Catch a Killer, and was a really nasty town bully in In Broad Daylight.
Christopher Lee plays a great villain.
And Elizabeth Berkeley and Madonna are very scary in every role they play!
Mercedes McCambridge won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 1949 for her performance in All the King's Men.
Whenever I think of a "supporting" actress, Vivian Vance comes to mind.
She was, of course, Lucy's neighbor in the still-in-reruns TV show, I Love Lucy.
Agnes Moorehead was a member of Orson Welles' Mercury Radio Theatre company. Welles cast her in Citizen Kane (though I don't remember her role). Moorehead had a long career which endured even on TV. She played Elizabeth Montgomery's mom in Bewitched.
Moorehead's best performance, I think, was as Bette Davis' housekeeper in the film Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte, which has become somewhat of a cult classic.
The Sexist Police can make their arrest elsewhere. Including women role players (actresses) in this thread should reveal to all concerned that you are not into the politics of exclusion. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have read your posts over a period of many months know that would not your style
I second Richard Widmark (in many films), Robert Mitchum in "Night of the Hunter"...remember "children, where are you?" and last but not least Ben Kingsley" in "Sexy Beast". .. unforgettable.