Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 09:15 am
My principal shared a racist anecdote yesterday in a meeting. I should've said something, but I kept my mouth shut. I looked around, gauging who else felt the same way, who tittered weak laughter in approval.

What you just said is racist.

People buy **** for groceries because it is filling and cheap, and because they may not be informed enough to know how bad it is for them. All the information most of us are drenched in is in large part owing to our upbringings, being strong readers, and having the energy to seek out that type of information.

People who live in a state of trauma don't have this luxury. To blame them for trying to survive on top of all the other **** they experience is deplorable. You're disgusting.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 09:25 am
You were also dumb enough to believe that Tyler Durden was a guy in that story.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 09:58 am
I'm thinking the election should be postponed, all election events.
Absolutely not!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 09:59 am
The assertion that allowing a lot of poorer families to die off is merely the lack of charitable instinct is the primary divide between progressives and Centrists.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 09:59 am
What you just said is racist.

No it isn't. Your assumption that I'm speaking exclusively about non-white people is what's "racist".

If this country wanted, it could make sure that nutritious food was available everywhere and people wouldn't have to survive on products hawked by the dairy and beef lobbies. And there are even examples of fast-food purveyors redesigning their crappy offerings to be healthier, or at least providing healthier options. I'm well aware of the "food deserts" that characterize many communities. I don't blame poor people for this situation. I blame the sugar lobby, the Department of Agriculture, and (what else) capitalism.

You're disgusting.

You are such a lovely person.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 10:22 am
If you've wondered how it came to be that various religious ideologues previously in stark opposition to each other have united to forward right wing political ideology and did so coincident with and in concert with others, eg Libertarians of the John Birch/Koch variety...

Rick Perlstein
· Mar 13
Bernie fans citing my Goldwater book, note: crucial catalyst for right actually SEIZING POWER was the doctrine of "co-belligerency": allying with folks you'd previously considered enemies (like fundamentalist Protestants with Catholics and Mormons, once denounced as heretics).

And there's a reason Rick has used upper case here.

Edit: Two months ago, I was actually very depressed. It looked to me highly likely that Trump would win re-election and that would mean the movement Perlstein writes about would have permanently (for all practical purposes) seized power. That was why, at the time, I wrote that America was on the very edge of a catastrophe and the only thing I could imagine that might alter this course was a catastrophe.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 10:23 am
I knew you'd try to use that dodge.
Here's who you're attacking:

Quick facts

$22,314In 2010, the poverty threshold was $22,314 for a family of four.
15.1%15.1 percent— just over 46 million Americans— were officially in poverty in 2010. This is an increase from 12.5 percent in 2007.

27.4%Among racial and ethnic groups, African Americans had the highest poverty rate, 27.4 percent, followed by Hispanics at 26.6 percent and whites at 9.9 percent.

45.8% 45.8 percent of young black children (under age 6) live in poverty, compared to 14.5 percent of white children.

28.0%In 2011, 28.0 percent of workers earned poverty-level wages ($11.06 or less an hour).

18-25 Workers earning poverty-level wages are disproportionately female, black, Hispanic, or between the ages of 18 and 25.

1.8x The United States spends less on social programs (16.2 percent of GDP) than similarly developed countries (21.3 percent of GDP), has a relative poverty rate (the share of the population living on less than half of median household income) 1.8 times higher than those peer nations, and has a child poverty rate more than twice as high.
And, like your compatriots in the GOP, you ran straight to blame of downtrodden rather than looking clearly at the problem and helping find a solution. Typical.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 10:26 am
Yes it is.

It's why we're 'purists' for who's actually going to push M4A and while you people say it can't be done, it should be done incrementally, maybe the existing murderous barbarism place-holding for M4A would be ok.

PRECISELY what divides Centrists and progressives.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 10:43 am
Here's who you're attacking:

You're the only person "attacking" anyone.

What I said was that it would be incorrect to characterize the habits and behavior of USAmericans as being suicidal. You're the one who immediately assumed I was speaking of the underclass. For christ's sake, obesity is rampant in our population. Have you looked at your president lately?

I happen to live in a poor state. The county next to mine is the poorest region of the state. I also live in the whitest, oldest state in the USA. Your statistics reflect averages across the country but in my state they'd skew heavily white. And old.
Brand X
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 12:18 pm

Molly Nagle
· 40m
NEW: @JoeBiden's campaign confirms that he has reviewed @ewarren’s bankruptcy plan closely, and is endorsing her proposal, as he said in his IL town hall.

That's a significant shift, as the proposal would largely undo the 2005 bankruptcy bill the two clashed over in Congress.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 12:38 pm
This morning in Los Angeles

To deal with the virus spread, buy weapons. When in lines, maintain adequate space between yourself and others. Or mingle. Your choice.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 12:42 pm
Molly Nagle
· 1h
NEW: @JoeBiden's campaign confirms that he has reviewed @ewarren’s bankruptcy plan closely, and is endorsing her proposal, as he said in his IL town hall.

That's a significant shift, as the proposal would largely undo the 2005 bankruptcy bill the two clashed over in Congress.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 12:51 pm
I reject your pathetic straw man. You attacked poor people for buying the wrong food when that's all they can afford.

Black children make up an obscene percentage of poor people.

Why blame them??
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 01:08 pm
revelette3 wrote:
I'm thinking the election should be postponed, all election events.

That would require changing federal law.

Is there any reason why people can't vote absentee?

If for some reason the election can't be held on election day, federal law says that state legislatures choose who their state's delegates go to. Or at least, federal law said that in 2000.

During the 2000 election debacle where Gore kept trying to cheat his way to victory, the Florida legislature misread that statute as meaning that they were supposed to step in. And they held a special session that awarded Florida's delegates to Bush.

They were wrong of course. That provision is for when the election isn't held at all, not for when there is a dispute over counting the votes, so their special session was legally meaningless.

But anyway, federal law mandates the election be held on that specific day, and provides an alternative way of deciding the election if people are unable to vote on that day.

That gets back to my question: Is there any reason why people can't vote absentee?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 01:09 pm
@Brand X,
Brand X wrote:
It depends on how well the mitigation is working, northern Italy has been deciding who's going to live and who's going to die for over a week because medical facilities/equipment supplies were overwhelmed. The scary thing is their healthcare system is as modern as ours. So there is a point where all systems will fail if the curve isn't flattened enough.

The US has fewer hospital beds per capita than Italy does.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 01:25 pm
You attacked poor people for buying the wrong food when that's all they can afford.

I said it would be wrong to accuse people who have unhealthy habits (your stupid president among them) of intentionally killing themselves. And that it is wrong to accuse the ruling class of intentionally killing people.

Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 01:27 pm
You're wrong.
The elite class is intentionally blocking poorer Americans from having healthcare based on medical needs--preferring to base their care on how much money they have.

It's murder. They know it. I know it. You know it.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 01:31 pm
Because most Americans can't go to a hospital.

A hospitalization is akin to a month-long European vacation--a luxury most Americans can't afford.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 01:46 pm
I see it more as institutional inertia and the longstanding GOP and libertarian opposition to federal programs in general — except those designed to shore up banks and large corporations. The GOP fears any government program which directly helps people because once people become dependent on government aid and believe that the government is responsive to their needs they're more likely to vote for the Democrats, who'll likely (gasp) raise their taxes and regulate their businesses. This tension has been a characteristic of our political system for a very long time, reaching back to the era of Reconstruction and possibly even before.

Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 01:49 pm
What you didn't talk about is why Democrats help Republicans in that endeavor.

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