maxdancona wrote:You are being awfully silly Oralloy. Trump supporters are demanding the right to kill people; namely immigrants and Jews. Of course not all Trump Supporters are self-described Neo-Nazi's. But some are. Be very careful playing this game (pretending that any more than a few BLM supporters supporting killing police). Trump supporters include some awfully ugly people including people publicly chanting "heil Hitler" and calling for the killing of Jews.
You are ignoring reality.
The sole and express purpose of Black Lives Matter is to allow black people to murder anyone they want with impunity. And most of these murder efforts are directed at police officers.
Every single member of BLM supports the murder of police officers.
Every single person who supports BLM supports the murder of police officers.
maxdancona wrote:Kneeling for the anthem doesn't mean you support "killing police officers" any more than voting for Trump makes you a neo-Nazi....
Wrong. Kneeling for the national anthem is an outright call for the murder of police officers.
Facts matter.