Obstructionism: the ultimate trump card?

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2018 08:17 pm
There are many attorneys in the US who does pro-bono work for poor people.
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Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2018 08:37 am
neptuneblue wrote:
I don't agree.
Do you think that society is wrong to charge children differently from adults?

neptuneblue wrote:
Is there a different definition of "horrible crimes" that differs as one gets older?
No, but there is a far different standard of culpability.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2018 08:39 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Avenatti is an attorney/lawyer. He's a representative of the court system.
Being a lawyer doesn't make you a prosecutor.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2018 08:41 am
vikorr wrote:
Do you not have a means for private citizens to file charges in the U.S. ?
None that I've ever heard of. And I'm sure that I'd have heard of it if it was possible. But I guess there is a very small chance that such a process exists without me knowing about it.

People can certainly file civil lawsuits though.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2018 10:12 am
In the United States, the federal government has sovereign immunity and may not be sued unless it has waived its immunity or consented to suit. The United States as a sovereign is immune from suit unless it unequivocally consents to being sued.
Sovereign immunity in the United States - Wikipedia
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2018 08:16 am
@cicerone imposter,
That's nice. But what does it have to do with the supposed charges against a private individual that you were imagining?
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2018 03:25 pm
Try sueing the president if he screwed you out of collage money.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2018 06:12 pm
Private individuals can sue others except the US government. In the case of the US government, they must first provide approval. However, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_suit
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 07:11 am
Kavanaugh is confirmed, but can we look for further tactics and/or conspiracies beyond confirmation? Let's consider a few possibilities:

1) Dems have allowed the confirmation to happen because they have realized it gives them rallying impetus to motivate (swing) voters who are afraid of the government becoming too heavily weighted to the GOP.

2) Kavanaugh (along with maybe Trump and others) are socialist puppets who are designed to look like strong GOP supporters in order to pacify the GOP-supporting public and then falter at key moments where the GOP could really gain ground, such as Roe v Wade coming up for review/revision.

I like the second conspiracy theory because it is really intricate. It also fits with the use of kompromat as puppeting power over key officials. E.g. the reason people like Trump, Kavanaugh, and others whose careers are attacked with misconduct accusations is because some people have real material to blackmail them with, and they are tested to make sure they will deny culpability in order to ensure they are willing to do what is asked of them in the future to maintain their fragile public images.

I realize this is an outlandish theory about how kompromat power might be used, but I am just exploring all the possibilities in theory, i.e. because there is so much news of scandal and victim-abuse by important people lately. It is interesting to contemplate how all this weird blackmail power could be used in relation to governmental power and other corporate/business power.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 10:04 am
Obstructionism from the Democrats appears to be their only card.

None of their attempts to trash Trump to separate him from his voters have worked.

Their attempt to trash tax cuts hasn't worked.

Their attempt to trash Kavanaugh hasn't worked.

Their attempt to trash Trump for meeting with Kim Jong Un hasn't worked.

Their attempt to investigate Trump in Russian collusion hasn't worked.

Their attempt to trash Trump with sexual allegations hasn't worked.

All the liberal media and all of the Democrats who are trying to trash Trump failed.

Their attempt to trash Trump with protesters failed in causing Trump to lose popularity.

I could go on and on, because the Democrat leadership continually tries to find fault with Trump concerning everything Trump speaks on and moves on. No one seriously thinks that Trump beats his wife, for instance. No one seriously thinks that Trump is unsuccessful with the European Union, Germany, Britain, Canada, Mexico. Even as all the debate continues, the Wall is being built.

So, I agree with the idea that Obstructionism is the only way the Democrats have to go. They are losing credibility as time goes on because the Democrats fail in dealing honestly with truth. Truth to the Democrats, in my opinion, is something they try to get to serve themselves. They don't value truth, the Rule of Law, honesty, straight-forwardness, the USA, legislation, decorum, unless it serves them.

Most of all, I think Obama could be seen as the reason why the Democrats are so unsuccessful. Obama dared to go against God, when Obama decided to act like God didn't matter, and so he tried to covertly involve the United Nations in the conspiracy to screw Israel over. Like Obama had no clue that it was a mistake to make in Biblical proportions.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted on 23 December 2016. It concerns the Israeli settlements in "Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem". The resolution passed in a 14–0 vote by members of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC).


Mueller is holding a tiger by the tail. Dare he let go!

To have a tiger by the tail refers to the act of having 'embarked on a course of action that proves unexpectedly difficult but that cannot easily or safely be abandoned'. Similar to this phrase is the Chinese proverb 'He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount', which gave rise to the phrase ride the tiger.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 10:51 am
You have a skewed perception on how things are versus what it looks like.

None of Trump's 30% base will change their minds, but, that's pretty much all he'll ever get.

The tax cuts weren't as successful as you claim. Millions either saw virtually no cuts or, like me, had their tax burden increase to make up for the difference.

Kavanaugh was pushed through although there is speculation of impeachment.

Meeting with Un still has not done a darned thing for de-nuclearzation.

Investigations of this size take time, and Mueller has quietly doing his thing. To say it hasn't worked is false, no conclusions have been filed yet.

Making Trump admit sexual escapades has worked, it proved he paid to have sex, and proved he paid to keep it quiet Which, rich men do all the time and it shows personality character flaws that are not against the law.

Liberal media and all of the Democrats don't trash Trump. He does a good job of it all on his own.

Protesters aren't causing Trump to lose popularity, his policies do.

There's not been one post either paid for nor constructed for a border wall.

Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 11:05 am
None of Trump's 30% base will change their minds, but, that's pretty much all he'll ever get.

Can you give me a source for this? How did you get 30%? Where did you hear this from?

Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 11:20 am
Why Trump keeps doing unpopular things to please his base
The best case for what may seem like a puzzling political strategy.
By Andrew [email protected] Sep 5, 2017, 10:20am EDT

Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty
Donald Trump has responded to his dismal approval ratings by throwing more and more red meat to his base.

With his controversial comments on the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, his pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and now potentially his sunsetting of a popular program that gave young unauthorized immigrants work permits, the president seems increasingly focused on pleasing the 37 percent or so of the public that approves of him, rather than reaching out to any of the 57 percent who disapprove.

It’s an odd way of responding to his unpopularity. The conventional political advice for what he should do to improve such poor numbers would be to try to change his image and win over voters who’ve turned against him.

Furthermore, Trump’s base already loves him — the vast majority of Republican voters continue to say they approve of the job he’s doing. If he already has his base, why, then, does he need to keep doing new things that please them but repel the majority of the public?

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Mark Murray

Mr. 30%: Trump is playing only to his base.

Check out these numbers from new online NBC/SurveyMonkey poll https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/august-proves-be-cruel-month-trump-n797691

8:43 AM - Aug 31, 2017
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Of course, as with anything involving Trump, it’s a mistake to assume there’s a strategic master plan here. Instinct, emotion, and his own personal preferences all likely play a role in his choices.

But it is possible to come up with a strategic justification — or at least some potential strategic benefits — to Trump’s recent behavior. Here’s the best case for what may seem like a puzzling political strategy.

1) He may think reaching out to Democrats is futile at this point: Back in November 2016, it may have been possible for Trump to change his image and govern as a bipartisan consensus-builder. But after months of controversy, it would make sense if he thinks that opportunity no longer exists.

“My reaction is that he has closed off all the other avenues for political success or consensus-building,” says Patrick Ruffini, a Republican political consultant. “In an era of increasingly polarized politics, if he is so loathed by Democrats — I think the base is all he has.”

2) It’s about branding: While Trump doesn’t often seem to have a sophisticated understanding of political strategy or vote counting, one broader concept he’s long been obsessed with is branding. It’s a concept he brought from the worlds of business and celebrity to politics — think the towers with his name on it in big letters, his portrayal of a master businessman on reality TV, and his “Make America Great Again” slogan.

Over the past few years, Trump has deliberately constructed a political brand for himself that he wants to protect. So with moves like the sheriff Joe Arpaio pardon, he could be partly trying to signal to his core supporters that the swamp hasn’t changed him, and that he’s still willing to defy political elites with controversial moves.

On immigration in particular — the issue that resonated from his first campaign speech on — Trump seems particularly sensitive to the danger that any softening could pose to his brand. “His instincts are to wade in on these culture war issues, especially immigration,” Ruffini says. “I think he understands that’s the bedrock issue that got him an audience in the first place.”

3) He’s doing what he feels worked during the campaign: We’ve already seen the political world get egg on their collective faces by second-guessing Trump’s instincts many times. And in 2016, Trump’s strategy of resentment-stoking against minority groups, angrily tweeting, and overall negativity was enough to let him eke out a close victory.

Now, there were of course other factors that helped Trump win, like Hillary Clinton’s scandals and his status as the “change” candidate. But from Trump’s perspective, ignoring the whining of media and political elites and focusing on his core supporters worked for him before, so it makes sense that he’s trying it again.

4) He thinks racializing politics works to his benefit: A somewhat darker framing of some of the above points is that Trump may feel that the more politics is framed as a conflict between white Americans and various “others,” the more he’ll benefit politically. He’s long seemed to have an instinctual feel for this dynamic, perhaps stemming from the politics of New York City in the 1980s and ‘90s.

Just before his firing from the White House, Steve Bannon made a case to this effect in an interview with the American Prospect. “The Democrats — the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats,” he said.

5) It’s a strategy for surviving his scandals: Finally, the remaining potential motive here is self-preservation as the Russia investigation looms. That is: So long as Trump keeps his core supporters on his side, it will be very difficult for Congress to find the votes to impeach him or oust him from office. Many House Republicans in conservative districts will fear taking any action against a president who is so popular among their constituents.

This dynamic was at play during the Watergate investigations into Richard Nixon. “The President has lately been at some pains not to give further displeasure to conservatives,” Elizabeth Drew wrote in an early 1974 entry in her book Washington Journal. She explained: “In a vote in the House to impeach or in the Senate to convict, it is the conservatives who could save him or do him in.”

So Trump’s constant attention to his base at the expense of building broader support may seem puzzling as a strategy for political success. But as a strategy for survival, it doesn’t seem half-bad.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 12:17 pm
Okay. I looked that the link which was an NBC article with a video which has several people who claimed to be Trump voters. They all were prepared for saying a single word in their disapproval of Trump up to that time (around August 2017).

In the article I found something I thought was interesting, which what a sub-title which reads "MR. 30 PERCENT: TRUMP IS SPEAKING ONLY TO HIS BASE".

But when I followed the link in the article, which showed NBC's polls on Trump's approval / disapproval, I found that Trump wasn't ever as low as 30%. He got as low as 36.6%, and at the time of the article in August his approval was trending upward up to September 25th, 2017, his approval rating was always near 40%. Trump has been at or above 40% since February 2018, according to the same poll, ESPN/ ABC's Five-Thirty-Eight Poll.

So without making this post too long, I want to say that the article you linked me to seemed biased against Trump. They wanted the hurricane to hurt Trump, they wanted the ratings they chose to promote to hurt Trump. Their talking points are for a Sport fan mentality. They chose a side and mean to have you join them in their contempt if you haven't already.

Anyway, that is what it seems to me. It's just my opinion, I'm not trying to win, I'm proving to myself that there isn't a healthy environment for intellectual honesty. And if I just hang on for the truth, it will come out. I saw Trump win, and so far it isn't disappointing because I know the man is no saintly figure. And I know that those who hate God anyway are going to hate what a man of God does. I think Trump is a man of God. That's my theory. The world HAS to hate on him severely.

[edited for spelling and aesthetics]
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 12:39 pm
According to Gallup, Trump's disapproval rating is 56%. What more needs to be known about him? There is one link that showed Trump's disapproval rating at 60%, but you have to pay to remain on their link.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 01:12 pm
Trump declared worst president in US history.
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Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 03:04 pm
KingReef wrote:
I think Trump is a man of God.


You're serious.
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 03:11 pm
That’s just ******* loony toons right there.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2018 10:21 pm
I'm theorizing. I know at times God picks people to do something for him. Sometimes they are aware of what they are supposed to do, sometimes they turn out like Jehu. Sometimes they turn out like Jehoiada. Obama did something against Israel in a way that can be reflected in what others did in the past. This could have been the wrong time.

There are signs, and so far the inability for those who sneered at Trump are incapable of stopping him. That is telling, along with the way Trump frustrates those who hate God. Trump defeated Hillary inexplicably, impossibly, humiliating his opponents, surprising everyone, including the Republicans who also didn't want him. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, another sign that he, whether he knows it or not, is doing something I've been expecting, along with how the US is rearming itself in and around Syria.

All that and a lot more, leads me to believe we could be looking at God fulfilling his promises concerning the Middle East. Hillary would never have done what Trump has done, and if I'm right, what he will do. If Trump wants to do something, the world should hate it, but he will do it and no one can stop him. Just like election night 2016.

Yes, I'm serious. And if I am wrong I'll learn from it. But I don't think so. I have been able to understand what happened in the Arab Spring and with the rise of ISIS, and what ISIS ended up doing there. It's not a coincidence. Trump is perfect for these times, as I see it. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is perfect for Egypt,eschatologically speaking. Putin is perfect for Gog-Magog. Erdogan is perfect for what is likely to happen to Turkey, and the regime in Iran is perfect for failing. That is why I see Trump as a Man of God. He is doing what will be necessary for prophecy to come about.

Obstruction against Trump will fail if what I think is happening is right. The Democrats will fail to stop him, and even ruin themselves in the meantime.

[edit: added content; the last sentence]
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2018 01:06 am
You realise that everyone who has predicted "prophecy says A,B,C will happen on __/__/__ " has been wrong? Only after the fact has anyone ever got prophecy 'correct'. Certainly I can't think of a single example where anyone has correctly interpreted a bible prophecy before the event.

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