Reply Tue 23 Jun, 2020 08:55 pm
Looks like Bowman in NY16, despite the endorsements of ever-popular Hillary Clinton, Schumer, and some other hated establishment democrat.

AOC beats the establishment stooges rounded up by pelosi.

Looks like another Bernie-backed progressive — a middle school principal — might go up against Mitch McConnell.

Looks like that change that’s been coming far too long is showing up.

Great night for progressives.
Reply Tue 23 Jun, 2020 09:02 pm

Radical progressives toppled that Democrat who drove the impeachment of Mr. Trump??

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Jun, 2020 10:42 pm
Well said.

Edit: i didn't see Nimh's post was 3 months old. Still relevant though.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Jun, 2020 11:11 pm
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez triumphs over her Wall Street-backed Democratic primary opponent Michelle Caruso-Cabrera and all but secures a second term
[email protected] (Eliza Relman)
1 hr ago

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has all but secured a second term representing her deep blue House seat after winning her Democratic primary by a significant margin on Tuesday. The final numbers from Tuesday's primary won't be known for at least several days, due to this year's large number of absentee ballots. But, thus far, Ocasio-Cortez won nearly 73% of the vote, according to Decision Desk HQ.

While Ocasio-Cortez's reelection was expected, she faced an expensive and contentious primary race. The 30-year-old incumbent faced her toughest challenge from former CNBC correspondent Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, a former Republican who accused Ocasio-Cortez of being out of touch with her district. [and who received massive funding from Wall Street]

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 07:26 am
I think AOC is the future and I embrace the future.
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 01:06 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I think AOC is the future

All 12 years of it? Laughing Laughing Laughing
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 01:18 pm
Don't worry snowflake, we'll get rid of Trump soon enough.
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 01:22 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
...we'll get rid of Trump soon enough.

So you have invented a time machine and we're going back to some point in 1945 where the creation of the hideous monster will be prevented.
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 01:26 pm
Maybe you would like to take a seat for a while. Sure it looks one way right now, but a huge number of absentee ballots are still not counted.
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 01:30 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Don't worry snowflake, we'll get rid of Trump soon enough.

You might have to burn every major city to do that. I know it does not matter that it is done legally.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 03:01 pm
Naw, but civil and criminal courts and bankruptcy is close enough for me. I am a man of modest, attainable dreams.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 03:05 pm
OAC's primary is in the bag. And I have nooooo problems with it. We need her and more like her. We need people with the vision thing. We need to be challenged and made uncomfortable, it makes us grow, it makes us open our minds. It helps us figure out where the boundaries really are.
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 03:40 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
We need to be challenged and made uncomfortable, it makes us grow, it makes us open our minds.

Laughing Laughing Laughing You are all of one mind and it is intolerant and completely closed. As far uncomfortable, miserable is a better more accurate description.

Here is who we need.

Stunning upset: 24-year-old 'constitutional conservative' wins GOP nomination for Mark Meadows' seat
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 03:46 pm
Oh my God!!! The truth, vote it out of sight immediately Shocked .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 05:29 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I wasn't impressed with her at the beginning like everyone else, but, it seems to me that she has only grown and gotten more knowledgeable with real issues than when she first started. She don't seem or sound like some of the third party people. More like Bernie Sanders.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 05:31 pm
She's learning and I don't think she'll sell out.
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 05:32 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Me either.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2020 06:09 pm
Sturgis wrote:

Maybe you would like to take a seat for a while. Sure it looks one way right now, but a huge number of absentee ballots are still not counted.

Nah. I’m good.
She won.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Jun, 2020 10:51 am
Jamaal Bowman Declares Victory Over 16-Term Rep. Eliot Engel

Another year, another congressional heavyweight from New York City who is on the verge of falling to a primary challenge from the left. In 2018, it was nine-term Rep. Joe Crowley, the House Democratic Caucus chair—considered by many to be next in line to be speaker of the House—who was unseated by a democratic socialist bartender, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in a district that spanned the Bronx and Queens. This time, it’s 16-term Rep. Eliot Engel (D), the chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, in a neighboring Bronx district that extends into suburban Westchester County. Tens of thousands of absentee ballots still remain to be counted, and the race is not likely to be called for days. But Engel’s opponent, 44-year-old former middle school principal Jamaal Bowman, declared victory on Wednesday morning after election-day returns gave him a commanding 27-point advantage over the incumbent.

Bowman, who was recruited to run by Justice Democrats and backed by the group’s most distinguished alumnus—Ocasio-Cortez—started off as a long shot with little name recognition, but fought his way up in the polls with a relentless campaign focused on racial and environmental justice. Although Engel has espoused support for a Green New Deal and Medicare for All—policies that in plenty of places might put him in the good graces of progressive activists—Bowman painted his opponent as corporate-funded and out of touch, hammering Engel for his ties to Wall Street and his at-times hawkish views on foreign policy. (Engel voted for the Iraq War.) Bowman was dubbed “the next AOC” by CNN, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, but he was a political force in his own right, with an energetic and personable campaigning style that highlighted his opponent’s dusty longevity:

While Bowman surged in the spring, Engel faltered. When the district became the early epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, a reporter from the Atlantic found the representative at his home…in suburban Maryland. Then, at a press conference on police brutality earlier this month, Engel was caught on a hot mic asking a fellow politician for speaking time. “If I didn’t have a primary, I wouldn’t care,” he said. Bowman called Engel’s comment “painful to watch” and said it was time for “new leadership.”

As the race heated up, it became a proxy battle between competing coalitions within the Democratic Party. Engel was endorsed by both of the state’s Democratic senators, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Westchester County’s own Hillary Clinton.

But the left wing of the party is increasingly seizing power in the state. Although Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign faltered nationally, the New York metro area has been a major bright spot. In 2018, just a few months after Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning victory, progressive challengers backed by the Working Families Party knocked off seven incumbent state senators, mostly in New York City. Some of those newly elected insurgents went on to back the WFP-endorsed Bowman (as did Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren). When Bowman spoke on Tuesday, he was introduced by Alessandra Biaggi, a Bronx state senator who defeated an incumbent in 2018 and who flipped her endorsement from Engel to Bowman late in the race. (Because New York politics is an adventure, Engel actually first got elected to the House by defeating Biaggi’s grandfather, Rep. Mario Biaggi, in a 1988 primary.) Barring a miracle with absentee ballots, it’s a fittingly symbolic bookend to Engel’s electoral career.

And Bowman may not be the only big win for insurgent Democrats in the New York area. Just up the Hudson, another Ocasio-Cortez–backed candidate, Mondaire Jones, was leading in the primary to replace the retiring Rep. Nita Lowey (whom Jones had initially been running against). That race has yet to be called. Further down-ballot, Democratic Socialist–backed candidates were threatening to win state legislative districts in Brooklyn and Queens.

Back in May, National Journal published a piece heralding “The end of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s revolution.” She crushed a well-funded primary opponent on Tuesday—so much for that. The revolution, if anything, looks like it’s still going strong.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Jun, 2020 12:16 pm
I gotta say this progressive wave has legs in local communities. I’m a member of several collaborative teacher groups on Facebook; one is my state’s group for activist teachers agitating for rights (no union in my state, yet), and a few are running for office following Bernie’s grassroots model.

It’s wonderful to see teachers lining up behind each other with money, signatures, and door knocking.

Looks like change is here.


Eyes are on giving pelosi the boot and replacing her with a great progressive, Shahid Buttar.

Jamaal is an outspoken ass-kicking unrepentant progressive who’s gonna shake **** up. I haven’t listened quite as much to Charles Booker, but I’ll try to remedy that today.


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