Robert Allen Zimmerman aka BOB DYLAN

Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 03:17 pm
Shoot Spendius you'd be better goin bsack in the ? You now were yer fite them lions 'n things. Yer talking like thet stuff thet comes from a bufflo's ass. Yer ticklin us sum agin.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 04:18 pm
Shoot no bodiy bin here today 'n its colosuem I meant, 'n we wez hopin ter be tickled sum more.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 03:41 pm
Good Evening Drowler,

Surely you express education in The Deep South on it's better merits!

I rather think you may be embarrassing your ; "Fellow American's."

Tell me Dear Lady or whatever species you are ;

I was speaking with one of your countrymen via satellite link recently, he mentioned the words ; 'Tennessee Hollow' I am at a loss, would you be so kind as to explain it's importance to pig breeding ?

Incidentally, I think you probably mis-spelt your 'handle' on introduction shouldn't the 'o' be an 'a' ???
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 04:11 pm
Mathos, honey. You don't know nothing about a real Southern drawl, and believe me, you ain't lived until you have been to a Hog calling contest:


Course, then there's the other kind of hawg. Cool
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 04:29 pm
Letty wrote:
Mathos, honey. You don't know nothing about a real Southern drawl, and believe me, you ain't lived until you have been to a Hog calling contest:


Course, then there's the other kind of hawg. Cool

Luscious Lips letty, (Suey),

How would Mathos find his way to a 'Hog calling contest ?'

The alternative 'hawg ?'

feed me Letty.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 04:52 pm
Mathos, a "hawg" is a motorcycle, and we just got over having our tampani tested as Bike Week said fini.

Why, darlin', suey is what one says when he goes to the trough.

It was truly fashionable to be able to win a hog calling contest. Even the strictest patrician wanted to attend that function. All proceeds went to charity, of course.

Hmmm. Robert Zimmerman probably did his bit at the sty at one time.
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2005 03:52 pm
Luscious Lips letty

Your a diamond! I remember well the first time i ever visited 'The States' I visited some'kin' in Illinois and we were invited to a small out of the way town which may have been in Missouri, I cannot re-call and obviously have not checked. The town was called Anna. We had a wonderful meal with a few Budweiser beers. Walking around the homestead (miles from anywhere) I spied a beautiful Harley. It was magnificent. I expressed my warmth and delight at this wonderful peace of engineering to my host. "Can you handle a motorsickle 'Dude'" he replied. I answered in the affirmative, having had good experience in my time from a 250 TWN prop drive, through Tiger Cub, Gold Star and Rocket (BSA's) Triumph Bonnerville, and a Norton. Well that Harley, pushing a 1000 cc was something else. I took it down the country road and up into a hilly section of the area, it was divine. I dropped it low on bends and she delivered like a horny woman. My hosts and kin folk were quite impressed, especially when I showed them my party piece of taking her low around a slow left with a bunch of matches in my mouth and struck them on the tarmac. I have never rode a Harley since. I will do again though.
I last rode a few weeks since in Thailand, I hired a Yamaha, good fun, but the 'Japanese Motorcycles' just don't feel like a woman! Let alone a horny one.
Didn't Zimmerman keep falling off? Mm, Yes I bet you have an excellent persona for a good pillion passenger, if ever we bump into one another, remind me, I'll give you an excellent ride.
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Cliff Hanger
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2005 05:50 pm
Mr. Mathos-- this thread is long and quite entertaining, however, I have been remiss by not reading it through in its entirety. So, the information I am about to bestow upon you regarding a one Robert Allen Zimmerman of Hibbing, Minnesota may have hitherto been imparted in this forum:

Mr. Zimmerman's first wife, Sarah, was a playboy bunny.
They sired, I believe, 4 offspring during their union. One of those children is Jakob, of the band The Wallflowers. I have often pondered what it would have been like for the young Jakob to grow up in the shadows of his father. His band is quite good, but comes no where near the originality of Sir Zimmerman.
One more factoid, I had read a number of years ago, that Jakob and his father do not communicate. Son Jakob has a gag order for anyone whom he employs-- They are forbidden to mention the infamous and illustrious Mr. Zimmerman's name. Although I am unsure of the consequences for letting the name slip through their lips, I am certain the punishment would be swift and complete.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 10:40 am
Cliff Hanger,
What a wonderful contribution to the thread! I never knew Zimmerman had been married to a 'playboy bunny'
Then you add more beneficial information;
1st wife Sarah
4 offspring.
One named Jakob ? (Jacob)
Do we know anything of the other siblings?
I will check out the band 'The Wallflowers' and see if Warez have any offerings.
Infamous and illustrious Mr Zimmerman...A rather confusing statement, could you elaborate on this please Cliff?
I am suited 'Sir' that the thread is giving entertainment. Thank you!
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 11:38 am
Shoot thet duke feller he bin tellin spendus 'bout lots things on them other threds 'n thet spendus he's 'avin truble with his pecker 'n all.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 12:09 pm
continuing to smile and get an education. Often that is mutually exclusive, Mathos. Why, my dear, I can only ride a bicycle with coaster brakes, and that skill was achieved only after hard fraught practice.
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Cliff Hanger
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 12:17 pm
Illustrious refers to his superstardom, he will always be the daring, poetic voice in the changing political and social landscape of the 60s. From his original folk roots to his disparaged defection to electric guitar, Monsieur Zimmerman alienated as many as he drew in. His mystique and allure was not only his facilty with words to poetry and song, but his intense privacy, his decision to remain inaccessible to interviews, resisting the media, choosing the quieter private route.

Infamous, because Signor Zimmerman has proven his fallibility to those who held him up as a God, on the pedastal of doing no wrong. Witness, the heretofore mentioned non-communication with eldest and handsome rocker son Jakob ( who, by the way, mercifully inherited his mother's looks). What, this poster asks, could cause father, who has everything in the world, to be alienated from said offspring?

Secondly, Mr. Zimmerman has given into the times by making a commercial, and no doubt a bundle of dough, for womens lingerie. A vapid decision for vapid consumerism.

No doubt, there are those who would find the subject of womens panties a noble pursuit. However, a car commercial may be next. Mr. Zimmerman has come a long way from war protest songs. In my estimation, he has become a caricature, an aging rocker, who, to his credit has guffawed at those who think of him as the greatest.

A ruse, an attempt at humbleness? Who knows, but on a certain level, though unexplainable by this poster, his posture seems to be one of affect, somewhat transparent.

Cheers to you, Sir Mathos
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 03:40 pm
Letty wrote:
continuing to smile and get an education. Often that is mutually exclusive, Mathos. Why, my dear, I can only ride a bicycle with coaster brakes, and that skill was achieved only after hard fraught practice.

Luscious Lips Letty,

It is always very nice indeed to have discussion with you.
There is a speciality here 'Dear Lady' and my highest esteem and respect accord your favour. I admire your frankness I would be delighted
to be at your service one fine day. Please remember that 'my dear' I always will.

This 'lady' knows whats what, she does.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 03:48 pm
Cliff Hanger wrote:
Illustrious refers to his superstardom, he will always be the daring, poetic voice in the changing political and social landscape of the 60s. From his original folk roots to his disparaged defection to electric guitar, Monsieur Zimmerman alienated as many as he drew in. His mystique and allure was not only his facilty with words to poetry and song, but his intense privacy, his decision to remain inaccessible to interviews, resisting the media, choosing the quieter private route.

Infamous, because Signor Zimmerman has proven his fallibility to those who held him up as a God, on the pedastal of doing no wrong. Witness, the heretofore mentioned non-communication with eldest and handsome rocker son Jakob ( who, by the way, mercifully inherited his mother's looks). What, this poster asks, could cause father, who has everything in the world, to be alienated from said offspring?

Secondly, Mr. Zimmerman has given into the times by making a commercial, and no doubt a bundle of dough, for womens lingerie. A vapid decision for vapid consumerism.

No doubt, there are those who would find the subject of womens panties a noble pursuit. However, a car commercial may be next. Mr. Zimmerman has come a long way from war protest songs. In my estimation, he has become a caricature, an aging rocker, who, to his credit has guffawed at those who think of him as the greatest.

A ruse, an attempt at humbleness? Who knows, but on a certain level, though unexplainable by this poster, his posture seems to be one of affect, somewhat transparent.

Cheers to you, Sir Mathos

An erudite on 'The Zimmerman Establishment'

Indeed Cliff, I salute you again Sir.

I must warn you though, there are those on here who appear to exist to grovel at their Icon. The Zimmerman Clique, and you have of course made them aware of your awareness of their infantile clamourings. The purchaser's of Zimmerman memorabilia especially will launch attacks on your body and soul. Rest assured, you have a staunch ally in 'Baron Mathos'

Your cage especially is being rattled with panache, Spendius. I am amused.
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Reply Mon 25 Apr, 2005 07:35 am

At a famous press conference in Ell Ay when Bob Dylan was about 24 he was asked what he would sell out to if ever he sold out.
He replied "Ladies Garments".I have a video of the grapple which was very one-sided.

Fancy people posturing as Bobcats who didn't even know Sarah's background.Talk about coat-tail clingers!Wow!!
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 07:05 am
Try this Bobcats:-

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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 02:58 pm
spendius wrote:

At a famous press conference in Ell Ay when Bob Dylan was about 24 he was asked what he would sell out to if ever he sold out.
He replied "Ladies Garments".I have a video of the grapple which was very one-sided.

Fancy people posturing as Bobcats who didn't even know Sarah's background.Talk about coat-tail clingers!Wow!!

The leader of the pack just made his presence felt Cliff, I did warn you.

I have a vision of them all;-

Spendius sat on the 'white throne' Benn Gunn, Knock Kneed Lola, Queenie the Termagant and Sister George, cross legged on their tatami's paying homage to The Maharajah of A2K.com The minutes of the meeting being duly recorded in the chronological records for future descendants of protagonists to suffer education according to the gists and whims of' The Famous Five'

Obscure in expression, cryptic in thought and undistinguished in presentation, the students will be obligated as parasites seeking upmanship in the meanderous offal of the ancients.

It reminds me of Freud !

I noticed the pupils of a private Jesuit school, (St Aloysius College in Glasgow. motto;- "Ad majora natus sum)"

(' I am born to serve.')

having been invited to a party, tore pictures from the walls, stole household goods and possessions, smashed and trampled a valuable crucifix, left drugs, condoms and empty booze bottles all over the place at a £700,000..00 townhouse in the city.

The headmaster has written the parents whose children might be involved saying, " I am appalled.'

Personally, I would have crucified them.
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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 05:15 am
On prime time TV or in a petty offenders Intensive Supervision Gradual Termination Unit?

What would you do with the 10,000,000 demonstrators?Would the relatives of the offenders be required to pay for the nails?

Would a jury convict them?

Would you require assisstance?

Do you think a Cabinet could be found which would accept collective responsibility or if not would you dispense with Cabinets altogether and run the country single-handed as is often the case in other procedures?

Would you not raze all Roman Catholic structures and round up the faithful.Would all this still be taking place if you had happened to have not read the particular newspaper which,in order to provide its readers with salivation stimuli,reported this minor incident.
Thanks for the obligatory "condoms".No respectable home should be deprived of this key word for longer than 12 hours.
Would you have a trial?
What would you do with serial murderers?

Have you no friends who will put your toys back in the pram?
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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 02:52 pm
Spendius, you take hypothetical conversation and turn it into folklore!

How you zoom like an eagle on subjects you consider your intellect to be encouraged with knowledge.
Every body knows the 'rules' Spendius, consequently your squalid attempts to encourage a response to your non-sensical admirations with glamour attached, serve little if any purpose what-so-ever.
Harry Corbett used to do it with 'Sooty!'
The Mona lisa grins at your futility combined with the zest of a retarded pupil, hand high in the air, bursting at the veins to render his knowledge on 'cat ****.'
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Cliff Hanger
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 05:59 pm
I am lost over the debate between Spendius and Mathos. However,

What I will say about Mr. Zimmerman's former playboy bunny and wife is she is/was a total babe. Not the babe variety of heavily dyed hair and make-up ala porn city, rather she has/had a very natural beauty to her-- an angel's face. In her non-bunny garb she looks as if she was raised on a commune and never left it.
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