Pete is seen as more friendly to silicon valley, less harsh than Warren's 'break up ' aspirations.
The Boston Globe reports that in the last month, Bernie 2020 has seen “higher poll numbers and more momentum than he had before” — a boost of strong polling numbers, unprecedented crowds, and big endorsements. And that momentum continues with this week’s endorsement from the nation’s largest nurses union and with the release of Bernie’s new ad slamming Trump’s corruption.
To know that this momentum has the corporate class freaked out about the ascendance of a working-class movement, take a look at the political headlines of the last week — specifically, the headlines about potential last-minute presidential candidacies from those at the most elite echelons of the corporate world.
It is not some random coincidence that corporate titans are suddenly being talked about as candidates — the news and chatter are a direct response to the Bernie Surge.
First, there was the trial balloon of billionaire Michael Bloomberg — whose candidacy is reportedly backed by fellow billionaires Jeff Bezos and Leon Cooperman. Bloomberg opposes making billionaires pay their fair share of taxes and has fought efforts to better regulate Wall Street. As New York mayor, Bloomberg oversaw rising economic inequality, tried to send poor people out of the city, and unleashed a stop-and-frisk campaign while boasting about using the city police department as “my own army.”
There are also new reports that Eric Holder may jump into the race. He was the architect of the so-called “too big to jail” doctrine that made sure bankers were not prosecuted after the financial crisis. After that, he returned to his corporate law firm, whose website says he specializes in “white collar defense.”
And most recently, there are reports of a candidacy by Deval Patrick. He is currently an executive at private equity giant Bain Capital. He previously served as a top executive at oil giant Texaco, where he helped the fossil fuel colossus merge with Chevron. According to a detailed Huffington Post report, Patrick also became a “foreclosure mogul” at Ameriquest, where he “helped a Republican billionaire rip off the middle class.”
Again, these potential candidacies haven’t been floated randomly. They come at precisely the moment when Bernie’s campaign is surging.
Bernie 2020 campaign manager Faiz Shakir had this to say about all the news:
Sanders CM
@fshakir responds to D. Patrick's potential candidacy: "We welcome anyone who wants to jump in. But this is a democracy, and ultimately, the success of a campaign will be determined not by your elite fundraising team but by your ability to attract grassroots
November 11th 2019
103 Retweets473
On the campaign trail, Bernie has been even more blunt:
“We say to Michael Bloomberg and other billionaires: Sorry, you ain’t going to buy this election.”
Bern after reading,
@Real Music,
Thank you, I noticed you have a new thread up concerning the swing states polls.
I honestly prefer Biden not to win. Of course, if it comes down to it, I'll vote for him. But I don't understand how he comes out ahead of the others in this democrat primary race. I'm not even sure he could hold his own against Trump of all people in a debate if it last very long.
rev, Biden does have a proven record of successful debating. That said, I do believe he is past his prime and has quit a few problems in the speaking arena. I believe that is what you are referring too?
Breitbart.com headline
Hillary Clinton: I’m Facing ‘Enormous Pressure’ to Enter 2020 Race — I Want to ‘Retire’ Trump
Damnit, there's that nagging feeling again.............
Quote:Breitbart.com headline
Hillary Clinton: I’m Facing ‘Enormous Pressure’ to Enter 2020 Race — I Want to ‘Retire’ Trump
Those voices in her head are getting louder because no one has asked her to run, she would lose again.
How do you separate his "open" sexuality from his "open" marriage?
What other reason is there for his failure to run away with this thing that will require social
Schizophrenia has its benefits.
@Finn dAbuzz,
Doesn't an "open marriage" mean you sleep with other people who are not your spouse?
It's the same sort of nonsense that declared everyone who didn't support Obama to be a racist.
I couldn't care less about his sexual orientation. It's the fact that he is a McKinsey drone.
In my career, I was a senior executive in an industry that, unfortunately, made great use of McKinsey to come up with creative programs to screw employees and deceive shareholders. Their CEO could have been Mephistopheles. There is virtually nothing they will not do for their seven-figure fees. My opposition to their being hired led to my finding a position elsewhere once.
It is a mercenary consultant group that attracts very bright, articulate, and amoral folks like Mayor Pete and then trains them how to lie and be duplicitous for large salaries. It's a great training ground for politicians. I'm surprised they never recruited Obama. It is exactly the sort of organization that blatham and others here should loathe. Believe me, if Pete didn't fit the McKinsey model he wouldn't have lasted 6 months there.
Yeah. It means Pete and his husband have boyfriends.
Quote:Breitbart.com headline
Hillary Clinton: I’m Facing ‘Enormous Pressure’ to Enter 2020 Race — I Want to ‘Retire’ Trump
Now, let's all put on our Acme Thinking Caps and try real hard to figure out why
Breitbart would be pushing this bullshit.
Ummm... Errrrmmm... Hmmm....
I can’t think’a nuthin!!
Breitbart must just be trying to tell true news!
BBC said the same thing. I just grabbed one of three headlines.
Just read that. She added
Quote:"But as of this moment, sitting here in this studio talking to you, that is absolutely not in my plans."
It's click-bait. Plus, she's emerged in Brit news this week for her utterly justified criticism of scumbag Johnson's delay on release of a report on Russian meddling in Brit politics.
But if anyone would care to wager on whether Hillary will toss her hat in here, I'm eager. A hundred bucks?
Hillary is hoping for the Dems call on her to break a fifth round tie at the Convention to save the party
I know she is playing people. I just don't know what she hopes to accomplish unless as Bill says, it's to make sure folks know she is available to be drafted. She's likely delusional enough to still hold on to the notion it's her turn.
Wager now at $250 for any takers.