It is not fair to compare the Woman's March (those angry women in pink hats) with Black Lives Matter. There are big ways that the "Woman's March" is political in a way that Black Lives Matter isn't.
1) The Woman's March cuts very closely along party lines. There are a significant number of women (~40%) who consider themselves conservative. There are a significant number of women (~37%) who supported Kavanaugh. There are a large number of women (~38%) who believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. Likewise there are very few men who identify as liberal who do not support this "movement". There are very few African Americans who do not support Black Lives Matter.
To say that this is about women is misleading. It is about political ideology.
2) The Black Lives Matter movement has specific positive goals with practical means to meet them. They want accountability for police, training, changes in policy and cameras. These are all things that can be done to make things better.
The Black Lives Matter movement (unlike the Woman's march) isn't about "smashing" anyone. It isn't about public shaming or taking away due process. It doesn't exclude African Americans who don't agree on unrelated issues.
3) There is a history of White Female Rage being used as a political force... and not always for good. White women were at the forefront of the Temperance movement (leading to prohibition) and the Segregationist movement.
The idea that an angry White woman has a power that can not be questioned goes back for centuries.