Jasper10 wrote:
Ok,so I agree with the principle of immediacy at the spiritual level. i.e.it has to be black/white or 0/1 and is definitely a mysterious transaction.I don’t agree however with purgatory following death because if perfection has been granted at the spiritual level during life then there is no need for purgatory following this. My view is that this is why the thief on the cross was able to go directly into paradise.Who cares about the physical body.Surely God can provide a new pair of overalls.
I think that because we can't see what happens with consciousness beyond the threshold of death, there is a tendency to imagine it as some radical threshold into a 'beyond' that is a radical change from life prior to death. That is what allows people to imagine they can escape the consequences of sin if they die before their karma comes back around to bite them, so to speak.
But, in my view, what changes when we are born again is that we gain a spiritual awareness of what's going on in the world and with our flesh-and-blood bodies with regard to sin, and we see how we keep getting pulled and captured in various ways despite the fact that we want and pray for deliverance. So it makes sense that the suffering we continue to experience as saved people is a product of sin in this world and in our pasts, but we are confessing and repenting and getting delivered from it in various ways, just not all at once.
So this gradual process of having sin purged from us is called 'sanctification,' 'redemption,' or 'cleansing,' and because it is a gradual process, you have to wonder what happens if we die before it is complete, or if some only gets reborn of spirit shortly before dying, etc.
For this reason, I don't believe that we escape this gradual process of sanctification by dying physically. Jesus went down into hell for a couple days before resurrecting and then ascending to heaven. I think there can be life after death that continues the sanctification process, and I don't even think we necessarily are aware after we die that anything is going on besides rebirth into the same world. This is why I think religions that explicitly talk in terms of reincarnation instead of "eternal life of the soul" are actually saying the same thing, which is that we are souls going through trials and tribulations of sin and being gradually purged of it so we can ascend to heaven.
When it says, "the wages of sin is death," I don't think that necessarily means just one physical death, but it refers to a whole series of spiritual and/or physical deaths that we go through in the long spiritual process of purging our sins, bringing us to the point where we can accept awareness of our salvation, and then continuing to purge our sins and sanctify us.
When you say you can't believe in purgatory after death, I think we may already be in purgatory and we may die and be reborn in it over and over as we purge various sins in various ways. I think becoming aware of salvation/redemption in Christ is a momentous turning point in the sin-purging process, but it doesn't end there, and it may well also not end when we experience physical/body death in a few decades time.
Still the good news is that we're saved and in the process of being redeemed/sanctified, so regardless of whatever else we may or may not think is going on, God is shepherding us in the direction we need to go in to reach our ultimate destination.