Brand X
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 05:25 pm
Michael Tracey
OK... update. Joe Biden won the Washington primary. If Bernie can't win in the Pacific Northwest, there's virtually nowhere he can win enough to make up the delegate deficit. Primary's over. (Again, barring some truly extreme intervening event, which is not impossible)
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 05:31 pm
I suppose you think Trump’s mind is sharp as a tack.

I think Trump's mind is as tacky as a sharpie.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 05:35 pm
the economic system that gave us Trump

That's putting way too much of a causal burden on economics. If it were true, we'd have had nothing but an unending series of Trumps since, I don't know, forever?
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 05:36 pm
@Brand X,
@mtracey wrote:
OK... update. Joe Biden won the Washington primary. If Bernie can't win in the Pacific Northwest, there's virtually nowhere he can win enough to make up the delegate deficit. Primary's over. (Again, barring some truly extreme intervening event, which is not impossible)

Sanders can set himself up to be the only possible fallback choice if Biden's mind completely goes a couple months from now.

Plus, it's not like Biden is worthy of any respect. Even if he does eventually win the race, why should anyone show him enough respect to actually concede to him? Just draw the primaries out as much as possible, then mount legal challenges, then walk away without acknowledging his victory.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 05:46 pm
Olivier5 wrote:
The exact quote is:
Asking people to do two things--get rid of Trump, and get rid of the economic system that gave us Trump--was too much to do.

If it is too difficult to elect a Democrat who will both "change the system" and "defeat the Republican candidate", then it will always be too difficult elect a Democrat who will change the system.

The Republicans plan to put forward candidates in future presidential elections too.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:09 pm
Hunter Biden slammed by judge for 'duplicitous' bid to delay paternity proceedings

Judge Meyer concluded: "The defendant's deposition on March 11-12, 2020 shall not be continued or delayed. The proposed further delay in the defendant's deposition, the discovery disagreements, the requests for continuance, and the duplicitous requests for protective orders all seem to point to a pattern of difficulty in this matter which only serves to underline the serious need for a hearing in this matter."

Nice try, Hunter-boy. The jig is up.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:18 pm
Either way - and I'm sure you're all caught up on your child support, what does that have to do with anything? Nice mud ball, dude.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:20 pm
@Brand X,
Thumbs up for you, thumbs down for Bernie!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:22 pm
Jebus crisp, two thumbs up for you from me in three days? Unprecedented!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:23 pm
Jebus I gave you a thumbs up. Its time to sign off.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:34 pm
Moore wrote:
Asking people to do two things—get rid of Trump, and get rid of the economic system that gave us Trump—was too much to do.

What if Sanders had made his pitch a bit differently; "We're going to get rid of Trump and then we're going to begin to get rid of the economic system that gave us Trump." That wouldn't be too much to do. But it's too much to ask.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:36 pm
How many people contributing here on A2K, of any age, have this individual's intelligence, wisdom and humility? If self-identified 'progressives' are to have any viable and valuable future, it is with people like her and Elizabeth Warren.

AOC on no Warren endorsement: "I come from the lens of an organizer, and if someone doesn’t do what you want, you don’t blame them — you ask why. And you don’t demand that answer of that person — you reflect. And that reflection is where you can grow.”
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:40 pm
Maggie Haberman
Kushner has been working with Stephen Miller on drafting the speech, per two people briefed.

Are they really going to go with "dirty, filthy germ and virus infested immigrants"? Dog-whistle variety or outright bigotry? Would they be so stupid? So evil? I confess that I don't know.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 06:44 pm
This tweet
Martin Kleppmann Flag of European Union
· Mar 9
In 1665, the University of Cambridge temporarily closed due to the bubonic plague. Isaac Newton had to work from home, and he used this time to develop calculus and the theory of gravity.

...gains this response, from a teacher
Adam Kotsko
As they say: no pressure.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 07:03 pm
This may be the first time I've ever given you a thumbs up.

I don't plan to make a habit of it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 07:04 pm
blatham wrote:
How many people contributing here on A2K, of any age, have this individual's intelligence, wisdom and humility?

LOL! Come on now. Be serious.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 07:58 pm
oralloy wrote:
LOL! Come on now. Be serious.

The amazing thing is that he IS serious.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 09:15 pm

Progressive heroine.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2020 01:46 am
Note that Warren didn't fly either, so here goes your advice. No, I think the people just got fooled by the 'system' into being oh-so-scared of any significant change. You included. And now of course you have buyer's remorse and you wish that Sanders' ideas would somehow stick, right after you gave them the boot in the ballot box...

It's a missed opportunity. Washington will remain fucked up for the foreseeable future. Even if Biden wins, it's not going to change much. You'd have one less corrupt madman at the top, but many more waiting for their turn in the shadows.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2020 01:54 am
blatham wrote:

the economic system that gave us Trump

That's putting way too much of a causal burden on economics. If it were true, we'd have had nothing but an unending series of Trumps since, I don't know, forever?

Like Bush, you mean?

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