Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 04:39 pm
When Joe Biden gets called in for a grilling by Billy Barr, he'll just say he can' t remember anything about anything.

They CAN'T pin a perjury rap on him. He's telling the truth.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 05:18 pm
MSNBC's Chris Hayes warned that coronavirus could kill 50 percent of America’s population.

The now-deleted, original tweet quoted Hayes saying, “There is no option to just let everyone go back out and go back to normal if a pandemic rages across the country and kills 50% of the population.”

Mediaite reported that the original, incorrect tweet received “over 2,000 likes 700 retweets” before the network deleted it.

It would have been 2 million "likes" if they hadn't taken it down, I bet. Cheese-eaters love that ****!

We're all gunna die, I tells ya!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 06:20 pm
It just aint quite workin out for Joe and the fake news, eh?

60 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of coronavirus: Gallup poll

President Trump's approval numbers are as high as they've ever been throughout his presidency as he deals with the coronavirus outbreak, according to the latest Gallup poll.

The poll shows 60 percent of Americans approve of the president's handling of his actions to combat the virus.

That includes 94 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Independents, while just 27 percent of Democrats approve of the president's handling of the outbreak.

3 out of 4 cheese-eaters "disapprove," eh? Well, now, aint that special?
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 07:54 pm
It's hard to understand the strange combination of hapless Joe Biden's lame efforts to seize some limelight and appear relevant, together with the ongoing effort of Pelosi & company to "avoid wasting this crisis" and delay much needed emergency legislation to squeeze some irrelevant elements of their Green New Deal into a serious and urgently needed effort to address the most serious combined public health and economic dilemma we have faced in many decades.

Doesn't "ole Joe" have any competent advisors who might guide him in this campaign?
How - after the failed illegal monitoring of the Trump Campaign and Administration, the failed Mueller investigation and an obviously mean spirited Impeachment notable only for its lack of substance - can the Democrat establishment believe that more of the same visceral hatred and opposition will do them any good?

No one is that stupid. There must be some other explanation.
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 08:28 pm
Yeah, George, it is hard for any decent, rational person to understand. But despite all their self-proclaimed moral superiority and "concern" for the common man, the Dem party is not about that at all. It's a pretense for a power grab.

Their strategy seems to work because they don't really try to appeal to "everyman." They are devoted to, and promote, tribalism, and promise every tribe something they want for themselves--to hell with everyone else.

Each tribe thinks they are going to get special privileges from the Dems, so they vote for them. But they're just ******* themselves. The Dems will only make token gestures while using their power to enrich themselves and their friends.

It's not just the Dems, politicians are, almost to a man, motivated by ambition, greed, and self-interest. Of course they have to lie about their real interests, so they do, glibly and routinely. Republicans are just more practical about getting votes. The things they want to achieve actually do help most people, even if that's not their (Repubs) main motivation to begin with.

The whole "walk-away" movement against the Dems is growing more all the time. The Dems deceptive promises have turned out to be so obvious, upon reflection, that many of "their own" are turning on them.

They're no longer as eager to accept pie in the sky in return for their vote, and are looking toward more practical and realistic solutions, I think.

We'll see. My money is on a Trump landslide this November, but I've lost bets before, so...
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Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 09:00 pm
How...can the Democrat establishment believe that more of the same visceral hatred and opposition will do them any good?

I guess this was your real question. Human nature being what it is, hate is a powerful motivating force. The haters actually begin to think that their hate is damaging the objects of their hate, without realizing it's only hurting themselves.

Trump haters are so enslaved by their own emotions that they can't even fathom the possibility that others don't share their hate. They are convinced that everyone will hate Trump if only they are informed of the "fact" that he is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler.

The way they figure it, their only failing is in not getting the message out forcefully enough. They just need to double down with their cheap shots, slander, misrepresentations, and, well, HATE. Then people will "truly understand."

Good luck with that, haters.

Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 09:36 pm
Trump is not a phony-ass "politician" who is pandering to what he believes is the most popular opinion. He has been saying the same things, consistently, for over 30 years, just as a private citizen.

As it turns out, his opinions are "popular" among voters. He's not an ideologue at all. Many of his inclinations and policies are what used to be called "liberal."

Sure, he may be an attention-loving egomaniac who boasts a lot, and who can be "abrasive." People don't care about that. They loved Muhammad Ali despite all that. They liked his forthrightness, his sincerity, his courage, and his refusal to cater to "popular demand."

Trump has lost a lot of money because of taking office. He still gives his entire salary to charity. He doesn't need the money, and people realize that. He's not in it for the money, so he can't be bought. He's free to speak his mind and tell anyone who wants to **** with him to go to hell. People get the message that he is just trying to do what he thinks is right (whether they agree with it, or not), and has the courage of his convictions.

Trump has "street cred." Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and that whole crowd don't. Certainly not with the average citizen.

He reminds me of Harry Truman in many ways.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 12:29 am
Forget politics. Majority of Republicans, Democrats now agree coronavirus is 'serious threat'
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Seven in 10 Americans now consider the coronavirus pandemic to be “a serious threat to me and my family,” according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll that shows how wide, bipartisan segments of the country feel their lives have been turned upside down by the health crisis.

The March 18-24 poll, released on Tuesday, found that 68% of U.S. adults agreed that the virus was a serious existential threat, up 14 percentage points from a similar poll that ran last week. This includes majorities of Democrats and Republicans, whites, minorities, young, old, urban, suburban and rural residents.

The findings reveal how the United States, which for years has been sharply divided politically over almost every major issue, has come together on at least one topic. Just last week, 63% of Democrats and 49% of Republicans said they considered the coronavirus to be a personal threat; now 76% of Democrats and 63% of Republicans feel the same way.

Americans continue to be divided over their trust in President Donald Trump and the federal government’s efforts to control the spread of coronavirus, however.

Fifty-three percent of Americans say they think the federal government is doing a good job responding to the outbreak, which is up 3 points from last week. Another 41% said they do not think the government is doing a good job.

Trump’s overall approval numbers did rise slightly to 44% over the past few weeks, but at 4% it was a modest rise for a president confronting a national crisis. Former President George W. Bush’s approval rating shot up by 39 points to 90% in the days following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to Gallup polling service.
... ... ...
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 01:13 am
Posted by a Burnie Boy:

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 03:27 am
The haters actually begin to think that their hate is damaging the objects of their hate, without realizing it's only hurting themselves.

I think the main stream media provides a good example of this. The MSM is highly partisan and extremely biased. The zealous partisans who they attract as viewers don't see this at all. They think the MSM is simply providing the "truth."

But in the world outside their bubble, the MSM has greatly damaged its credibility, and hence lost what was once a virtual strangle hold on shaping public opinion. Fewer and fewer people trust them. It is clear that they are not neutral or objective. They have in fact devolved into the propaganda wing of the Dem party. They always have been that, to a large degree, but they never made it quite so obvious before Trump came along.

They are NOT helping themselves or their cause, but they just can't see it. The hate is just too strong for them to make an objective assessment and evaluate their mistakes. Sure, some of their journalists realize it, but they're in no position to change things. The company owners and their top management make those decisions, not them.

Its like they no longer understand what the game is, the rules of the game, or how to keep score. They convince themselves that they are somehow winning when they're actually losing, BIGTIME.

Trump has confronted them, head-on, and they're not used to that at all. The typical politician is fearful of arousing the ire of the press, knowing that they can, and will, be "destroyed" by the press in most cases if they do. Trump is actually much better at the game than they, the supposed experts, are. He constantly induces them to take the bait and over-react to any criticism. He sets them up to make predictable errors. Basically, he plays them like a fiddle.

He welcomes, rather than shys away from, the confrontation and the opportunities it gives him to expose their follies. He's winning the battle.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 04:01 am
WTF is Bernie Sanders doing? I mean seriously, he’s planning to debate Biden again in April? Why?
He could go down in history as a visionary fighter who forced the Democratic Party to embrace liberal values. But it seems instead he’s choosing to be remembered as some hair brained kook with delusions of grandeur. And in the bargain help the orange maggot’s chances.
Really, anybody, wtf is Bernie really doing?
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 04:13 am
He’s being the president.
Biden’s not going to make it.
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 05:57 am
Lash wrote:

He’s being the president.
Biden’s not going to make it.

He’s being a spoiler who’s been mathematically eliminated and is hanging on for his poor ego’s sake, and nothing else. At least he has the excuse of desperately trying to stay in the limelight. The behavior of people like you encouraging it is just insane.
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 06:01 am
Funny you should say that. I have been reading George Bryon, his life and poetry for two days. He was a lot deeper than what I always thought.
As a high school student, I fell under the spell of that genre of poetry and tried to write in that style. I later burned it all, prudently, as I could now be blackmailed if anyone were to find copies. But Byron definitely is an interesting guy. I've always been envious of his rather fortunate talents and life circumstances.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 06:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Trump’s overall approval numbers did rise slightly to 44% over the past few weeks, but at 4% it was a modest rise for a president confronting a national crisis. Former President George W. Bush’s approval rating shot up by 39 points to 90% in the days following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks,

I've been thinking of this bizarre upwards blip in Trump's approval rating. It's coincident with his shift from "It will magically disappear" to "Holy **** this is serious!" so one might posit some small percentage of citizens thought he was finally getting his act together. But the Bush example suggests another factor or reason.

I think, in the face of emerging catastrophe, citizens place their hopes and trust in a leader-figure because they don't really have a better option, psychologically.

I suspect that after the first 20 days and nights of unending rainfall with rivers overflowing and floods everywhere that God's approval numbers would be on an upward trend because what else are you going to want to think regarding where He's taking things?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 06:20 am
People like you who are pushing the shell of Joe Biden into a job he can't even pronounce is criminal. He's DONE.

Only Bernie Sanders is stepping up and meeting this critical moment in American history.

Where is Joe? Did you see his last attempt at speaking publicly? If not, you're about to. We'll discuss it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 06:28 am

Must have teleprompter.

Trump plays this 24/7 during the general if Democrats are stupid enough to let that happen.

The man wants to preside over the most pivotal time in America's / the world's history and he can't hold his own thoughts in his head long enough to say them.

When given a teleprompter and realizing it's broken, he doesn't have the presence of mind to just speak straight to the American people.

He cannot have the job.

Bernie doesn't need a teleprompter--he KNOWS what we need to do.
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 06:42 am
My president.

Bernie ******* Sanders, ladies and gentlemen.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 06:44 am
You Bernouts can’t even acknowledge that Saint Bernie was mathematically eliminated in the primaries, and you’re blathering about who is or isn’t coherent.

Your shining Saint is trying to live out his political fantasy and you’re cheering the destructive delusion and pathetically repeating trump talking points about how diminished Joe Biden is.

Bernie’s “campaign” at this point amounts to some stinking vomit in the road. It will have to be endured for a few more months evidently, but then it will be stepped over and forgotten.
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 06:57 am

You Bernouts can’t even acknowledge that Saint Bernie was mathematically eliminated in the primaries, and you’re blathering about who is or isn’t coherent.
Some primaries were held during a quarantine. I think we're going to have to have a do-over PLUS, I'm not sure Biden will make it to the election. He can't speak coherently. In a time of pandemic and challenged voting procedures, things may not appear as they seem. I think we'll challenge those votes. Why did exit interviews not match votes? Hmmm
Your shining Saint is trying to live out his political fantasy and you’re cheering the destructive delusion and pathetically repeating trump talking points about how diminished Joe Biden is.
It's the fervent hope of most Americans--to be treated like human beings by the government they fund and own. This virus is proving----once again----that everything Bernie said was CORRECT. It's sort of hard for you Hillary Cultists to see it all proven by the most devastating public health event in modern history--and watch Bernie lead through it contrasting to your cynical anti-semitic assholes. You people are helping our case. Thank you.

Bernie’s “campaign” at this point amounts to some stinking vomit in the road. It will have to be endured for a few more months evidently, but then it will be stepped over and forgotten.
Just like a Hillary Cultist--lead with hate. Suits you so perfectly. Bernie's policies save people. It is crystal clear for anyone whose vision isn't blacked out by hate.

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