hightor wrote:The thumb-down scourge appears! God forbid anyone should express a non-conforming opinion.
I tend to thumb up people who argue politely and have been thumbed down (even if I strongly disagree with their arguments).
I do not do this with name-callers though.
So for example, when someone thumbs down Edgar and Lash, I thumb them back up. But when someone thumbs down name-callers like you and snood, I just leave the posts as I find them.
I of course tend to thumb up all conservative posts automatically. Conservatives just naturally make better arguments than progressives.
There is only one person whose posts I thumb down with any regularly. That person just plain sucks, and is a negative force on a2k. I don't automatically thumb down every one of his posts, but I bet I thumb down more than half of them.
I probably shouldn't name names since I just said that he sucks (name-calling and all). But I'm referring to an overly pompous person who spends all of his time pointing at other people and yelling "Look everyone! I think what that person over there thinks!"