We Have A Republican Party Waging A War Against Women And Women's Healthcare.

Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2018 09:05 pm
I didn't attack your daughter, and I've been extremely careful to avoid any language that can be interpreted as nasty. You on the other hand have insisted I hate women who think abortion should be illegal for everyone and refuse to treat them as human. If I say I disagree apparently you think I'm saying "You're A jerk" I'm not doing that, in fact, thats why I avoid you because if I say so much as hi, you start screaming that I'm attacking you. Jesus Max, why are you such a big crybaby? Do you honestly think my views on women's health issues are as draconian as you claim? If you indeed do, there is nothing I can say to change your mind, you often confuse me with other posters, and all you remember is that you don't like me. I can live with that, I'm not so needy that I crave your approval.....but I do draw the line at you flat out lying,. I don't respect a liar.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2018 10:23 pm
Everyone but Max knows you didn’t attack his daughter.

I think he just needs you to restate that you didn’t attack his daughter maybe 23 more times and by repetition it will probably sink in. At least that appears to be his preferred method of posting.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2018 11:05 pm
Thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2018 12:59 am
Bang on.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2018 05:13 am
FDA warns about companies promoting vaginal rejuvenation

The FDA has sent warning letters to seven companies: Alma Lasers, BTL Aesthetics, BTL Industries, Cynosure, InMode, Sciton and Thermigen.
by Maggie Fox / Jul.30.2018 / 4:54 PM ET / Source: NBC News

Procedures marketed to improve a woman’s “intimate health” using lasers or ultrasound are not only unapproved, but are also causing burns and other painful damage, the Food and Drug Administration said Monday.

The FDA has warned seven companies that are promoting their devices for these procedures, and issued a general alert for patients and doctors.

The laser and ultrasound equipment used in these unapproved procedures has FDA approval for removing genital warts, other growths and in operations such as hysterectomies. But they have not been shown to tighten up muscles, increase sexual pleasure or relieve pain during intercourse, the FDA said.

The FDA says it’s received complaints about burns and other damage. In some cases, the procedures are causing the very pain during intercourse that they are being promoted to relieve.

“We’ve recently become aware of a growing number of manufacturers marketing ‘vaginal rejuvenation’ devices to women and claiming these procedures will treat conditions and symptoms related to menopause, urinary incontinence or sexual function,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said in a statement.

“The procedures use lasers and other energy-based devices to destroy or reshape vaginal tissue. These products have serious risks and don’t have adequate evidence to support their use for these purposes. We are deeply concerned women are being harmed.”

These treatments have been heavily promoted, both online and in media coverage. Some of the companies that make the devices have hired public relations companies to pitch doctor and patient testimonials to newspapers, television and digital news outlets. They are often framed as allowing women to “take back control of their health.”

Female patients face bias in health care research and treatment, experts say

For instance, Alma Lasers promoted one of its devices as offering “a better feminine life.”

“It is a virtually painless procedure without surgery, anesthesia or downtime. The lasting benefits of FemiLift can be an improved quality of life and deeply enhanced self-esteem,” its website promises.

A company called BTL promised “a whole new approach to women’s intimate health” using “a noninvasive, no downtime procedure with minimal risk."

“Bring your sexy body back with Ultra Femme 360,” it says.

Cynosure, which also offers “body contouring” and “cellulite treatment” with its devices, markets a laser for “a return to gynecologic health” and promotes physician advocates to talk about its supposed benefits.

Celebrities, including actress Jada Pinkett Smith and Kim Kardashian, also often promote the procedures.

But the FDA says these companies have not gone through the correct approval process to show that the treatments work as advertised, or even that they are safe.

It has sent warning letters to seven companies: Alma Lasers, BTL Aesthetics, BTL Industries, Cynosure, InMode, Sciton and Thermigen.

BTL and Cynosure, a division of Hologic, said they were reviewing the warning letters. The other companies contacted by NBC News had no immediate comment.

So-called vaginal rejuvenation is a vague term that might refer to vaginal “laxity,” dryness, pain during intercourse or “decreased sexual sensation,” the FDA said in a safety alert.

“To date, we have not cleared or approved for marketing any energy-based devices to treat these symptoms or conditions, or any symptoms related to menopause, urinary incontinence or sexual function,” the FDA said.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has been cautioning against surgical “rejuvenation” procedures for more than a decade.

“These procedures are not medically indicated, and the safety and effectiveness of these procedures have not been documented,” the group said in a 2007 statement.

“It is deceptive to give the impression that vaginal rejuvenation, designer vaginoplasty, revirgination, G-spot amplification, or any such procedures are accepted and routine surgical practices.”

The new laser and ultrasound devices are being marketed as safer, but the FDA said they could be harmful.

“In reviewing adverse event reports and published literature, we have found numerous cases of vaginal burns, scarring, pain during sexual intercourse, and recurring or chronic pain,” the agency said.

“The deceptive marketing of a dangerous procedure with no proven benefit, including to women who’ve been treated for cancer, is egregious,” Gottlieb added.

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Real Music
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2018 08:06 am
I accept that Neptune has a valid point. The Republicans in the Senate blundered by not including a woman in their negotiations over healthcare.

She is correct on this point.

Not just a woman, but there should have been several women included in the negotiations over women's healthcare.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2018 09:55 pm
Trump just endorsed an anti-contraception billionaire GOP megadonor for Wyoming governor
Foster Friess has encouraged students to "be more intolerant."
AUG 21, 2018, 1:53 PM

On Tuesday, as Wyoming GOP primary voters are heading to the polls to select their nominee, President Trump endorsed longtime conservative megadonor Foster Friess.

Donald J. Trump

To the incredible people of the Great State of Wyoming: Go VOTE TODAY for Foster Friess - He will be a fantastic Governor! Strong on Crime, Borders & 2nd Amendment. Loves our Military & our Vets. He has my complete and total Endorsement!

10:56 AM - Aug 21, 2018

Friess, who has never held public office before, made his fortune managing mutual funds and retired to Wyoming. He first made a name for himself in politics by nearly single-handedly bankrolling Rick Santorum’s 2012 presidential campaign.

During that campaign, Friess made his famous argument against contraception and for abstinence, saying that contraception was too expensive. Friess had a better option for women.

“You know, back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraceptives,” he told MSNBC at the time. “The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.”

In 2016, Friess donated money to a secretive group primarily funded by Robert Mercer that, according to OpenSecrets, targeted “anti-Muslim ads at swing voters.” Friess has financially supported many Islamophobic groups.

As ThinkProgress reported last year, “he has given millions of dollars to GOP candidates and committees in support of former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), Gov. John Kaisch (R-OH), former Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), and former Sen. Alfonse D’Amato (R-NY).”

Friess had considered a primary challenge to Sen. John Barrasso last year before switching to a gubernatorial run in April. Current Gov. Matt Mead (R-WY) is term-limited and State Treasurer Mark Gordon had a slight lead in polls for the Republican primary race, although another poll showed Friess leading the field last week, ahead of both Gordon and businessman Sam Galeatos. He has spent $1.1 million on advertising, the most of all candidates in the race. Santorum has of course endorsed him, as have the Family Research Council and the Tea Party Patriots.

Foster Friess
Rich anti-contraception Republican mega-donor may run for U.S. senate
Foster Friess, who bankrolled America's Islamaphobia movement, says he may challenge Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY).

Two weeks ago, Donald Trump Jr. endorsed Friess in a Casper Star-Tribune op-ed which said he met Friess through Charlie Kirk, of the conservative organization Turning Point USA. Trump Jr. also revealed that after his father had clinched the GOP presidential nomination, “there was a short period where some conventional sources of funding had not yet opened up to us, but Foster was right there when we needed him and helped open the door to other early adopters in the donor community.”

Trump Jr. argued that Friess “has always fought for the little guy” right after noting that after the “far left and Hollywood” were attacking the NRA after the Parkland shooting, Friess offered a $2.5 million match to a program intended to stop school shootings without limiting access to firearms.

This is a slight deviation from how Friess used to think school shootings could be prevented. As ThinkProgress reported last year, “In a 2002 speech entitled ‘Tolerance Is Not Always Good,’ Friess blamed the mass school shooting in Columbine on political progressives and encouraged his audience to let the tragedy ‘be a battle cry for all of us so that we may change our society through productive intolerance.'” In a 2007 commencement speech, he encouraged students to “be more intolerant” and attacked the “secular Taliban” for promoting inclusivity.

Friess doesn’t just have to rely on his own wealth to wage his campaign to run Wyoming. Trump has Fox News and Sinclair Media, but Friess invested in his own media outlet.

In 2010, he quietly contributed $3.5 million to the conservative, Tucker Carlson-founded Daily Caller news site, which has positively covered his campaign with articles that read as press releases, “exclusive” first looks at Friess campaign ads, and headlines like, “Republican Wyoming Gubernatorial Candidate Foster Friess Surges to First in Polls.”

Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2018 12:42 am
Trump just endorsed an anti-contraception billionaire GOP megadonor for Wyoming governor
Foster Friess has encouraged students to "be more intolerant."

Oh great, all the US needs - another POS in high office.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:19 am
One of the reasons why I could never live in Wyoming. Although the beauty of the mountains calls to me, there are better states with mountains to live in.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2018 06:28 am
Billionaire Foster Friess defeated in Wyoming gubernatorial race despite last-minute Trump endorsement; Sen. Barrasso trounces wealthy challenger
Gregg Re By Gregg Re | Fox News

Foster Friess, who put more than $2 million of his own money into his campaign, lost Tuesday in his bid to be the GOP gubernatorial nominee in Wyoming. (AP)

Wyoming state treasurer Mark Gordon won a fiercely contested GOP primary to replace term-limited Republican Gov. Matt Mead on Tuesday, prevailing over a billionaire businessman who received the last-minute endorsement of President Trump.

Foster Friess, the GOP megadonor who Trump tweeted would be "Strong on Crime, Borders & 2nd Amendment," is a major financial contributer to Christian causes, which analysts had predicted might help him secure Wyoming's religious votes in the race against Gordon and several other candidates.

Trump, who has aggressively campaigned nationally for various state candidates ahead of November's midterm elections, won the state by more than 40 points in the 2016 presidential race. His endorsement has carried significant weight in several primary races this year, helping to oust Rep. Mark Sanford in South Carolina in a stunning upset and keeping Rep. Martha Roby's candidacy alive in Alabama.

Donald J. Trump

To the incredible people of the Great State of Wyoming: Go VOTE TODAY for Foster Friess - He will be a fantastic Governor! Strong on Crime, Borders & 2nd Amendment. Loves our Military & our Vets. He has my complete and total Endorsement!

10:56 AM - Aug 21, 2018
27K people are talking about this

But it wasn't enough on Tuesday, as vote tallies showed Friess trailing Gordon by more than six percentage points with virtually all precincts reporting.

It was Wyoming's most contested governor's race since 2010, when Mead beat six others in the Republican primary, and was reported to be one of the most expensive ever conducted in state history. Friess put more than $2 million of his own money into the campaign.

Wyoming Republican gubernatorial candidate Foster Friess on his campaign for governor in Wyoming.
Gordon, having served two terms, was the only Republican running with significant experience in government or elected office. The 61-year-old ranches near Buffalo, Wyoming, and served on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

He will face state Rep. Mary Throne, who won the Democratic primary Tuesday, in the general election. Wyoming is among the reddest states, and Gordon is favored to win the general election and become governor.

Gordon is finishing his first full term as treasurer, a job to which he was appointed in 2012.
Meanwhile, Sen. John Barrasso, a vocal supporter of President Trump, fended off a well-funded challenger in Wyoming's Republican primary Tuesday, soundly defeating Jackson Hole business investor Dave Dodson by more than thirty percentage points.

Dodson, who had tapped at least $1 million of his own funds in the race, had advocated for term limits and more action to bring down health care costs.

Barrasso for years has been one of the most outspoken advocates of repealing President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, an effort that fell just short of passing in the Senate last year.

Barrasso has served in the Senate since June 2007, when he was appointed following the death of Craig Thomas. Barrasso then won a special election in 2008 to complete Thomas' term.

Dodson sharply criticized Barrasso for taking corporate PAC money, though much of his own individual contributions — and Barrasso's — come from out of state.

There were three lesser-known candidates trying to win the Republican Senate race and in an unusual move, one of them bailed from the race Monday afternoon.

Wilson businessman Gary Trauner ran unopposed for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate.

Elsewhere in Wyoming, incumbent Liz Cheney won the Republican nomination for the state's lone seat in the U.S. House. Cheney beat two other Republicans in Tuesday's primary: Blake Stanley of Cheyenne and Rod Miller of Buford.

Stanley and Miller both characterized themselves as blue-collar conservatives and ran low-key campaigns.

Cheney is the elder daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2018 07:58 am
Cheney is the elder daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Oh great, Hitler's offspring runs for office.
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