My latest favorite blogger has a hilarious take. Here:
Chimp vs. Robot: Which is Smarter?
George W. Bush's pinwheeling, headlong fall off the Segway Human Transporter got me to thinking: which is smarter, the chimp or the robot?
It's a field of reseach that many of my colleagues won't address; they keep insisting that it's like comparing apples to oranges.
Which is fine by me; I like oranges a lot because of their sweet citrus flavor, and juicy blast of orangey goodness, and I'm only lukewarm to apples--crisp, and mildly sweet. Besides they turn brown in like 1.6 seconds, so you have to eat them rather quickly. A juicy plate of orange slices, on the other hand, you can leave out for some time, and nosh on them at your heart's content, perhaps while watching your experiments.
But I've wandered off track. Today's subject is Chimp vs. Robot, and I should stay focused on it. For example, a chimp can fashion very crude weapons out of sticks to poke bananas. I read that somewhere once. However, according to cartoons, robots can employ all sorts of fantastic weaponry. I once saw this cartoon called "Tranzor-Z" about a giant robot that lives in a swimming pool and fights for justice or something, and the companion lady robot in that show could fire missiles out of her tits. Later, they would have giant robot sex, crushing hundreds of innocent humans in their frenzied robotic lust. Advantage:
Now, when it comes to chess, a computer called Big Deep Blue or something once whipped a Russian dude at chess. I saw it on the news. That Russian dude was supposed to be really good at chess, too. They kept calling him a Grandmaster, which to me sounds like an old guy who works the leather scene at the S&M club. But I digress. This guy was young and Russian, so it's probably true that he was so drunk on vodka all the time that he only thought about sex in an abstract, nostalgic way back when his dick worked. Anyway, a chimpanzee can't play chess, but he can manipulate the pieces and throw them, which Big Deep Blue couldn't do--he had a human assistant move for him. So I'm calling this one a
Speaking of flinging things, a robot, having no known solid waste products can't fling feces when threatened. A chimp can. Advantage:
Perhaps my colleagues in the scientific community are right; we will never be able to adequately determine if a chimp is smarter than a robot. But I say that we will. Right now, I have an Aibo and a baby chimp locked in a cage, and I won't open the cage until one of them is the winner. I'm just gonna sit here with my orange slices and watch the proceedings and record the events in my, these oranges are delicious. Someone should really compare why oranges are superior fruit. Maybe compare them to apples or pears or something.