Obstructionism: the ultimate trump card?

Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 08:03 am
coluber2001 wrote:

Yes, she took and passed a polygraph test, something liars very rarely do voluntarily. Nor do they ask to be investigated by the FBI. And she's not insane. I was being sarcastic.

I find it amazing that Trump would nominate Kavanaugh. Somehow he recognized a kindred spirit, i. e., both sexual predators and goddamn Liars.

What bothers me isn't that she could be lying. It's the fact that I just don't think she would have come forward if Kavanaugh had not gotten nominated for the supreme court.

Her story is being used as political ammunition in a partisan war against abortion reform.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 08:14 am
najmelliw wrote:

A country that embraces 'obstructionism' as a viable form of conducting politics and governing a country will accomplish very, very little during it's term.

In short, it seems to me to be the most destructive form of governance there can be. Even pure anarchy is better, as that means no one sinks time and effort in obstructing and delaying the politics of others.

Just my two cents.

Yes, I think it's a byproduct of how partisan politics has become. We no longer seek to understand others and look for ways to work with them. Rather, we spend all our effort strategizing about tactics to undermine and dominate opposing factions.

I'm not just saying this because I'm pro-GOP, but I think this problem of factionalism has been exacerbated by the DEM/socialist practice of procuring its politics using strategies that avert actually putting their intent on the table in a way that puts it up for discussion.

Instead, what they have done is to learn how to frame issues in ways that automatically prevent them from being subject to democratic discourse. E.g. framing the abortion issue as being an issue of a woman's right to authority over her own body means we can never discuss the morality of abortion and how to regulate it appropriately, i.e. because any form of regulation whatsoever would constitute a wresting of authority away from individual women (which supposedly isn't impinged upon by any other social factors).

It would be like the GOP arguing that environmental protection interferes with the absolute right of individuals to use their property however they want. Then, any time environmentalists seek to have a public discourse about the environment, their opponents would scream that it interferes with the property owner's right to choose.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 10:16 am
I'm now reading Obama's "Audacity of Hope." It clearly describes the changes in our politics and politicians from 50 years ago. There was a time when both parties compromised, and even made friends across the isle. It's now more political battles than working for the good of this country. Rather discouraging.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 10:58 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I'm now reading Obama's "Audacity of Hope." It clearly describes the changes in our politics and politicians from 50 years ago. There was a time when both parties compromised, and even made friends across the isle. It's now more political battles than working for the good of this country. Rather discouraging.
I think it is because of global/corporate interests that need to keep government out of their supply chains in order to appease investors. Freedom and democracy are a liability to economics when economics is banking on inelasticity to maximize market stability.

So global trade in drugs, prostitution, political power, etc. are all linked to the maintenance of corporate control. So when the dems are arguing for more open borders, for example, they're not doing it for humanitarian/egalitarian reasons, even if those are the ideological propaganda that are used to motivate the masses to support them. They are doing it because of illegal drug/human trafficking business that is lucrative because there are very wealthy people that pay very high prices for what is being smuggled across borders.

Abortion is the same. If the dems really cared about women's rights, they would acknowledge that there are pro-life women and that women are manipulated into getting abortions in various ways, and that it's not all just women freely choosing to terminate pregnancies and engage in sexual penetration because that's just what they want. Really what they are doing is serving the very lucrative interests that sell prostitution, pornography, and part of selling prostitution is rich/powerful people paying prostitutes to seduce their enemies and potential allies to gain power over them.

In other words, they act like they are trying to legalize all these illicit pleasures because they want people to be free to indulge, but the reality is that they are supporting forms of political/economic power that use pleasure to abuse and manipulate people to various ends, which is profitable. These manipulative power games are the real power-politicking that goes on, and the politicking within the official government is just vying to protect the more sinister manipulative-power games that go on.

The question is what it would take to stop the manipulative, underground power tactics so that we could go back to having free democratic public discourse where politics involves intellectual dialogue between independent-minded, reasonable people and not slave-puppets driven by fear of blackmail.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 11:25 am
coluber2001 wrote:
Kavanaugh missed his chance to drop out. He could have made some bullshit excuse to bow out, but now he's in deep. He deserves to be ruined.

Deserves to be ruined whether he did it or not? There is no evidence that he did it except her word itself, so it is indisputable that he might not have done it. Anyone who is willing to ruin an innocent person's life is a bad person.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 11:38 am
I live in a different world where prostitution is in the background sound waves, and we don't read about it in our local newspaper, but I'm sure it exists. After all, it is the oldest profession. Fortunately for us, Sunnyvale CA is considered the safest city in the country, and we've lived here since the mid-1970's. The biggest problem is the cost of living here with homes selling in the $2 million and over range. Even professionals working in the hi tech industry are having difficulty buying homes in our area.
I don't worry too much about Donald Trump. There's good reasons why his approval rating is one of the lowest in our country's history. His ignorance is well known, and those in his cabinet will protect us from Donald's extremism. One good thing Donald did was to initiate the coming blue wave in November. Donald Trump's Presidential Job Approval Ratings From Gallup.
Approval rating Dates
Most recent weekly average 38% Sep 10-16, 2018
I believe his disapproval is in the 55% range.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 12:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I live in a different world where prostitution is in the background sound waves, and we don't read about it in our local newspaper, but I'm sure it exists. After all, it is the oldest profession. Fortunately for us, Sunnyvale CA is considered the safest city in the country, and we've lived here since the mid-1970's. The biggest problem is the cost of living here with homes selling in the $2 million and over range. Even professionals working in the hi tech industry are having difficulty buying homes in our area.
I don't worry too much about Donald Trump. There's good reasons why his approval rating is one of the lowest in our country's history. His ignorance is well known, and those in his cabinet will protect us from Donald's extremism. One good thing Donald did was to initiate the coming blue wave in November. Donald Trump's Presidential Job Approval Ratings From Gallup.
Approval rating Dates
Most recent weekly average 38% Sep 10-16, 2018
I believe his disapproval is in the 55% range.

You don't seem to see where the current political trend is taking the 'profession' of prostitution. It's getting to the point where a girl who goes to parties in high school can get paid nearly half a century later to obstruct a supreme court confirmation process. And before you go pulling the alarm that I just called Kavanaugh's accuser a prostitute, please try to understand that I am talking about political factions using women's histories of being sexually objectified as a political commodity.

This is an easy form of prostitution because you don't have to have sex with anyone you don't want to. All you have to do is keep your information a secret until the price for it reaches a level that's worth selling. Who knows, maybe you could even say Kavanaugh is the prostitute and this lady is just pimping him to the democratic party for their obstructionist orgy to protect abortion rights against pro-life presidents.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 12:25 pm
No, there's no direct evidence, and the Republicans have done their best to ensure that there will never be any investigation by the FBI because they're terrified of the results. They know that he's sexual predator and mf liar. What's scary is the Republicans don't care, because they've already attached their futures to another sexual predator and MF liar. If Kavanaugh had a shred of integrity left he would demand a polygraph, an FBI investigation, and probably file suit against Ford. But all those would prove his guilt. Ford has already passed a polygraph and called for an FBI investigation.

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 12:44 pm
Most of us know the Kavanaugh history. The GOP doesn't care, and they're going to shove him through no matter what the consequences. Let's all vote in November and remove these bums. They're a scary bunch to be running our government.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 05:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Most of us know the Kavanaugh history. The GOP doesn't care, and they're going to shove him through no matter what the consequences. Let's all vote in November and remove these bums. They're a scary bunch to be running our government.

What's scary is that probably everyone whose kompromat isn't exposed is protected by virtue of their cooperating with the puppeteers who are running politics from behind the scenes. It is funny when the press asks Putin if he has kompromat against Trump, as if someone as front and center in the public eye as the Russian president would be the ultimate master of all the other puppets. Most likely Putin is also a puppet who is careful about what he does and says because of kompromat that could be used against him if he steps out of line. It is disturbing to think about how people who seemingly have a clean record, such as Obama, were only allowed to gain such high positions in government because there was kompromat to be used against them if they stepped out of line. What this really causes me to wonder about is what someone like Bill Clinton did to cause the powers that be to release Lewinsky against him. Presumably, they would have kept his affair a secret if he hadn't done something to cross them, but what could it have been?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 07:10 pm
coluber2001 wrote:
No, there's no direct evidence, and the Republicans have done their best to ensure that there will never be any investigation by the FBI because they're terrified of the results. They know that he's sexual predator and mf liar. What's scary is the Republicans don't care, because they've already attached their futures to another sexual predator and MF liar. If Kavanaugh had a shred of integrity left he would demand a polygraph, an FBI investigation, and probably file suit against Ford. But all those would prove his guilt. Ford has already passed a polygraph and called for an FBI investigation.

So you're declaring him guilty of something terrible and saying he deserves to be ruined, even though you yourself admit that there is no evidence that he did it. Anyone who would declare someone guilty and say he should be ruined, knowing full well that he could be innocent, is a fundamentally bad person.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 07:41 pm
Kavanaugh has the power to demand an FBI investigation to clear his name. Ford already asked for one. What does that tell you?
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 07:52 pm
coluber2001 wrote:
Kavanaugh has the power to demand an FBI investigation to clear his name. Ford already asked for one. What does that tell you?

Here is a question for you. Suppose that you are on the eve of getting a very important and excellent job as the crowning achievement of your career. Suppose that many people are trying very hard to stop you from getting it. Then someone somewhere in the country claims that you committed a crime many years ago that you didn't commit. The accuser doesn't present a particle of evidence to substantiate the false charge.

Are you going to ask for a hearing to clear you of a crime you know you didn't commit, based on a completely unsubstantiated allegation, knowing that you probably will lose the job and that this will give the false accuser and the people behind him/her exactly what they were trying for when they made the false accusation?

I repeat, anyone who would declare someone guilty of a terrible crime and declare that he should be ruined, knowing full well that there was no evidence that he was guilty and that he might not be is a fundamentally bad person.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 08:09 pm
Also, Ford took a lie detector test. I challenge Kavanaugh to do the same, but we all know he will not. He's already lied to the Senate, an impeachable offense. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/09/judge-brett-kavanaugh-should-be-impeached-for-lying-during-his-confirmation-hearings.html
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 08:13 pm
Not voting on Obama supreme court nominee wasent obstructionism it was just good politics by conservative liers.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 08:28 pm
The outrageous obstruction of Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court — the 10-month-long stonewall by Senate Republicans that not only stymied the high court's ability to do its job but effectively stole the nomination of a new justice from President Obama — is now delivering its rewards to the cynical politicians who carried it out.
Having denied Garland even a committee hearing from the time of his nomination in March until Obama was safely out of office, the GOP-controlled Senate is now smugly offering that opening to President Trump to fill.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 08:48 pm
A second woman comes forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh
Deborah Ramirez says Brett Kavanaugh exposed himself to her in college at Yale.
A second woman has come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, claiming he drunkenly exposed himself to a classmate in college and thrust his genitals in her face without her consent, the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer first reported Sunday.

Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 09:02 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

A second woman comes forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh
Deborah Ramirez says Brett Kavanaugh exposed himself to her in college at Yale.
A second woman has come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, claiming he drunkenly exposed himself to a classmate in college and thrust his genitals in her face without her consent, the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer first reported Sunday.


As I predicted earlier in this thread:

Brandon9000 wrote:
Yes, I'm told that she recently went to school in Hawaii. Did she drive there? Maybe they're playing for time to put a few more false witnesses into place.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 09:15 pm
The conservatives throw up tu quoque fallacies about Clinton--as though his turpitude would excuse that of Kavanaugh; and they are assuming the accusers are false witnesses, after claiming that Kavanaugh is innocent, simply because he says he is. We're to take his word, but dismiss anyone woman who makes an accusation.

The lovely irony here is McConnell and the Senate Judiciary committee saying in 2016 that they would not even convene a hearing to consider any Obama nominee--there's obstructionism in fine style. Hey conservatives, do you remember that one?
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2018 09:20 pm
livinglava wrote:
Clearly Brent Kavanaugh's accusation is being publicly aired as a political tactic to obstruct appointment of a supreme court justice until democrats have had a chance to replace Trump and appoint a pro-choice justice.

See my last comment in my last post. I guess by your definition, McConnell played his ace of trumps in 2016. Read the constitution some time--Plump nominates a justice, who is appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate. Are you suggesting that the Democrats will take over the Senate, and block any of Plump's nominees until after January, 2021? Heaven forfend! Republicans would never do something like . . . oh, wait . . . never mind.
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