@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
There is no deep seated problem in this country; we have almost free education, freedom of speech and to travel, opportunities for all, and a legal system that protects privacy and our properties.
Industrialism has grown to unsustainable levels and individual/household productivity has declined as a byproduct of increasing division of labor and specialization. People are driving around sprawling, deforested areas looking for jobs in service, administration, etc. that waste more resources than they are worth. Education has become watered down to a grooming system to babysit people until they are old enough to feed into the waste economy that generates GDP by selling term-contracts, debt, and infrastructure investments to support people driving around to stimulate investments.
Major reforms are needed to achieve environmental/resource sustainability, and the public and business is nearly incapable of imagining solutions because they have become all but numb to the challenge of going beyond the status quo that makes money flow and pays their bills.
Quote:It's not perfect, but it's the best any large country such as ours with so many races, religions, and cultures living - mostly peaceably - is the miracle of our founders. There is no equivalent country to ours based on our mix of peoples. It's just sad to see the discrimination blacks must endure for the longest time in our country's history.
Many blacks live the true American dream more so than many whites, by which I mean that there are black neighborhoods where people are building their own lives with their own hands and sweat, often with results perceived as inferior to 'higher class' people (most white), who have become spoiled by corporate systems that produce everything from their houses to their clothes and vehicles so that life is little more for them than a fashion show where they show up and act the role they're expected to perform, so that they can pay the bills and avoid falling into payment-default hell.
The really sad thing is that the superiority culture reverses the black-white issue by construing the black culture as an inferior culture relative to the white corporate lifestyle. They do this to drive up housing prices in certain neighborhoods and that in turn causes business to raise their prices and wages to pay those higher residential prices. Overall this causes inflation, which makes it impossible for lower-income people, disproportionately black, to save money for the future. Many (low-income) blacks and others with low income thus give up on the hope of saving money and fall ever deeper into debt trying to live it up while they are making it.
There are liberal spenders and conservative spenders, both black and white. If the liberal spenders would cut back their spending and secure the economy against inflation, it would be better for everyone, white and black; but because a liberal-consumption ethic has been marketed as the measure of success, too many people perceive withdrawal from consumer lifestyle addictions as real deprivation and thus they go on spending themselves into debt and preventing the vicious cycle of debt-driven consumerism from subsiding and giving way to a better, more responsible economy.