Letty wrote:Well, Mathos. I'm not doing one more song unless you call me luscious lips Letty. So there!
Who cares if he were gay? The masons certainly don't.

Luscious Lips Letty,
I thought I might have overdone that, glad you like it, it suits you!
No, your right, being gay is not a matter of choice, it just happens, chemicals, hormones, whatever. I have known some really nice gay people over the years, the camp type are hilarious! Most of them from what I have noticed can be quite surprising characters as well. I knew one who could snap 6 inch nails with his hands, (he did use a handkerchief to avoid cutting himself) I consider myself reasonably strong, best I could ever do was bend them, breaking them with my bare hands was beyond me.
It's real nice to see you Luscious Lips Letty.. Take care Princess. x