“A less petty, self-absorbed person would look at a devastating, embarrassing election defeat and thank her former primary opponent who, based on the record, went to extraordinary lengths to support her,” said Jonathan Tasini, the author of "The Essential Bernie Sanders and His Vision for America" and a national surrogate for Sanders in 2016. “Bernie, as he often does, sidestepped engaging in this nonsense, choosing to focus on the important matters at hand, mainly impeachment. Bottom line is that the more Hillary Clinton speaks, the less people care what she says and devalues her own role so I think it will have close to zero impact on the race.”
If anything, the bomb thrown by Clinton had a galvanizing effect: Sanders’ grassroots supporters posted images of receipts of their donations to him on social media Tuesday, and the hashtag #ILikeBernie trended on Twitter.
While the Sanders campaign is attempting to maintain restraint in the wake of Clinton’s recent interview, though, the operation has in recent weeks shown the strain of a disorganized team that has struggled to stay on the same page with the candidate himself.
An episode on Monday illustrated the dynamic: David Sirota, Sanders’ speechwriter, shared an op-ed with supporters via email titled “‘Middle Class’ Joe Biden has a corruption problem — it makes him a weak candidate,” which was written by Sanders surrogate Zephyr Teachout.
But when asked about the opinion piece on MSNBC, Sanders’ national press secretary Briahna Joy Gray said that “if someone wants to describe that as corrupt, that is up to them.”
Later in the day, Sanders apologized: “It is absolutely not my view that Joe Biden is corrupt in any way. And I’m sorry that that op-ed appeared.”
WackaMole Hillary pops up her lying head; we send money.
Bernie just popped up to #1 in NH & several other states. Rolling in dough.
She still dares to repeat her sexist, racist, classist Bernie Bro lie—loosely borrowed from her sexist, racist Obama Boy lie.
She is a vile, disgusting POS, and her disdain and smears of Bernie are earning millions for us.