Let's hope one of us has a world to cry over:
The Bush administration continues to insist that developments in North Korea do not constitute a crisis. Well, here's how things stand. North Korea has announced that it will restart its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, which would mean the ongoing production of plutonium, the key ingredient in a nuclear bomb.
Worse, it appears be on the verge of moving its existing fuel rods away from the reactor, where it could extract enough weapons-grade plutonium to make six nuclear bombs. Once this happens the plutonium will be untouchable: out of sight of any future inspectors and out of reach of a military strike. It will almost certainly be on the open market because North Korea sells everything it can to anyone who will pay. And once reprocessed, plutonium is forever. It's half-life is 24,400 years. If we don't stop this chain of events
right now, this stuff will be out there somewhere to haunt our children and grandchildren.
The administration is right, this is not a crisis.
It's a catastrophe.