I believe you may be conflating cause and effect and seriously prejudging the intentions of the various actors in the political dramas you are addressing in your two posts above.
Many (not all) conservatives resist government-managed programs designed for a presumed social good, simply because they dread the permanent expansion of government rule in areas from which it isn't likely ever to retreat; and the loss of individual freedom and individual responsibility that often results from them. (there are many examples out there indicating the creation of lasting, and enervating, dependencies on the part of the populations targeted for the "benefit" of such programs. Indeed from single parent welfare programs to student loan subsidies, unintended side effects appear in the long term to overwhelm the intended benefits for which they were designed. It isn't only the greed and the fear of political opposition Which you identified as their main motivators) that actually motivates many conservatives on these issues..
Similarly the benevolence of often wealthy progressives isn't all simply an expression of personal concern for others (there are numerous ways in which individual people, and civic organizations of them, can address problems of poverty and inadequate education). For prosperous Liberals among us, the act of supporting government taxation and welfare programs isn't all charity and brotherly love. A good deal of it appears to involve a desire to placate unfortunates simply to keep them out of their own neighborhoods (which are protected by exceedingly high property values and community associations from the intrusion of the unwashed beneficiaries of the programs they advocate.. In the SF Bay area, Marin county, to the north, and the foothills of the peninsula around San Mateo to the South, are fiercely Liberal in their voting and policy preferences, but can readily be seen as utterly devoid of "people of color" (in the current vernacular.) when one walks or drives through their well-tended streets and enclaves.
I'm not suggesting that the motives you cite are completely absent or in error. Rather that the situation on the part of both political partisans and the so called "beneficiaries" of government programs - and indeed the effectiveness of such programs in achieving their intended aims - is a good deal more complex than you acknowledge.