Ask him out for a second date! It can be the movies or a soda or a coffee. It doesn't need to be anything big, expensive, or elaborate. Keep in mind, the person who does the inviting should be paying, but you don't have to provide the transportation if you can't (I don't know if you've got access to a car).
And have fun. Don't talk about feelings at this stage. Seriously, don't! You may have friends who are gushing with this, that, or the other thing. Don't be that person. Keep it cool and just have fun to start. And, BTW, it doesn't need to be exclusive in the beginning.
For so many people these days, dating = a confession of feelings. It doesn't and it shouldn't. Big drippy, weepy confessions at the very start are for bad rom-coms. They're not really for real life.
Let everything evolve naturally, and that means slowly. Give it a few months before talking feelings. Right now, just have fun.