Quote Brandon:
Quote: I didn't say that the accuser has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that his/her accusation is true. I am saying that if person A accuses person B of a crime and has zero evidence of any kind...
Stop right there. You still don't get it. The witness or victim of a crime does not have to produce evidence.
Their report is evidence. Uncovering further evidence is the police's job. Only here the Republicans are making sure the police, (in this case the FBI), does not investigate to find evidence because, you know, the witness/victim has no "evidence". Which no witness/victim has to have , aside from their report.
What's the point of having police or FBI if the victim has to produce the evidence themselves?
PS: It is not the FBI's job to make Kavanaugh's appointment easier. It is to make sure he is fit for the job. In your rush to push Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court, you have made up nonexistent "requirements" for witness/victims, and are pretending they justify ignoring past rape allegations. Especially since Avenatti has a
third victim/witness coming forward.
Incidentally, even if the victim has a long list of witnesses, the Republicans have fixed it so that those witnesses can not be heard during the hearing.
Also, there is no statute of limitations in Maryland for what Kavanaugh is being accused of, and the Maryland police have said that if they receive a complaint, (which they have not so far), they will investigate and if the evidence turns up will prosecute. So Kavanaugh's rush job into confirmation can backfire if the Maryland police find evidence and then the Senate has to impeach him.