Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 07:28 am
Bad man that I am, I have said since the 2016 campaign that Sanders only became a Democrat so he could run for the White House.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 07:33 am
Shame on you, too.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 07:43 am
I hope he realizes clearly that he made a mistake. He’s been cheated and maligned by the DNC twice now. We had four years to put together a system run by honest people—we’d never try to close polling places so people can’t vote. We should’ve tried harder to rid ourselves of the corrupt DNC establishment segment in our midst.

It was a mistake.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 07:46 am
Teachers are Bernie’s most reliable voters and donors. The corrupt leader Weingarten is a Clinton crony. The union members didn’t get to vote. Weingarten just claims allegiance to the corporate candidate with no authority.

This is how establishment Dems, their mouthpieces, and their paymasters do business.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 07:55 am

Take a look at this convoluted language avoiding admitting that the teachers for Biden

The NEA’s board of directors chose Biden following a recommendation from the organization’s political action committee board, following months of surveying the organization’s 3 million members and multiple presidential candidate forums held around the country.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 07:56 am
Lash wrote:

I hope he realizes clearly that he made a mistake. He’s been cheated and maligned by the DNC twice now. We had four years to put together a system run by honest people—we’d never try to close polling places so people can’t vote. We should’ve tried harder to rid ourselves of the corrupt DNC establishment segment in our midst.

It was a mistake.

I notice you didn’t answer the question posed; why he affiliated with one and not the other.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:01 am
snood wrote:

Lash wrote:

I hope he realizes clearly that he made a mistake. He’s been cheated and maligned by the DNC twice now. We had four years to put together a system run by honest people—we’d never try to close polling places so people can’t vote. We should’ve tried harder to rid ourselves of the corrupt DNC establishment segment in our midst.

It was a mistake.

I notice you didn’t answer the question posed; why he affiliated with one and not the other.

Politifact says:

Bernie Sanders is called many things: independent, progressive, socialist, democratic socialist, social democrat, communist, Intrepid, the Vermont Bonecrusher, etc.

But what about just plain, old "Democrat"?

"Bernie is a Democrat ‘some days,’ " California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who supports Hillary Clinton, tweeted glibly on Feb. 3.

Responding to Boxer’s criticism during that night’s town hall in New Hampshire, Sanders said, "Of course I am a Democrat and running for the Democratic nomination."

Despite this certainty, Sanders seems uncommitted to being committed to the party. His Senate website and press materials continue to label him as an "independent" while his campaign website lists him as a "Democratic candidate." In his home state of Vermont, there is no party registration.

So can Sanders accurately claim to be unaffiliated with a political party while still running for the Democratic nomination and sometimes calling himself a Democrat?

It may seem oxymoronic, but yes, he can.

The 40-year outsider

Sanders’ electoral history places him firmly in the independent camp, but also shows that he has been gradually moving away from the far left.

Between 1972 and 1976, Sanders was the nominee of the anti-capitalist, anti-war Liberty Union Party of Vermont in two Senate and two gubernatorial elections in Vermont. He lost all four races and resigned from the party in 1977, calling it "sad and tragic," according to Greg Guma, author of The People's Republic: Vermont and the Sanders Revolution.

In 1981, Sanders made an independent bid for mayor of Burlington as a self-described socialist. He won by 10 votes over the city’s Democratic mayor and two other independents, and went on to win three more terms.

Democrats and leftists disagree on where Sanders’ political allegiances were during this decade.

Liberty Union Party co-founder Peter Diamondstone doesn’t buy Sanders’ claims to independence. He told the Daily Caller that Sanders "became a full-time Democrat" in 1984, when he campaigned for Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale.

Yet Sanders continued to fight with the party locally and his "goal was the destroy Democrats," Maurice Mahoney, the head of Burlington’s Democratic Party in the 1980s, told Politico. He also mounted independent challenges against Democrats, including Vermont’s first female Democratic governor in 1984, and reiterated that he had no party affiliation.

"I am not now, nor have I ever been, a liberal Democrat," he said in a 1985 New England Monthly profile, according to Politico.

"Socialist is the political and economic philosophy I hold, not a party I run under," he explained in 1988, when he unsuccessfully ran for Congress.

Partly in the club

Running for Congress as an independent in 1989, Sanders penned an op-ed in the New York Times calling the two parties "tweedle-dee" and "tweedle-dum." After he won a seat in the House of Representatives, he continued to hold the Democratic Party at a rhetorical arm's length even as he moved closer to them.

After calling it "ideologically bankrupt," Sanders lobbied for admission into the Democratic caucus for practical reasons (getting coveted committee assignments, mustering votes for bills), according to news reports from his first year in Congress. But party leaders wouldn’t let him join as he refused to become a Democrat.

So in 1991, Sanders along with four liberal Democrats founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus and he became its chairman. During his second year in office, Sanders continued to agitate and criticize Democrats, lumping them in with Republicans and call both parties’ tax proposals "grossly inadequate."

At some point, Sanders began to win the goodwill of Democratic leadership, all the while refusing to join the party.

A month before he was re-elected to a third term in 1994, House Democrats blessed his claim for a leadership role on one of his committees. Sanders had no Democratic challenger that year, and a spokesperson for his Republican opponent called Sanders "an adjunct to the Democratic Party" according to the Washington Post.

The party backed Sanders’ 1996 re-election bid over one of their own. Burlington lawyer and Democrat Jack Long, after being informed that the party was committed to Sanders, told the Washington Post that he felt like he was "caught in a Kafka play." Sanders wouldn’t have another Democratic opponent until 2004.

By 1997, Sanders was still not a member of the House Democratic Caucus nor a Democrat. But he voted with the party more often than the average Democrat (95 percent of the time opposed to 80 percent). Keeping good to their promise, Democratic leadership gave Sanders a subcommittee chairmanship over a freshman Democrat.

When he ran for the Senate a decade later in 2006, still as an independent, the party worked to stop Democratic candidates from running against him, and he was endorsed by numerous state and national Democrats.

You are what you say you are

In his 2016 presidential bid, Sanders seems to oscillate between labeling himself as a Democrat and being an independent. But that’s neither inaccurate nor particularly unusual, experts said.

Unlike elsewhere in the world, joining the two major parties isn’t contingent upon membership fees or an application process. Party leaders also don’t have the power to say someone isn’t a Democrat or a Republican.

So political affiliation in the United States is a matter of self-identification, in both the governing system and the party organizations, experts said. That allows Sanders and other elected officials to be flexible.

For example, Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter switched from Republican to Democrat in office in 2009, while Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman became an "Independent Democrat" after losing the Democratic primary, pointed out Daniel Holt, an assistant historian in the Senate Historical Office.

"There is nothing official to mark their party membership," Holt said.

"So it certainly does happen that candidates switch into and out of independent status, and I suppose they're called by whatever party they're running as at the time," said Marjorie Hershey, a professor of political science at Indiana University who specializes in political parties.

Sanders listed the Democratic Party as his party affiliation in his statement of candidacy. At the start of his campaign, he still seemed uncomfortable self-identifying as a Democrat.

When asked if he would officially join the party on April 30, 2015, when he announced his candidacy, Sanders said, "No, I am an independent who is going to be working with the —" cutting himself off mid-sentence.

In November, Sanders announced that he was full-fledged Democrat and declared as a Democrat in New Hampshire. But, as we previously noted, he’s still calling himself an independent in some cases, so it’s unclear how committed Sanders is to any label. The Sanders campaign did not get back to us.

Experts said it probably doesn't matter to his candidacy.

"The freedom of association part of the First Amendment protects political parties. If they want to nominate a non-member, they can do that," said Richard Winger, an expert on ballot access.

Winger pointed out several instances of a party nominating a non-member: 1872 when the Democratic Party chose Republican Horace Greeley; in 1864 when the Republican Party chose Democrat Andrew Johnson; and in 1952 when the Republican Party picked independent Dwight Eisenhower (who promptly changed his party registration).

Robert Wigton, a political science professor at Eckerd College who wrote The Parties in Court, said he’d call Sanders an independent for now, given how little the senator has said on the topic. But as he gets closer to the nomination, he’ll make the switch and "probably try to shed that ‘socialist label’ if he gets close to a general election ballot."

One thing is clear: Sanders isn’t enthusiastic about being part of the Democratic club, or any club for that matter.

"He was never really a party guy," Guma, the author of the book on Sanders’ legacy in Vermont, told the Daily Beast. "His career was to be a voice and a candidate."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:23 am
Lash wrote:

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:24 am

Blue No Matter Who Is A Con
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:25 am
Lash wrote:
Why can’t you look at both critically?

I'm guessing it *may* have something to do with the messenger....

0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:26 am
I see Miss Trump is My President and the Republicans are My Party is up to her usual tricks.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:28 am
I heard that The Young Turks won't recognize the signed authorization cards of the union that is trying to form.

From Bernie's website: "Under Bernie’s plan, when a majority of workers in a bargaining unit sign valid authorization cards to join a union, they will have a union."

Those progressive leaders....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:30 am
It seems like the wave of activist progressives has started to get old. The infighting just seems so trivial in light of much bigger issues we are facing right now.

I don't know how the debate tonight with Bernie and Biden will go. Bernie will more than likely talk the most and he will push Joe Biden on issues such as his past vote of the Iraq war and other such votes Biden has taken. His debate plan will be to try to get Biden off his stride by getting him on the defensive.

What Biden should do is own up to it, explain it but keep it short. Keep Bernie on the defensive about how Bernie has not adequately explained how he is going to pay for all of his programs he plans to initiate, list them all, not just Medicare for All, but everything Bernie wants to do.

It will be a weird set up in any event. Not sure how it is going to be set up.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:32 am
maporsche wrote:

Lash wrote:


This speaks volumes about what Centrists are about. Another major schism between progressives who are giving of their time and money to make the world a better place for poorer Americans, and specimens like MyPorsche and anti-semites who can’t really articulate why they hate Bernie, racists who can’t articulate why they don’t care if 50% of black children under 6 can go to the doctor when they’re sick or eat healthy food because it’s unaffordable. They can’t say why they’d vote for a walking vegetable.

Because you hate people.

They don’t deserve healthcare.
They don’t deserve healthy food.
They don’t deserve a future—let them drown, burn to death, starve under the climate change apocalypse.

You don’t mind going down with them —as long as they die.

Yay, centrism.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:32 am
Lash wrote:

Can I confess something?

One of the primary reasons that I came back to A2K after Super Tuesday was to catch up and read your posts from New Hampshire's election leading up to the weekend before Super Tuesday and then to see your reaction to it.

I was NOT let down. It was one of the more enjoyable parts of my week. I enjoyed it after last weeks #BernieBeatDown and I'll enjoy it again in a couple days after the next #BidenBlowout.

Please never stop posting here. I adore you.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:33 am
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:34 am
Lash wrote:

Because you hate people.

I hate *some* people (not really 'hate' - that's too strong). Entirely based on their interactions with me or to me. Never anything more.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:36 am
revelette3 wrote:
I don't know how the debate tonight with Bernie and Biden will go.

Don't worry Rev. It won't change anything.

Bernie will say the same stuff he's said for the last 40 years and he'll be just as ineffective as ever.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:38 am
Lash wrote:
You don’t mind going down with them —as long as they die.

Do you think anyone actually takes you seriously?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 08:40 am
He’s been cheated and maligned by the DNC twice now.

I don't know about the DNC but he's obviously been cheated twice by the voters. Maybe we should get rid of the primaries and simply determine the candidate by who gets the largest number of small donations. (And repeat donations count.)

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