I had not seen this before.
I find it
very disturbing, but then I always knew he was an imperfect vessel.
The Chinese are very sensitive to public criticism (See NBA fiasco) so I suppose it's possible that he may be keeping a low profile on Hong Kong so as to not create an impediment to a desperately desired trade deal, but I have my doubts. Again...I don't like it; at all.
I'm quite sure I would not have given Barrack Obama as much latitude as I am prepared to give Donald Trump, but then I rarely supported the former on policy matters (foreign and domestic) and I often do so with the latter.
Trump is clearly not a Neo-Con which should please those who equated the ilk with demons from the 5th circle of Hell (All the while not having a clue as to what a
Neo-Con is) and he's very committed to
America First in a literal sense, and so if he is willing to put the American economy in a position above the freedom of the people of Hong Kong, it's neither surprising nor inconsistent.
He understands as too many Americans do not that China, not Russia, Iran or Turkey et al is America's most critical foe. I couldn't care less whether or not he talks about having a "beautiful relationship" with Ji or whatever other empty praise he heaps on dictators and despots and I find that those who insist that he is seriously obsequies with them are intellectually dishonest because they also insist that every other utterance from his lips is a lie.
China (as it is ruled today) will never be content with sharing the world with the US. It wants it
all. I don't understand the thinking that drives power-mad despots like Ji, Sadam, Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc, but I don't doubt for a second that they exist and are enemies of humanity.
All the bullshit we have heard about
Russia Russia Russia obfuscates the danger of China. Russia is a tick, China is a tiger.
We'll see what happens (with Trump) should the Chinese very violently crackdown on Hong Kong, but if he shrugs it off, I won't be voting for Warren.