The continual conversation over abortion isn't something you can actually sway public opinion about. In fact YOU AGREE ABORTION SHOULD HAPPEN AS IT'S SAFE, LEGAL AND RARE. So, for all of your posturing about ONE aspect, you negate the REAL ISSUE, the attack on women's health. It seems you don't read any of the supporting articles or when you did, called it propaganda. Again, you side sweep any type of civil discourse, and go straight into how we, the posters on this thread, don't have the "right" opinions about abortion.
It's time you stop thinking on one plane and expand your thoughts into a wider spectrum on how to solve some of these issues.
The fact that insurance companies can effectively stop payment for women's services such as cervical cancer screenings and mammograms solely because those services are offered by an abortion provider escapes your attention.
The fact that States can and will allow a pharmacist to not fill a legally prescribed medicine escapes your attention.
The fact that millions of un- and under insured women have lost access to affordable healthcare escapes your attention.
The fact that employers are allowed to discriminate against women by withholding certain healthcare benefits from them escapes your attention.
The fact that men only commissions decide legislative policies about women's health issues escapes your attention.
These aren't propaganda issues. They're issues that affect almost every American woman, real live, tax paying, law abiding, voting citizens, whether or not they agree or disagree on abortion.